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HOC Guild Events

New Scenario Quest Spoils

Green Thorns

Green thorns are a new resource that is gathered from Bright Green Barrel Cacti and Bright Green Snake Plants.
Planting the green thorns can give you several different results!
If you plant it in...
  •           a dirt patch, it will spawn approximately 100 regs.
  •           a sand patch, it will open an ant hole to a 5th area where there is another egg

                   nest. See Naturalist Quest for more information.

  •           a snowy patch, it will summon an Ice Worm (same graphic as an ice serpent).
  •           a swampy area, it will spawn a Whipping Vine, which has Decorative Vines as loot
  •           a grassy area, it will spawn a Vorpal Bunny
The Vorpal Bunny

The Vorpal Bunny is very tough.  It has been known to survive several EV's and if not killed in time it will burrow into the ground and disappear.
The Vorpal Bunny's loot may
contain 600-700gp, a statue, carrots, gems, crystal balls, scrolls, magic items, and brightly colored eggs.
Naturalist Quest                            
The naturalist quest begins with talking to a naturalist.  I've generally found him in the Britain Library (located north of the True Brit Faction Stronghold). 
Speak to the naturalist by using his context menu.  If you are using the LBR or 3D client you will hear nifty little sounds depending on if you are male or female. 
The naturalist will tell you about his quest to study egg nests and ask if you would like to aid him in his studies.  If you want to accept the quest click the OK button.  If you do not want to accept the quest make sure to check the decline jewel button and then click the OK button. 
After you have accepted the quest you must now find the 4 different solen tunnels  In each one you will find a nest of eggs.  As you approach the nests you will receive a message that you begin studying the nests.  After a few moments you will receive a message that you are writing down your notes based on your studies.  And lastly you will receive a message stating that you have completed your notes and you put them away.  Please note that you must not be interrupted during your studies or you will have to begin again (by interrupt they basically mean don't be attacked).
Once you have studied the 4 locations your Quest Log pops up on your screen.  Return to the naturalist and speak to him again.  He will be greatly pleased with you and give you 'a rare colored seed'.
You may do this as many times as you like.
Obtaining the Fire Seed from the Naturalist Quest
To obtain the Fire Seed from finishing a Naturalist Quest you will need a Green Thorn.  Once you have gathered a green thorn plant it in a sandy patch of ground.  A hole will appear and Solens will pop out.  Dive into this hole quickly to be taken to the 5th secret tunnel.  Study the egg nest found in this hole as one of your 4 nests to study.  When you return to the naturalist he will be very happy about your studies and give you 'a rare fire seed'.
Ambitious Solen Queen Quest
This is a two part quest.  The ambitious solen queen desires to become the Matriarch Solen Queen.  However to do this she must get rid of her competition!
First you must find which tunnel the Ambitious Solen Queen is in.  Once you find her use her context menu to talk to her.  She will solicit you to help her in her goal to become the Matriarch Solen Queen.  She will ask you to defeat 5 other Solen Queens.  These queens are her competition and must die!
So off you go.  Search the other solen tunnels until you find a regular Solen Queen.  Kill 5 of these queens and then return to the ambitious solen queen.  It is very helpful to mark these locations.  Though the tunnels move from time to time, I have found that if you run around the general area of your rune you'll find the new hole and can remark your rune.  It is definitely a plus to mark outside the ambitious solen queens hole.

Use the ambitious solen queens context menu to speak to her again.  She will be very pleased and if you would kindly go fetch 50 Zoogi Fungus, she would be happy to give you a reward.

