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Name: Retechi Teneki

Occupation: Assassin

Age: 24
Weapon Type: Knives. Lots and lots of knives. Current Model: Retechi carries around three types of knives with him. The first type, the most durable and impressive of his knives, is a pair of foot-long blades, curved and notched wicked-looking black steel. The second type is a like a smaller version of a spearhead with a small circle at the base to use for throwing, of which he has many. The third type are broad ten-inch blades that interlock to create a fan-like shield for defense.

Armor: Carbon Bangle

Accessory: Amulet

Starter Materia: Poison, All, Sense

Weapon Materia Slots: None

Armor Materia Slots: 1 Double, contains Poison and All, 1 Single, contains Sense

Height: 5’10”

Birth Date: August 15th

Birthplace: Midgar

Blood Type: O Negative

Dominant Trait: Dexterity

Secondary Trait: Luck

Gil: 222

Personality: Retechi is moderately insane, and that's the best way to describe his personality. At times he will seem a grim, calculating, coldly sane individual whose words and glance are enough to intimidate veteran soldiers; and just as often, he could be spinning around with children attached to him, playing with them and laughing with a face as innocent as the ones clinging to him. His 'moods' remain somewhat fluid, though adhere to several tendencies; they don't all crop up completely randomly, but can sprout up 'inappropriately'. In general, he often ranges between stoic killer, reckless innocent, zany loon, insightful watcher, brash warrior, and caring protector. A few constants remain throughout his various aspects, such as his absolute protection and concern for children, his witty sarcasm, his creative tendencies toward his work, his love of fun, and his near-inability to get angry. While Retechi acts random, his actions have a chaotic order to them, most of them having a subconscious aim at -something-, which any long-term acquaintences of his chalk up to his odd streak of luck and coincidence. Regardless, despite the chaos surrounding him, some random purpose gets fulfilled by his breezing presence, whether it's the donation of one hundred gil to a beggar or the timely saving of a drowning child (if he knows this, no one knows, but he usually comes out mostly intact and smiling every time). Nothing in particular happened to him to make him so mentally erratic; it simply manifested in his childhood, worsened in his adolescence and teenage years, and solidifed as a young adult.

Appearance: Retechi's appearance varies almost as much as his personality. Clothing can vary from the simplest of peasant garb to an intricately made, elegant garb of an ancient samurai warrior with adornments of armor and jewelry. He tends toward the colors of grey (steel), red (burgundy), and black (dull), and baggy clothes that let him move around easily, but the style and accessories will vary often. When his face is visible (he has a number of masks he wears), his grey and faintly brown eyes are visible from the mildly pale skin of his face. While his hair varies, too, it generally is a burgundy-red or a dull black that he often wears bundled and short, even though it's grown to shoulder length. His frame is a twinge smaller than "average" for his heighth, well defined by his small percentage of body fat and apt amount of muscle for what he does, though still often hidden by his baggy clothes. Retechi's countenance, stance, and 'aura' also vary with his moods; one often recurrent expression, tone, or seeming is one of calm, though, like a natural clarity that he has (fitting or odd, depending on your views, for his temperaments).

History: Something odd and awry has always surrounded Retechi. The fact that he's even an assassin was a matter of coincidence itself. His existence began in an awkward young soldier in Shin-Ra's employ who fell in love with a waitress. For many years he went unnoticed by the modestly attractive, petite woman, failing to get to her to even ask the question (spilled ketchup, a broken salt shaker, bad eggs, the list goes on) on the rare occasion he worked up the courage to make an attempt. When he finally did succeed, following a water-covered floor, a rare fragrance that induced momentary-fainting spells, and a spot of spilt syrup, he ended up holding her unconscious form and being the first the thing she saw when she awoke. The ensuing match was just as clumsy as his many attempts, but succeeded just as miraculously. After the birth of their first child, he left Shin-Ra and became a humble tailor in Midgar. His whirlwind of luck followed him, nearly leaving him bankrupt after a year of hard work and rewarding him with many wealthy customers that seemed to be in line for his works for the next. It would be this very same luck that ended in the unfortunate accident that claimed the lives of him and his wife, the details of which are so mind boggling and humourous that they shall not be reproduced here. It was this very tragedy, however, that led Retechi to his future (thankfully lessening the humour in his accidents by the sober mark of death).

