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|*| Dynamis
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|*| Siphons
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WARNING: The following information is classified TOP SECRET. If you are not authorized to view this data, please leave immediately.

The Siphon Project:

Dynamis' revolutionary method for harvesting energy without the use of Mako Reactors. During thr first year of Dyanmis' existance, the campaign was successful in drawing the public's attention from our recent investigations of possible development sites. We spent our first few efforts on Corel Prison, calculating the process and studying the prisoners, preparing them for possible induction into the project. After recovering some of the late Professor Hojo's notes, we were able to conduct a series of experiments in the latter part of that year. The first dozen attempts were fatal to most of the subjects, until a second series of notes was discovered. The first plant location was completed at the end of the first year and we were able to remove the current occupants from the Corel Lab and transport them to the northern continent. With the relocation of these subjects came the announcement of the cover operation, "Correction Program". The operation succeeded flawlessly and we were able to establish an active plant, safe within the walls of Great Glacier. The first few successful transmutations were known as the Battery Siphons. Through Hojo's notes, we were able to calculate the proper breakdown of Mako energy and utilize Materia to induce a mutation process. The subjects required a substantial amount of time to completely mutate, which posed the threat of death. The first month of the process proved that the subjects experienced excruciating amounts of pain all while retaining their previous consciences. However, all twenty seven survived and crossed over as Batteries. Their appearance was not unlike our records of earlier experiments from Professor Hojo. Most attained a very amphibious-like exterior, while some experienced an unsual limb mutation and loss of the face. Upon completion, this batch of siphons was successfully implemented into our plant system. However, due to the overwhelming life energy, several of our subjects, despite their development, were unable to handle the energy surge and either combusted or contracted a disease similar to Mako sickness. We lost five subjects in the process, but the others were able to successfully transfer the energy into our generators. With twenty-two remaining, our siphon count was far too small to reach our quotta. We began to investigate the prospect of an induction process and were granted permission from Head Quarters.

At the closing of the second year, our Siphon population increased rapidly and we began to investigate other plant locations. To our pleasant surprise, we were able to locate the former Shin-Ra executive Reeve and quickly brought him into our service. He proved most valuble with his sources and notes we had been unable to attain. With him came the discoveries of the Cetra, which aided us immensely. With this data, we were able to enhance our battery siphons into much more effective energy gatherers with the ability to gauge the planet's energy flow as well as tap into other energy reserves we had been unable to detect without the Ancient race. We were able to reach and surpass our quotta, which gave us the opportunity to further experiment with the Siphon project. By breaking down specific forms of materia and exposing them to the raw Mako and tainted energy, we were able to manipulate their transformation process with almost complete control. With this newfound method, we developed two new classifications of Siphons. The first were land-type with impressive durability. They followed orders wonderfully and were capable of typically impossible hard labor. Headquarters was very pleased with this development and put in an order for many, many more. Again, we required another transportation system for possible subjects. Thus, we instated the railroad system and created another induction program. Our second classification proved just as successful. All gills and underwater appendages developed in working order, giving us an effective under water siphon which were used to operate sub-sea level construction and transportaion. Both classes, unlike the battery counterpart, proved effective in battle. Several opponents were killed in this experiment, proving these new siphons to be just as ruthless and selfless as we had hope for. They carry out orders with flawless accuracy. The third plant became operational just in time for us to begin a new order.

Problems arose in our third year. The rail from Plant three to Plant one radioed in on emergency frequency, announcing that one of the cars had been sabotaged. The cargo contained about twenty more subjects who had been introduced to the mutation process, bound for the plant in the North Conintent to continue their exposure to the raw energies. The culprits were identified as rebels and were quickly hunted by the onboard ground siphons. According to the body count and information from sources who had investigated such accounts declared that the band had been wiped out. However, the cargo itself proved most damaged, for the sudden exposure to this chaos seemed to drive them to some sort of insanity. We destroyed the subjects in the rail and returned their bodies to the Third Plant for investigation. Months later, we received word that our extermination of the failed subjects had been incomplete. Headquarters proved to be most relentless and cuthroat on the investigation, dispatching units to hunt down the missing subjects and destroy them. We are still unsure of how many remain, but we are confident that no information leaked can harm productions. Alexandria will see to that...

Current Siphon classifications are as follows:

Battery Siphons: Basic mutation, mostly faceless, limbless, and discolored. Void of free will and a conscience, just as the others are. The improved class can gauge the planet's energy flow and tap into unseen energy reserves. By connecting mass amounts to operators, we can draw massive amounts of energy and channel them through siphons into our generators. Their appearance, however, makes the majority of the staff uneasy and wary of handling them.

Grunt Siphons: Our land-based Siphons porve much more mobile and durable than Battery Siphons, proving capable of hard labor and otherwise treacherous work. They appear a bit more approachable than our Battery Siphons, gray in appearance with various muscled limsb. They also have to free will to speak of and are very effective for building projects. However, have only been used for classified building operations. No siphons are allowed to be seen by the public.

Marine Siphons: Marked with gills, fins and various webbed appendages, these Siphons are completely capable of working underwater in extreme temperatures for variable amounts of time. Our most violent class of yet, they kill quickly when ordered to do so. Used for underwater exploration and building, they are one of our most effective, mobile Siphons.

CAUTION: This data is not to be removed from its permanent location or recorded in anyway. It is vital to our success and the safety of the people. Siphons must never be released into the public or seen by unauthorized eyes.