If you looted the solens while killing the queen you might have enough...Or perhaps you had the foresight to carry some on you.  If you didn't, don't despair.  There is usually a mushroom grotto nearby that you can harvest mushrooms from or kill the nearby solen workers and warriors to get enough fungi.
Once you have 50 fungi hand them over to the ambitious solen queen and she will reward you with a                                       Bag of Sending and some
Translocation Powder                                           .
You may do this as many times as you like.
Solen Matriarch Quest
The Solen Matriarch Quest brings players to both lands.  You must first decide who to align yourself with.  If you choose to align yourself with the red Solens you will need to go to Felucca to complete your quest.  If you choose black Solens then you will need to go to Trammel to complete your quest.
Once you have decided you will need to drop down into a hole of the Solens you want to align yourself with.  Go to the end of the tunnels until you come to the hole that brings you to the Matriarch.  Drop a seed onto the Matriarch.  Any seed will do it does not need to be special in any way.  Once you have given the Matriarch a seed you can use her context menu to speak to her.  She will be so delighted at the tasty treat you gave her that she will ask you to complete a task for her.
If you choose to complete the task for her you will then need to go to the opposite facet that you are on and locate the Solen Infiltrators. Proceed to kill 7 of the infiltrators and then return to the Solen Matriarch you spoke to before.  Use her context menu and speak to her again.  She will be very pleased and tell you that her water vats are low and need to be filled.  She will request 8 gallons (8 pitchers) of water.  Go to town and purchase water pitchers from a tavern or inn keeper if you do not already have them.  Return to the Matriarch area and find 2 large vats of water in the southern part of the area.  Proceed to empty your water pitchers into the vats.  Once you are done return to the Matriarch and speak to her again.
She will be absolutely delighted again and offer to convert 200 zoogi fungus into 100 translocation powders!!!  If you don't have the fungus...Get it!  Hand it to her and POOF you will have 100 translocation powders in your back pack
You may do this quest as many times as you like.
Ant Lion
Are within the Solen Tunnels.  They are quite tough and a bit sneaky!
The ant lion likes to spit poison at you.  Be cautious as the poison can do a great deal of damage.  If you see it on the ground do not step in it.  It will drop your life very fast.  It can also dig a hole in the ground and dive in to evade you, once it is careful it will soon jump out at you, and trust me this little surprise attack is nothing to laugh about, it just plain hurts! To avoid it from digging you can run out of its range, poison it, or have a high dex animal attacking it.
The loot consists of 100-150gp, gems, 1-10 Colored Ore Pieces (Dull Copper, Shadow, Copper, Gold, or Bronze), 1-5 Fertile Dirt, Bones, and the skeleton of either a Bard, Mage, or a Rogue.
Great thing about these skeletons is that they contain loot too!  Inside you might find clothing, shovel, lock picks, treasure maps (Levels 3-5) and other weird items.
A spell went wrong, creatures changed, blah blah blah and then there were Solens.

As of right now there are 2 groups of Solens and 3 types of Solens in each group.  There are the Red Solens that spawn in Trammel and the Black Solens that spawn in Felucca.  Solens can be found in most of the forest areas.  Occasionally you will find a mass cluster of Solens in one area.  Look for a hole in the ground.  You may be able to drop down into one of the Solen Tunnels, although, not all of the tunnels lead somewhere.

Solen Worker:
This is the weakest of the Solens.  His attack is purely melee.  He doesn't spit poison.  He just sits on you and does consistant damage that adds up eventually. 
          Loot: 80-150gp, Gems, 1-6 Zoogi Fungus, Picnic Basket  (many say it is as rare as an glacial staff)
Solen Warrior:
This puppy is much more dangerous than the worker.  Up close it will pound on your head.  From a distance it will spit poison on you.  After fighting it for a bit its acid sac will burst open causing the solen to stop spitting at you however, poison will spill on the ground around you.  Do not step in this.  It is not nice stuff, it hurts.  After a few moments it will dissipate.  As you continue fighting he may try to spit at you again but with his busted sac it will continue to fall at your watch your life!
          Loot: 250-350gp, Gems, 3-13 Zoogi Fungus, Picnic Basket, Bracelets of Binding

Solen Queens:
This is mom to the solens.  Obviously that means she is one tough ....lady.  Thankfully she only spawns down below deep in the tunnels.  Along with being fast, she hits hard, she spits acid, and she calls her workers and warriors to her aid.  When she calls them to her aid all of the solens that are in the area will attack whatever is attacking her.  She will also lay egg sacks that will hatch after a few seconds and become more workers and warriors.  If you're quick you can destroy the sack with bladed item.
          Loot:  500-800gp, Gems, 5-25 Zoogi Fungus, Crystal Ball of Pet Summoning, Picnic Basket