After the death of his parents, Retechi was sent to the only living relative of the couple; his father's uncle, an eccentric man himself. While his uncle was by no means rich, he had an effective way of always having money that he didn't reveal to his grand-nephew until he was years older that kept him comfortably alive. Fortunately for the pair, Retechi was passed the helpless infant stage and in much less danger of ignorance from the care of his great-uncle. He was a kind and benevolent man (nevermind his appetite for drink and women, not always in that order), but not the sort whose wisdom lay in any maternal direction. Nevertheless, his part-time 'wives' and his odd personality helped shape Retechi's views on life and his future path, and in a positive way. Fending for his own taught him a great amount of independence, and interacting with his great-uncle gave him a great love of humour from an early age. In the middle of the generations in the village his great-uncle lived in, he was most often an 'older brother' to younger children, and kept many sentiments of youth and caretaking eternal in him, while protecting both them and himself from bullies strengthened him in his youth. It was one particular incident where he defended a pathetically weak specimen of a child from a group of three older bullies, warding them by himself, albeit with several bruises and scratches. Retechi's great-uncle offered to teach him and he agreed.

It was clear from the beginning that Retechi had a natural aptitude for the martial arts, even though he didn't understand what, exactly, he was doing some of the time when he first did it. He worked very hard at it, though, juggling it with his other activities in the village and handling the many responsibilities very well coming into his teenager years. The many tasks and burdens given to him were readily accepted and he excelled, mostly well-liked in the village, though distrusted by a few because of his chaotic nature. As the years passed, more and more ills occurred in his great-uncle until he decided to expand the village tavern into an inn, retiring from his former 'occupation'. Explanations were given for the wounds he suffered and delays from his "business trips", but held up thinner and thinner to his grand-nephew. During a cleaning of their house, he came upon his great-uncle as he was muttering to himself and coming out of a wall. Staying out of sight, he listened and watched as he rolled a cloth over the space in the wall and went off into a different part of the house. Eager with curiousity, but patient, he resumed his chores and waited until his great-uncle was gone from the house that night. Examining the wall and pulling apart the cloth, he found that it resembled any other wall in tlhe house; believing it to be a ruse, he searched over the area. Nearly an hour later, after trying many attempts that came to mind and using various implements at hand, he finally slumped against the wall next to it in defeat. The thud of his form against its surface was followed by a click and the moving of the wall. Making his way inside eagerly, several traps were sprung, followed by Retechi using every scrap of dexterity, flexibility, and balance to weave and tumble his way down the stairs. Landing at the bottom of the stairwell with a number of cuts and bruises, the sound of his heavy breathing was interrupted by the singular clap of his great-uncle.

Years later, he was an assassin, working for the same employers his great-uncle once did. Retechi no longer lived in the village, but traveled around the world, preferring a life of wandering to having a singular home, though he checked in at the village, from time to time, giving several fold to those who had given so much to him in his many years there. As an assassin, he had few qualms, taking hits for both 'good' and 'evil' alike. Retechi wasn't of any legendary reputation, and often was known for being quirky and erratic, but usually did his job and did it well. Profits were enough to support him and his craft with plenty left over to give to others. He did not seek nor keep any family, but was more known in poorer areas throughout the world, especially by the children, and had many friends in them that he freely helped. With the advent of Sephiroth, Meteor, and the summoning of Holy, he returned to the villages he knew, helping and protect them in the chaos that ensued. It was during this time of change that numerous friends and what he might have considered family died in the restructuring of the world, leaving him with colder tints to some personalities and stronger, more passionate streaks in others. It was a time to endure for him, and he met it with every scrap of strength and devotion, helping a place and then moving on, unendingly busying himself and devoting his time and energy to others.

When the great plan of Dynamis first came, Retechi saw it as a portent of good in the world. United efforts were being made to help the world and reunite those who had once suffered under the hand of Shin-Ra and the abuses of Mako reactors. He lent his aid to their cause almost immediately, joining their ranks in the first years of the reconstruction. The spirit of cooperation and benevolence was great in those early times, and he aided them in great earnest, happy to see the changes that were being wrought. With the passage of time and the mending of civilization came Alexandria and its mission to police (and promote) Dynamis was one that appealed more and more to his services and nature at the rumour of a few outbursts of corruption within Dynamis. Before he could ever join the organization, however, a message was given to him while staying at an Inn in a poor quarter of a city: rumours of conspiracy and abduction had some measure of veracity to them, or so it said, signed by a good friend of his. Taking leave from his work in Dynamis, he left for there, listening to his senses and the whispers of wind, as his mind saw them. Retechi was unexpectant of the reception that greeted him: several of his friends, both young and old, were missing, and everyone there acted as if they had never existed. No amount of trust, charisma, or diplomacy would crack them; all that was said was that the forest was no longer a place one could safely visit.

