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Name: Denree Ramnes (pronunciation Don-ray Ram-knees)

Occupation: Chocobo Breeder, racer and caretaker!

Age: 17
Weapon Type: A small arm cannon called the Tyocoblow that connects to the upper arm with two straps that shoots out grenades shaped like chocobos(it even makes the cute lil 'wark' sound that pops out of real chocobo's beaks). The grenades themselves need at least 3-5 seconds before they explode.

Armor: Iron Bangle

Accessory: Chocobo Feather

Stater Materia: Chocobo Lure

Weapon Materia Slots: Two slots, both vacant.

Armor Materia Slots: One slot equipped with Chocobo Lure.

Height: 5'5"

Birth Date: December 17th

Birthplace: Icicle Inn

Blood Type: A-

Dominant Trait: Dexterity

Secondary Trait: Vitality

Gil: 150

Personality: Denree is a strange young man... While at first glance he seems quite mild mannered and polite, his nerves are extremely frayed and he's actually quite agitated most of the time. This is mostly a result of being raised by the Chocobo Sage whom Denree affectionately calls 'pops'. While he loves the old man for raising and taking care of him, he gets annoyed easily because the old man forgets wayyy to much. One would think Denree would get used to it, but he's not. The old man has never broken his boiling point yet, but he does get extremely tired and quickly turns from being annoyed, to being sarcastic and complacent. He knows it's not the old man's fault he is that way so he takes it with good grace. However, despite the fact that he can be very patient with the old man, he's hardly so with other people and has a tendency to not play nice with the other kiddies.

Denree's only source of relief is in taking care of the chocobos around the area. While the area isn't as abundant in chocobos around the Midgar/Chocobo Farm areas, nor does he have the amazing resources... such as housing and what not for em... he still likes to take care of the wild chocobo's around the iceland like area. The 'Wonderful' Chocobos you see about... oh yah... it's Denree's work. Nothing gives him more pleasure or a bigger smile than taking care of these beloved creatures which in fact calms him down and makes him more relaxed. He is obsessed with the giant yellow(green/blue/black/gold whatever...) birds and actually enjoys their company more than any humanoid. On a minor note he's a perfectionist when it comes to taking care of these bird

The funny thing is, most of Denree's personality is in fact modeled after a chocobos. After working with them for so long he picked up a lot of their qualities, such as freakin out easier and running away from certain situations, to getting really pissed off and ready to beat the crap out of someone who hits him... and then running away. In fact... Denree likes to run away quite a bit since he's not really a big guy.

Denree is Denree though, chocobos aside, he is a naturally timid boy still getting used to his teen years and tends to be rather shy and easily embarrassed (especially with his low contact with the female variety). Once a person gets to know him, they can see that he can be extremely affectionate and somewhat lonesome. He's not exactly very capable at being protective though and at the first sign of danger (meaning what he knows he can't handle) he runs off. Not that he likes abandoning his peers and what not; he just doesn't have the confidence to lend him that kind of emotional support. The only amount of confidence he does get is when he's racing at the Golden Saucer.

Appearance: At first glance the only thing that is ever apparent on Denree is his giant yellowish brownish poncho that he wears on his body. It covers up a good portion of his upper body and only exposes the pair of matching shorts that goes down to his knees and his thin wiry legs. Underneath the poncho is a simple white short sleeve shirt that covers a thin, lanky and wiry young man who has a hard time gaining weight and has the barest of a muscular appearance. He in fact hates his fast metabolism and wishes he could eat more so he can gain more muscle. Denree is more on the pale side since he lives in the colder regions and will more than likely burn than get a tan when entering hotter regions. Because he's so used to the colder climates he also likes to complain about being too hot when entering an area such as Costa Del Sol, though he mumbles more to himself than expresses what he wants to say vocally.

His face is soft and round with some slight hard edges showing his growing into age. Surprisingly thin brown, almost black, eyes sit on his face rather than large adoring eyes, which kind of offset his features and makes him look a slight bit odd. People say that "adult eyes shouldn't be set in a face so young" but he just kind of shrugs it off. The rest of his face includes thin lips, a round nose, and a small smattering of freckles.

