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|*| Dynamis
|*| Alexandria
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Peace was not something to be taken lightly. The calming effect the lifestream brought during the restoration would appease the planet's inhabitants for only so long. They craved power, and it was certain that something would give way in the order that was being stacked. Facing people like Sephiroth and Shin-Ra made this point painfully obvious for AVALANCHE members. Holy was summoned, and they did not rest, knowing the people would be in panic until things cooled. However, this took longer than they thought with the natural patterns of the planet out of normalcy. Little could be done to keep the people from rioting and causing more damage, but they never gave up hope. When the terror finally faded, they were able to actually work on projects to keep the world at peace as best they could. Their bases and lookout points were brought into existence, and they continually pan over the planet to mend any mishaps that may occur before they have a chance to happen. To this point, they have done a decent job; they have surprised any Shin-Ra-like societies, and if they were not able to conceal them, they eventually failed to survive in the political systems of the healing world. Only one has slipped through their clenches: Dynamis. They watch it wearily, but with how quickly it has raced to the top, they have found it difficult to break in and dismember their limbs that keep them running. Plots to end their reign before it starts are still being conjured up, but they seem to be in need of more help than they currently have...