A week later, Retechi began searching for the underground rebellions that were rumoured to exist with the intent to join them and end the reign of Dynamis.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1

Blur: Taking some of his strength away from his blows to focus his muscles soley on speed, Retechi increases the rate at which he moves many times over, appearing as a blur to any individual who cannot approach a similar speed. To slower enemies, he is harder to hit and easier to dodge, a flaw exploited more by his ability to strike much more quickly. However, his strikes no longer carry the same power they did, and do substantially less damage. [Note: This works best with an additional effect, such as having poison on his blades.]

Flurry of Knives: When facing against a group of more difficult enemies or a singular opponent with an uncanny knack at evading his attacks, Retechi gives up his focus on the accuracy of every attack and begins filling the air the knives, throwing out 9/10's of however many he is carrying in a relatively short period of time. While any number of the knives may miss, the sheer number of them will inflict decent amounts of damage to a group or give a near certainty to hitting an incredibly evasive target a few times.

Level 2

Mark of Death: Closing out the distractions of the world and his surroundings, Retechi focuses completely upon one enemy, locking his attention around him. Following his movements unwaveringly, he draws out a special throwing knife, larger, longer and serrated. While moving only to dodge and follow his sole target, he centers on the combative capability of his target, studying his movements and protection. After thirty seconds of study, Retechi delivers his blow, striking at his enemy's most vulnerable point in a manner to overcome and pierce (within reason) all defenses of his opponent to deliver the deadly blow. Even if the attack does not kill the target, it delivers a poison attack in addition to the precise hit. (Note: Yes, it does leave him much more vulnerable to the attacks of other enemies, but his ability to dodge his target's attacks is increased.)

Wall of Razors: When pressed by a large presence of enemies and with no option for escape or subterfuge, Retechi resorts to this intimidating and lethal defense to safeguard him. Pulling out a handful of fan-knives and a length of spiked chain, he hooks them to it in an whip of the chain over their outreached pairing-points, snapping it out with the attached blades and spikes. Spinning around, Retechi begins dancing, shifting erratically and staying constantly in motion; the handle of the chain, attached to his wrist-lock and held in his right hand, whipping the chain constantly around him in a moving wall of blades and spikes. While keeping it whipping around him, he can still use his other hand to attack, though at a reduced speed, and attack any enemies that live past the wall or to throw knives at attackers staying outside its reach.

Level 3

Dance of Razors: Improving upon his earlier technique, Retechi has learned how to use the bladed chain as a weapon instead of a defense. Utilizing the same chain, he draws out a larger pull of throwing knives instead of the fan knives, attaching them all with a flick of his wrists. Giving up his ability to make ranged attacks, he switches to using the chain and a shield of fan knives in his other hand for the battle, becoming a whirlwind of bladed death.

Venom Strike: Having become exceptionally skilled at herbology and the extraction and care of toxins taken from monsters, Retechi has created a small amount of a hyper-poisonous concentration of venom. When faced with a foe of formidable stamina and power, he unleashes an attack with the venom. Drawing out a small chain, similar to the one used in Wall of Razors, full of blades polished to a mirror shine, he spins it around in a display to temporarily distract and blind his target. Taking advantage of their moment of weakness, he makes a nigh-unavoidable strike with a specially-prepared throwing knife. Upon impact, the poison races throughout their system in moments, paralyzing everything the poison comes into contact with. If the target is not considerably resilient to toxins, it's heart will stop and the creature will die immediately; otherwise, it can range from total paralysis of its motor functions for a duration to merely slowing down the movements. It also deals an amount of damage commensurate with how effective the toxin is, having damaged and killed as many cells as it paralyzes. [Note: The small amount of poison limits it exclusively to use in the Limit Break.]

Level 4

Rain of Death: Pushed to the final limits of his resources, Retechi unleashes his ultimate attack, leaving devastation in its wake. Activating the mystical energies to the brink of possibility inherent in his martial arts training and his mastery of his body, he increases his attributes to inhuman levels for a very limited time. Using his close-range knives in a spin, he looses himself from nearby combatants and leaps high into the air, often in the direct shadow of the sun or moon. Taking all of his available knives and splintering his fan knives into multiple throwing shards, he douses the air in front of him with poison before covering the area with steel, moving with enough force to dent and rip through stronger materials. When faced with a large number of opponenets, he throws them in a wide array to deliver many powerful physical and poisonous attacks to a huge area of effect; but when using this attack against a small group or a single enemy, the lethal force of this power becomes apparent, as the rain of poisonous steel cuts through flesh more efficiently and deadly than sprays of machinegun fire and with the lasting taint of poison that will kill off anything left alive except for the strongest of opponents.