Denree has messy, rat infested, curly strawberry blonde hair that no amount of combing will straighten or fix. In fact the only way to get the surly knots out would be too shave his head. He tends to keep it fairly short, but it frizzes up like crazy because of the high altitudes and the cold weather. It's not really that soft and is in fact more wiry and harsh than comfortable. He pretty much has a giant fro when it comes down to it, which he hides (except for the tufts sticking out of the sides) with a big black hat. This isn't an ordinary hat mind you... in fact instead of a brim, it's replaced with a giant plastic fake chocobo beak. It also has two eyes painted onto it with a pair of goggles to go over them. He's not the most fashionable chap...

On his hands are a pair of oversized brown riding gloves that are have an immense strap on the bottom to keep the gloves on. His feet on the other hand are adorned with a pair of large white socks that go to mid calf and a simple pair of laced up, steel toed, brown boots that stop a little above his ankle. The socks also have a single yellow stripe that goes across the top of it horizontally.

Last but not least is a large fat chocobo shaped backpack he keeps on his back. It's actually made with the chocobo down and opens up where the chocobo's beak is.

History: Denree was originally born in the Icicle Inn, so cold weather is a part of his blood whether he likes it or not. The aformentioned and legendary chocobo sage also raised him. The coincidences that surround this strange turn of events are actually quite humble in origin and not much of an elaborate plot of orphanism and pain! In fact Denree was raised pretty normally. Originally what happened was his parents were caught in a snowstorm after returning from a lovely event of snow boarding and fun with Denree in tow. However, it got much too cold for the cold-blooded people and they pretty much got lost. Nearly freezing to death the parents wrapped up poor little Denree in what they could and passed out from the magnanimous weather. Too bad for Denree though as his parents were rescued even though they were all covered in snow. The paramedics didn't realize little Denree was there and left him behind as his parents were taken somewhere to gain warmth back in their bodies and food as well and Denree... luckily for him... was saved by a mountain chocobo... which took him back to a secluded little shack in the mountains. Here Denree was raised by the Chocobo sage who nursed him to health and let him stay comfortably within the confines of his area (As a side note... yes his parents did go out too look for him and when they couldn't find him they declared he was eaten by some rabid snow beast of some kind and vowed revenge upon any creature that would try to hurt anyone again). The chocobo sage did plan on returning him to his parents one day... but his memory was a faded thing and he had forgotten to initially... give him back. So Denree pretty much was the Chocobo Sage's son. Because Denree was saved by a chocobo though, his love for the creature (along with the teachings of the chocobo sage) grew three folds and he sort of gained an obsession for the little tykes. His favorite places to visit (when he gets the chance) are The Icicle Inn and The Golden Saucer where he participates in the chocobo races... and while not the best... does fairly well.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1
Chocobo Dash: Denree amps up pulling his goggles low over his eyes and get the speed of a chocobo and pretty much... runs over his target causing a decent amount of damage.

Chocobo Speed: Denree whistles real quick and a chocobo runs by giving him a fist full of feathers. He throws them up into the air and everyone in his party get's haste.

Level 2
Chuck a bomb: Denree throws a larger than normal chocobo shaped grenade that hits all enemies but does slight damage.

Dance Choco Dance!: Denree pretty much does the chocobo dance which generally cheers his party members up and makes them laugh healing them moderatly.

Level 3
Feathers of doom: Denree throws a chocobo feather up into the air and a flurry of feathers fall down causing the status effects blind and slow.

Stampede of Death: Denree pretty much reaches into his bag and pulls out a crap load of greens and tosses them on an enemy...and a stampede of chocobos come out and pretty much runs the enemy over doing a serious amount of damage.

Level 4
Choco Meteor: Gaining the wisdom of the chocobo is a tough one and Denree has managed to master this one skill... When the birds get pissed, a falling rock falls from the sky and deals some awesomely evil damage. Guess what? Denree does the same thing. Basically Denree stores up energy in his body and in a mad release sends a chocobo meteor down causing massively ugly damage to the person IF they survive.