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|*| Backstory
|*| Setting
|*| Dynamis
|*| Alexandria
|*| Technology
|*| Map

|*| Equipment
|*| Materia
|*| Status
|*| Siphons
|*| The Turks
|*| Bios
|*| Rules
|*| Application
|*| Et Ceteras

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These... are the rules. The WILL be enforced. You are required to read them before applying.

:Rule 1: No Moding

You shall not mode. All moders shall be banned and slaughtered. You must react and feel pain. You are not all-powerful and you can't kill instantly. You are human and you must act accordingly. If you're not human, then at least act mortal. You can not survive being crushed by a boulder and get up without a scratch. You have been warned.

:Rule 2: Obey Thy GMs

What the Game Master says goes, so accept that and don't whine. However, if there is a problem with a decision that you think could be improved, please say so in an e-mail. Please read all notes we have written very carefully so we don't have to correct you.

:Rule 3: On Applications

Upon applying, you must keep in mind that you are human, unless otherwise discussed with a GM. Keep in mind, you're going to have to be pretty darn creative to get away with that. You MUST have a weapon not already held by a current character and you can only use Basic Materia when applying. Chose from the Materia list. We don't accept relatives of the original characters or the undead. Also, try to make your appearance as different from other players as possible. You can have some of their features, but no clones. Keep within the clothing style and have some fun with it. Key word: Creativity.

:Rule 4: Using Materia

We strongly insist that you become familiar with the world of Final Fantasy VII before joining. Since we are not calculating damage and magic with numbers and stats, we're basing this off of common sense. Your materia remains at its initial level until you are cleared to level it up. You can use a magic materia about three times in a battle until it is leveled. Most of the Materia listed can't be obtained until characters have found certain NPCs or completed other tasks/battles.

:Rule 5: Weaponry

Throughout the game, you will be given opportunities to purchase new models of your current weapon, which will be created by the GMs. Until this occurs, you must use whatever weapon you initially equipped. When playing and using your weapon, you must use detail. Prove that you know how to use your weapon and make it plausable. You can not do this: (Uses sword). Your methods should be clear and knowledgable.

:Rule 6: Knowledge

Dynamis and the Alexandria Company are extremely influencial powers. However, any conspiracies that might be floating around... you do NOT know them all. You can not have complete knowledge of any of these powers. They are big and you are small. Treat them as such. You cannot terrorize them easily, since they are well-organized groups. Think, would you run to your nearest Fortune 500 company headquarters and brandish a sword in the lobby? I think not. Keep this in mind.

:Rule 7: Posting

You will be scrupulous. You will be realistic. You will not do one-liners. If you are not willing to write things considerably above fresh-off-the-farm role players who cannot manage more than "Walks in. 'Hello!'" than do not bother joining. Make sure that everything is written in third person, past-tense, and that you post at least once every two days. The only acception to this is if you have a justifiable reason (i.e., you are going out of town). If you have a vision for a gargantuan-or even tiny, plot-twisting event, check it over with the GMs before executing it to avoid being maimed if it goes foul.

:Rule 8: Character

Be true to your character. If you apply to be some hypersensitive, mucus-hacking snotball of a kid, don't come in acting like an aloof, thirty-eight-year-old man who lives with his abusive mother... The occasional epiphany is okay, but try to play what you said you would in your application. Also, be sure to pick a type of character that you will not struggle with. When it's obvious you're trying to pull off a personality you are not used to, it ruins the character.