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Name: Zane Verhagen

Occupation: Ranger

Age: 24
Weapon Type: Wrist/Elbow blades: Short swords/blades attached to the upper or lower arm by means of straps across the elbow and/or wrists. Length and shape vary. Current Model: Diamond Pegs (attached to the wrist, protruding outward from the fist as a metal pole, ending in a sharpened diamond)

Armor: Mythril Armlet

Accessory: Headband

Starter Materia: Cure, Sense, Bolt

Weapon Materia Slots: Three. One linked (Cure). One single (Bolt)

Armor Materia Slots: Two. Double. (Sense)

Height: 5’9”

Birth Date: April 12th

Birthplace: Gongaga

Blood Type: B

Dominant Trait: Vitality

Secondary Trait: Strength

Gil: 295

Personality: In one word, Zane could be summed up as a hothead. However, that wouldn’t be accurate at all. While she is prone to losing her temper, Zane is a passionate young woman with her eye set on a goal. When it comes to achieving this, she can be downright ruthless in her methods. She often loses herself in this quest, forgetting her place and not taking the time to weigh the consequences of her actions. This doesn’t mean she lacks intelligence or common sense. She’s got moderate amounts of each, but emotions often carry her away, sometimes putting her into the mentality of a child. Business is business and the cause is the cause, but fun can never be anything but what it is. She tries to keep her spirits up in rather… unorthodox ways. She enjoys scaring small children, for one. It’s never really to do any permanent damage. It’s not her fault kids can’t handle the truth, as she calls it. A firm believer in justice, she won’t easily let go of grudges or vengeance. Hell, revenge is one of the driving forces of her cause. As a revolutionary, she can come off as overbearing and persistent, but she knows what she speaks of and truly feels the cause rather than thinks it. Taken away from the chaos of society and life’s crazy patterns, she’s a pretty good person. Before Dynamis, though it seems impossible to believe that there was a time without it, she had very few cares, aside from the safety of her village. Now, these cares have taken on a much greater urgency. Bringing the truth of Dynamis to the public is her number one priority, no matter what the cost. She hates the company and everything that has a relationship with it. It might as well be a disease.

Appearance: Though still considered young by many, Zane bears the signs of someone has seen far too much far, too young. She stands at an average height with rather spindly limbs. Her muscles are fairly small and compact, tightly wound in her upper arms and legs. While she remains shorter than most men, she carries herself as though she is at least six feet tall. Her face is slightly almond-shaped with a subtly pointed chin. Any childlike features have pretty much disappeared, for her face shows very little roundness. Her hair is very auburn, almost completely red. Cut at uneven lengths, no strand reaches past the base of her neck. It’s longer in the front and shorter in the back, though still rather uneven and choppy. Her grown-out bangs have been trained to fall over the right side of her face, skewering the view of her wonderful eye patch. Yes, Zane has only one eye; one bluish-gray eye. She covers up the empty right socket with a large dark brown patch kept to her head with a strong headband, which also happens to be the accessory that protects her from sleep. The patch is more like… a funky brown curtain. Few have seen what lies behind the dreaded patch. Her aim, though, seems to be unusually good for a Cyclops.

As for clothing, well, she likes to stick with simplicity. Sort of. First of all, she wears a tight black spandex underneath her pants, like leggings. Yes, she wears dark khaki pants that have no knees to speak of. In fact, they’re pretty much separate at the knee, held together by two buckles that leave about three inches of space between each part. They end a few inches above the ankle, where her brown combat boots start. Instead of laces, she uses thin buckles to keep them fairly light, since she requires a good deal of speed to attack. Her shirt is incredibly simple. It’s a long sleeved, tight black shirt made out of the same material as those under her pants. Yes, it’s pretty tight, but it’s just thick enough to keep it from being scandalous. Burgundy arm guards cover the sleeves after the elbow, ending at the wrist, where her weapons are usually strapped. The blades, when not fighting, are strapped to her back by a few simple buckles and straps, which are easily accessed.

