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.........................................................................:Alexandria Company

Considered a public relations group more so than a company, Alexandria came to be in the third year of Dynamis' reign. It calls itself the "Peacekeeper", maintaining the image of a mediator. In truth, it has grown quite rapidly. Alexandria spends most of its efforts keeping its eye on Dynamis and rooting out rumors and conspiracies of the day. Most believe it to be a second power to keep Dynamis from securing a dictator role. This knowledge comforts the people, assuring them that they will never suffer because of one, omnipotent organization. It is Alexandria that maintains the balance. The white knight of the planet.

At the top of the ladder sits Scarlet, former head of Weapons Development of Shin-Ra Inc. Few know the Alexandria Company has a single leader, since it makes a very noticable effort to appear as balanced as the order it tries to maintain. These past three years have been filled with masks and hidden purposes, all masquerading as different powers and peacekeepers. Scarlet, however, with her extensive knowledge of how a truly powerful company rules, has estbalished a system all her own. It is unclear how she aquired this position, but another series of rumors state that Hertzfeld Hiedegger himself put her in power. Again, there is no evidence to prove this theory that we know of...

The Alexandria company consists of several branches, ranging from Public Affairs to their infamous Conspiracy Department. Still, they are effective in what they do, eliminating rumors and leaving little or no trace of their existance. However, all that casts light must create a shadow, and Alexandria is no exception. In the last year or so, rebel factions have surfaced and shown no love towards either Dynamis of Alexandria. This required action from Alexandria and the development of another department. Those who have lived to tell of such a department refer to them as "erasers" or, the "reaper squad". Known for their merciless tactics and disturbing accuracy, the Erasers eliminate all "unsightly" threats. The clean-up divisions keep a tight lid on such activites, though the public affairs department has portrayed these rebels has vile beings, known for terrible cruelty and unspeakable crimes. Thus planting a fear of rebels deep within the hearts of the public... But there are some who dare to believe otherwise...

This secret police remains unseen by the public. Citizens of the major cities, such as the rebuild Midgar and Kalm Sector have no knowledge of any such activities. According to them, all is good and well, and Midgar has reached its pinnacle. Still, nothing is what it seems, no matter how real the illusion may be...