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|*| Backstory
|*| Setting
|*| Dynamis
|*| Alexandria
|*| Technology
|*| Map

|*| Equipment
|*| Materia
|*| Status
|*| Siphons
|*| The Turks
|*| Bios
|*| Rules
|*| Application
|*| Et Ceteras

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Beware the power that moves the tide. Heed its warnings and take care. I hear it struggle as it strains to speak. Something looms. Our planet screams, yet static drowns her cries. We are summoned to oblivion.

False Armageddon's rage subsides, the planet recollects itself once more, life is slowly restored. As the healing process begins, that which inhabits the sphere threatens to set it up for a second downward spiral. Struggling against those who scar its surface and slit it deep, it has released tumultuous tantrums in hopes of sustaining the only stability it has been able to gather since the strain put on it by Meteor. During the darkening ages, the people need a leader to save them from the chaos. We look to Dynamis, a promising conglomerate who swear to rid remnants of the pre-Meteor world we have grow weary of and to drive us to a new age; They will bring us to Elysium. They provide us with hope, but their claim has yet to be fulfilled. Our planet grows restless, and our live are on the brink. Kismet is at hand.


October 2, 2004:
Slowly, ever so slowly, we are creeping out of our holes. This update is small, and we haven't had much time to fix up some things on the site, but we're getting there. Sadly, all we have to present you with a pathetic new summary featured above, and, a not so sad, new bio. Applications are still welcomed, but beware rebels. You're all too common, and it better come with some Roman candles and a few shells if you want to be accepted. The smart thing to do would be to apply for a different position, but it's up to you. We will be updating on a less sporadic basis as soon as we are able. Send in those applications!