Solen Infiltrators:
The infiltrators come in each of the above varieties; workers, warriors, and queens, yet they are called Solen Infiltrators.  They aren't very tough.  None of them spit that nasty acid at you.  A mage or tamer can make quick work out of them.  A fighter might take a bit longer but shouldn't have much difficulty.
          Loot:  Seems to be dependent on the form the infiltrator takes. 
Collector's Quest - Elwood McCarrin
This is a very scavenger-like quest and it is very fun!  You will first need to meet with Mr. Elwood Mc Carrin.  You can find him in Haven at the building directly north of the docks.  He is sitting on a stool just waiting for you.  Use the context menu and speak to him.  He will be delighted to see you again after so long.  You were his best supplier......or were you?  Either way he would like you to collect a few items for him. 

The first item is a set of 6 rainbow pearls.  You can easily find these pearls in the lake right out the front door.  You will need a fishing pole.  Fear not, you do not need any fishing skill and if you do not have a fishing pole you can purchase one from one of the two fishermen standing on the docks.  Next set your bottom down on the dock and fish away.  Once you have fished up 6 rainbow pearls return to Elwood and speak to him again. Wow, you've made him happy and he would like to request a few more items from you.
Next Elwood would like to get a portrait of you!  Just in case you become famous some day...  But it can not be just any portrait.  It must be a portrait by Alberta Giacco.  She is the best after all.  You can find Alberta in the Colored Canvas in Vesper.  She is quite busy but once she realizes that you have been sent by Elwood himself she is happy to oblige.  Have a seat on her stool and wait 30 seconds for her to paint.  Once she is completed she will tell you that she will deliver the painting to Elwood when the paint is dry.  Return to Elwood and tell him the good news.
Elwood is very pleased!  In fact he has two more tasks for you!  He is an avid fan of the great musician Gabriel Piete and would love to have an autograph!  Would you please go get it?  Gabriel can be found in the Conservatory of Music in Britain.  He is sitting upstairs just waiting for you.  Speak to him.  He will be so busy, but he will give you an autograph.  However, he will only autograph a piece of his sheet music.
Gabriel's most recent concerts were in the theatres of Nujelm, Jhelom, and Britain.  Visit one of these theatres and talk to the npc's in there until one will sell you a sheet of Gabriel's music for 10gp.  If the shop is out try one of the other locations.  Once you have the sheet music return to Gabriel and he will hurriedly give you his autograph.  If you try to speak to him again he will simply ignore you.  Return to Elwood to give him the autograph.
Finding Sheet Music
You may have to go to each and every theatre.  Don't worry there are only three.  If one tells you they are out of stock, try the next one until you get them.  Make sure you have at least 10gp on you
Yeah!  Elwood is excited yet still has one more task for you.  There is a famous toymaker by the name of Tomas O'Neerlan.  Could you possibly go get some toys made for him?  Sure why not, nothing better to do!  You can usually find Tomas hanging out in the Tinker's Guild of Trinsic.  So off you go.
Speak to Tomas about some toys.  He would love to make you some toys.  However he will need pictures of the monsters he is going to create toys out of before he can make them.  He hands you some enchanted paints and asks you to go collect the images of 4 different monsters.  The enchanted paints will only work on the 4 monsters he selects though.  Oh goody!  You get to roam the lands and risk your life to fetch these images.  When you come to one of the monsters you need, double click the paints and target the monster you want to paint.