History: Zane grew up in Gongaga, accustomed to a very simple life, despite the growing need for technology that surrounded her. She spent a lot of her early years playing with her friends in forests, void of most toys and gadgets that had been such a rage. She was much more active and involved with life, often venturing into new terrain with hidden dangers. This caused her some rather traumatic encounters with the foul creatures known as Gagighandi around the age of ten. After running home screaming, she was determined to rise above the terror of the mint-green reptile. Her parents watched with amusement as she trained as hard as she could, spinning kitchen knives and forks like a tornado with very scraggly limbs. Now, this was back when she had two eyes, so she wasn’t quite the mess she is now. Finally, after constructing her first pair of blades (which consisted of two dinner knives, each strapped to a wooden pole), she set out on her quest to defeat her very first monster. Well, she succeeded, after narrowly surviving the slowly stoning attack, she wobbled home and called it a day. But that was not the end for our Zane! No, she was determined to prove her worth by defeating as many forest creatures as possible! With this goal came the exposure to many strange and unpleasant status effects, which often left her parents frazzled when their daughter came home green or still croaking. So, after years of forest dwelling, she became her town’s ranger, keeping the forests remotely safe for travelers and the children of the remote forest village. But, as the years passed and Shin-Ra’s influence became almost impossibly to avoid, she set out for much broader horizons. This took her all over. From Cosmo Canyon to Costa Del Sol, she spent a few years staying in each town or city, exploring the terrain and encountering various monsters. She became somewhat of an expert and many sought her out as a guide to help them traverse through dangerous ground. Her knowledge of the beasts proved of great value, for her data was often sought after by various researches and traveling combatants. Her extensive knowledge of weaknesses of her continent’s monster inhabitants was desired by many, hence so was her presence.

When Dynamis came, she showed little interest in any of its business. It merely proved to be a nuisance, since no one bothered traveling much afterwards. Her assistance was in little demand once Dynamis began to restore new power and keep people home. So, she set off again for another kind of exploration. Zane set off for the Corel area to gain information on those monsters as well, setting a camp for a few weeks and training like there was no tomorrow. Not long after, the very thought of a tomorrow was put in jeopardy. What happened next remains her greatest motivation for revenge. The public must know, but Dynamis can never receive word of what she experienced. The only outward evidence she has is the missing eye. The empty socket marks her own desperate attempt to save her life. It seems a loss, but in truth, it was the single way to ensure her survival. Now one of the few truly motivated resistance leaders, Zane works through the underground to spread the conspiracies and prove them to as many rebels as possible. She works to gain their support and boost their drive, knowing that the cause can never be truly felt until those fighting for it see firsthand the power that they face.

As of now, her goal his to reach the heart of AVALANCHE and bring them face to face with the knowledge she’s gained. Having worked with the organization on a few previous occasions, she is known for having very reliable information, but also calls on them to take action against the unconfirmed crimes. Her goal is to bring tangible evidence to AVALANCHE and get their assistance, or at least their awareness. She knows she can’t fight this alone and she’ll take whomever she can on this wild ride.

Limit Breaks:
Level 1

Propeller: Both blades begin to spin rapidly on her arms (much like propellers). She holds them out to the side of her and charges, striking a single enemy with an extremely critical hit.

Spin Doctor: Another type of spinning move, Zane holds her arms out in front of her and pivots hard and fast, coming around 360 degrees with a bright aura around her. The aura bursts and covers her allies with healing magic, restoring some health.

Level 2

Lucid Cross: A two part attack, Zane holds her arms out in front of her, blades and all in a cross shape. The blades glow, then emit the cross shape as a holy attack. While the enemy’s stunned by the holy magic, she lunges forward for a quick slash and leaps back, dealing a strong hit. Fairly light attack unless there is a holy weakness.

Cruelty: This attack is physical with an added twist. Zane runs forward and slides just out of the enemy’s range, then pummels the enemy from all sides, never staying still. She ends at a total of fifteen relentless slashes, causing heavy damage and paralyzing the enemy.

Level 3

Gut Wrench: A purely physical attack, Zane outstretches her left arm in a jab, while still standing in her original position. An unseen blade impales the enemy or enemies through the abdomen area. When she thrusts her fist upward, the unseen blade does this also for an excruciatingly large amount of pain and damage.

Abolition: A light attack nowhere near as devastating as Gut Wrench, Zane deals a bit larger amount of damage than a physical attack, but it renders all protective spells on the target(s) absolutely useless.

Level 4

Rakuen Rage: Behold, the mother load. Zane seeks the ultimate revenge on all foes foolish enough to get in the way of this limit. She begins by rotating her headband so her eye patch disappears and reveals a large, black blur with a bright red light piercing through the darkness. The vengeance manifests as a red on black eye, capable of summoning the ground beneath the targets to explode and hurl them into the air. Wile in the air, Zane aims her hellish eye, surrounding the enemies with a bright red nova. The nova renders them powerless and immobile, giving Zane the opportunity to unleash the final step. She removes her blades from her arms and they merge into one, which accelerates upwards and strikes through all foes, sending them crashing down with devastating power and inflicting four random negative status effects… if they live.