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................................................................................................:World Map

:New Towns:

Fieche Town: Located at the southernmost tip of the Gongaga Area, Fieche town is a medium-sized farming community recently birthed from funding of Dynamis' campaigns. Many Gongaganites reside there, wishing to leave the faulty reactor and the pandemonium and loss they faced at it's malfunction where it rots. With access to both river and sea, the society is steadily expanding and is currently working on a sea port to open ocean routes for trade. With farming and merchants coming in, Fieche Town is the ideal place for traveler's supplies.

Kalm Sector: An extension to the once harmonious village of Kalm, survivors from Midgar have flocked to the nearest living facilities for a new home. Nearly three years have passed since their migration, and they brought their old ways of life to pristine Kalm. Rapidly, they began to add to the town, building their own homes from scraps they were able to salvage from the remains of their crumbling metropolis. Though not as bad as the Sectors Midgar once had, the new arrivals have slummed-down the living style of Kalm immensely. At the rate of things, it will be converted to another version of the world under Midgar's plate in a matter of years.

:Bases and Outposts:

West Outpost: Far out on the tip of the Wutai continent rests West Outpost. One of the three outposts set up by the members of AVALANCHE. Yuffie Kisaragi monitors this area, scanning for just about anything that could be threatening. Few outside AVALANCHE's members know of the outposts, but they must keep them hidden at all costs to maintain safety and peace.

Cosmo Outpost: Under the eye of Red XIII, the lookout area is carved out of one of the gorges in the outer limits of the canyon. A small labyrinth of path ways have been carved out, making room for all supplies that may be needed to contact the rest of AVALANCHE, sleeping quarters, areas to place nutritional and healing items so they won't spoil, and other nessessities.

Junon Outpost: Dangerously close to the city of Junon, this outpost is hidden along the coast line. Barret, Tifa and Vincent all keep watch here. This is the usual meeting spot for AVALANCHE, along with Rocket Town.

May Day: Deep within the ocean, the base May Day sleeps in the crevasses of the sea bed. It is used as an emergency sanctuary for AVALANCHE, but is rarely active. The only way to it is with a special submarine altered from the original Shin-Ra sub the group high-jacked in previous years. With much help from Cid, the vessel has been crafted to go deeper into the sea, able to withstand more pressure and other bonuses like speeding it up and making it more fuel-effecient.

:Dynamis Plants and HQ:

Plant 1: Dynamis has set up three plants to create and harness the power of the Siphons. For the beginning plant, they picked a vicinity in Great Glacier, because most still quaked at the thought of venturing near it. Here is where many of the odd experiments to push Siphons' power higher and higher, and to evolve them, change what they can do, gruesome twisting of their DNA that causes reactions far more nightmare-inducing than that mako did to some of the members of SOLDIER. The outcome of their chemistry can be anything from fusing them will materia to changing them so they are fit to live in unnatural habitats. They are one of the most speedy of plants when it comes to production, for they know their purpose and are quick to get to it.

Plant 2: Beneath Midgar would be the place one may think to look first for any queer things to fester, but there are so few left in the city, and even less with the desire to enter it, that it was an ideal location. Underground on the outskirts of the Midgar Area, they establish many Siphons to not only extract energy from, but to do labor, like building the underground railways for stealthy transportation around the continents where plants are growing. By a long shot, this is the busiest of all the plants, basically building an underground city to house whatever they may need.

Plant 3: Within the ever-shifting Corel Desert, the final plant does its work. Shielded by gnashing sandstorms, it remains out of sight quiet well; It's low to the ground design ensure it does not stick out along any horizon line, as well. Like all the others, this one has an area where the Siphons are generating energy, but that is the main purpose of this one. Almost the entire plant is used to gather the source of power, and that is why their Siphons are nearly all Batter Siphons.

Dynamis Headquarters: While not quite as impressive as the previous Shin-Ra Headquarters, Dynamis has managed to construct a large complex, comprised of three parts. The main building resembles your basic skyscraper with a few helicopter pads extending from various floors, and the roof. There are a total of 40 floors and counting. The other two sections are much smaller and extend twelve floors each, housing various vehicles and soldier work places. The actual grounds extend rather far, covering a good deal of the desert. It seems to be an oasis of sorts, though not easily found. The journey is incredibly difficult with relentless weather. Scorching sand and brutal dust storms make it impossible to reach without a buggy or armored vehicle of some sort. Supposedly, the bulk of the establishment is located underground, like the training facilities and bunkers. This is not much more than a rumor, however.