The monsters you might need to find include:
Monster Felucca/Trammel Ilshenar
Betrayer Not Available Central Ilshenar
Bog Thing & Boglings Any swampy area Any swampy area
Gazer Forests, Level 1 Covetous Level 1 Sorcerer's Dungeon
Giant Beetle Tame: Anywhere; Wild: Solen Tunnels  
Giant Black Widow Trinsic-Delucia Passage Spiders Dungeon
Giant Scorpion Any desert area Any desert area
Juggernaut Not Available Central Ilshenar
Jukas:Mage/Warrior Wrong Dungeon Central Ilshenar, City of Mistas
Liche Covetous, Deceit, Wind, Lich Forest Sorcerer's/Wisp Dungeon, Central Ilshenar 
Meers: Mage/Warrior Not Available Lakeshire
Mongbat Forests Justice Shrine area
Mummy Level 1 Deceit Ankh Dungeon, Sorcerer's Dungeon
Pixie Not Available North of Spirituality Shrine
Plague Beast Any swampy area Any swampy area
Sand Vortex Any desert area Any desert area
Stone Gargoyle Desert in T2A, Hythloth Chaos Shrine Area
Swamp Dragon Tame: Anywhere; Wild: Any swampy area City of Mistas (Must kill dragoon first)
Wisp Forests, Jungles Wisp Dungeon
After you have painted all 4 images return to Tomas and he will have them made and sent to Elwood.  Which of course means you get to run back to Elwood and tell him the good news.  You do get to keep the paintings after the quest.

The good news're done!  Once you've spoken to Elwood he will reward you with a bag that contains some gold, a magic hammer pick, and a piece of an obsidian statue.  (With 10 pieces of obsidian you can make a bust)

You may complete this quest as many times as you'd like.
Hag's Quest - Grizelda the Hag
 Grizelda the is she a grouch!  You will find this grumpy old witch in the forests south of Yew in a ruined house.  Speak to the hag and she will tell you about her apprentice that was out gathering ingredients but has not returned.  She will ask you to go find her apprentice. 

To the west of the Hag's house lies the road between Skara Brae and Yew.  Follow it carefully toward Yew's graveyard and search for any sign of the Hag's apprentice along the road.
Sounds simple enough.  As you walk, and I do mean walk or you might miss your body, along you may see a charred body.  Quick!  Run up to it and double click it before it disappears.  You will also see an imp pop in and steal something then he is off.  Be quick with the body because it disappears just as fast as the imp does sometimes.  Once you have double clicked the body you will find out that it is the body of the Hag's apprentice. 
Return to the Hag and give her the news....she will not be happy.  The Hag will then ask you to find the troublesome imp named Zeefzorpul, but you have no idea where to look.  Perhaps if you go kill a few of his imp buddies they will spill the beans about his location. 
 There are many places to find imps.  I chose the hedge maze.  Even though it said to kill a few, after killing one the lil bugger coughed up all the information I needed as well as a map and a magic flute.  Open the map and it will show you the location of Zeefzorpul.  If you've done T-maps before this should be easy.  If not, dig out that trusty dusty map (or UOAM) and head off to the location.  (The map will not be the same every time, there are many locations this guy likes to hide.)
Now that you are at the location of Zeefzorpul whip out that magic flute and play some tunes.  You will either get a message that says he is not in the area or a message that says he must be hiding near by.  Keep playing until you get the hiding message and then just run around playing until the lil bugger comes out of his hiding spot.
Zeefzorpul isn't too pleased at being drawn out by the magical flute.  He hands you the list of ingredients, that he stole from the apprentice, and then steals the magic flute from you on his way off to never never land.
Return to Grizelda the Hag and talk to her.  She basically says .....great you got the list, but its no good without an apprentice.  Hence, she asks you to gather the ingredients.  There will be 3 ingredients you need to get.  The three will be random each time.  Here is a list of possible ingredients.
          Sheep Livers:  Kill sheep
          Deer Hearts: Kill a hind or great hart
          Lizard Tongues:  Kill a lizardman or lava lizard
          Frog's Legs: Kill a bullfrog
          Spirit Essence: Kill a spirit, a bogle, or a spectre
          Star Chart: Use a spyglass at night (purchased from a shipwright.)
          Chicken Gizzard: Kill a chicken
          Rat Tails: Kill a rat, sewer rat, or giant rat
          Mongbat Wing: Kill a mongbat
          Slime Ooze: Kill a slime
          Swamp Water: Grab a pitcher, find your nearest swamp and scoop up some water
          Rabbit's Foot: Kill a rabbit or a jack rabbit
          Freshly cut red mushroom: Use a dagger on the red mushrooms on the ground
          Bones Buried in Hallowed Ground: Use a shovel to dig up graves
          Captain Blackheart's Whiskey: Wear a tricorne hat and get really drunk until he
                    gives up his whiskey.  Three pitchers should do the trick....not bottles.

Once you have gathered your ingredients return to the Hag.

Grumpily the Hag will admit you were useful and hand you over your reward.  Which is a handsome one at that!
Reward: 30 of each reagent, 2034gp, magic items, treasure map, a cauldron, and a bottle of magical moon fire brew
You may also have the good fortune of receiving Grizelda's Extra Strength Hangover Remedy.  You do not need to have the Captain's Whiskey as one of your ingredients.  Just drink a bottle of ale before speaking to the Hag for the last time.
You may repeat this quest as many times as you like. However, there is a delay of about 10-20 minutes.    But it is just enough time to do the Collector's Quest.
Water Purification Quest

This is one I don't  have complete info on yet.  I know you need a piece of obsidian, the hag's moon fire brew, and a core from the plague beast lord.  You take the items to the solen holes and wander around until you find a strange contraption.  Double click it and it will take the three items from your bag will have helped to purify the solens water and you will gain two dots in sacrifice.   
Anyone who has done this quest and knows more about it please contact me and email me the details at:
Plague Beast Lord
You can find the Plague Beast Lord in swampy areas of both Felucca, Trammel, and Ilshenar.  When you find a plague beast lord paralyze it.  He will freeze up.  This is your chance to do his puzzle for the mutated core.  Use a dagger on its body and it will open up showing you his innards.  If you can finish putting all of the organs in the center recepticles before he dies you will be rewarded for your efforts.
Just a note:  It is very wise to drag the Plague Beast Lord away from other monsters as you will be occupied as well as your screen with his innards.
Items you will need to get the mutated core.
          5-10 bandaids
          A Friend (Optional: helps if one of you operates while the other bandages)
Plague Beast Lord Dissecting Instructions
The basic idea is to fill each of the little bowls around the center with 'brains'.  Obviously you will need to find 4 brains in this mess.  However, there is a time limit.  You must do this before the darn thing dies on you and it is less time than you think.

There are a few steps to try.  Follow these steps in this order.

1. Iron Maiden.  This one is the easiest.  Double click it and
it will open.  If there is a brain in there GREAT.  If not you're
fine move on to the next one.  These do not bleed so there
is on need for bandaids yet.

2. Granite like organs.  These are quick.  Use your scissors
to cut it.  If there is a brain in there GREAT.  If not you will
see a spot of blood.  HURRY apply a bandage.  Don't worry
you don't need healing.  But put the bandaid on and move to
the next item quickly.  If you do not apply the bandage in time
it will bleed to death thus ending your attempt at this core.

3.  Veiny things.  These are not as quick.  First you must cut
the veins surrounding it.  But only cut the ones that are NOT
the same color as the item.  After you have cut the veins it will
take a second or two but it will open up.  If there is a brain in
there GREAT.  If nt you will see a spot of know
what to before it bleeds to death. 

4.  Spongy thing.  Hopefully by now you've gotten your 4 brains. If not...I hope you brought a healthy gland which you can get as loot from regular plague beasts.  Cut open the squarish part of this organ.  It will open and possibly have a deseased gland which is green.  Replace the diseased gland with the healthy gland and your last brain should appear. 

Each time you place a 'brain' into the little bowls you will see this.  Make sure to match the colors correctly.

Once you have placed all of the organs in the receptacle you will get your mutated core.
Use your trusty scissors to cut it out and walla!
Practice the operation!!!
Dodger's Disclaimer: This info was found on another site, ( I figured it would suit us best if I edited and posted it here, If anyone knows of any inconsistencies or mistakes or otherwise, please notify me with changes and I will update it accordingly.



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