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Knate's Skateboard Central

Do you know much about Skateboarding - Well you will do. Learn how to do it, then how to do it Garou style.

This is a list of skateboard related terms . the whole thing's in alphabetical order so it shouldn't be too hard finding what you want if it's here . to search for a particular word, in most browsers you can hit Ctrl+F and input the word you want to find in the box . 

term description
360 flip a 360 kickflip shuvit
5-0 grind only on the back truck (like a manual while grinding)
50-50 grinding on both trucks
airwalk an air where you grab the nose of the board, kick your front foot over the heel edge of the board and your back foot over the toe edge
axle the thin axle that runs through your trucks (the wheels go directly onto it)
backside 1) a trick where your body is facing backwards at the 90 degree point. 2) a trick where if your body was staying with the board, you would be facing forwards at the 90 degree point (eg a backside shuvit). 3) a grind or slide where you approach the obstacle with it behind you. - nollie and fakie backside get kind of confusing. if you skate regular, normal backside tricks turn clockwise, nollie backside tricks also turn clockwise, fakie backside tricks anti-clockwise (counter clockwise)
backside flip 180 kickflip turning backside
backside heel 180 heelflip turning backside
barley grind 180 to switch-smith
baseplate the metal base of the truck that bolts onto your board
bearings the metal things that make the wheels spin
bluntslide slide along an obstacle so that your board is near vertical, the wheels are sliding along it and your tail is sliding along the side of the obstacle
boardslide ride up to an obstacle, put your front truck over it, slide along on the middle of the board
boneless plant your foot on the ground, grab the side of the board and pull it up into the air (keeping your back foot on) then land on it.
bowl a bowl shaped 'ramp'. like an empty transitioned swimming pool.
cab fakie 360 backside ollie (short for caballerial)
casper flip flip the board upside down (like a kickflip) and then pull it back over towards you (on the long axis)
casper slide flip the board upside down and slide it along on the grip tape then flip it back
chicken if you push with your front foot you skate chicken
chicken salad do a trick, put your front hand between your legs and grab the board
chink-chink fakie ollie to switch 5-0
coffin lie down on your board and ride about
coping the metal 'grindy bits' on a ramp
crailslide do a tailslide while grabbing the nose of the board with your back hand
crooked another name for a k-grind
darkslide flip the board upside down and slide it along on the grip tape then flip it back
deck wooden part of the board
delam when the laminated plys of the board come apart this is a delam (de-lamination)
disaster do a trick where you turn 180 and stall onto the coping in lipslide position
drop-in stand with the tail of your board on the coping of the ramp and ride down into it
early-grab do an air out of a ramp, but grab the board before you leave the ground and keep a hold of it
fakie ride backwards on the board
feeble grinding on the back truck, with the front truck held over on the other side of the rail
fly-off a small (like a mellower version of a quarter pipe) ramp (usually transitioned)
front foot impossible ollie and wrap the board 360 degrees round your front foot
frontside 1) a trick where your body is facing forwards at the 90 degree point. 2) a trick where if your body was staying with the board, you would be facing forwards at the 90 degree point (eg a frontside shuvit). 3) a grind or slide where you approach the obstacle with it in front of you. - nollie and fakie frontside get kind of confusing. if you skate regular, normal frontside tricks turn anti clockwise (counter clockwise), nollie frontside tricks also turn clockwise, fakie frontside tricks however turn backside.
frontside flip 180 kickflip turning frontside
frontside heel 180 heelflip turning frontside
goofy if you skate with your right foot at the front, you skate goofy
griptape stuff that goes on top of the deck, feels like sandpaper
half-cab fakie backside 180 ollie
half-nab switch frontside 180 ollie
hanger the metal part of the truck surrounding the axle (the bit that you grind on)
hardflip frontside shuvit kickflip
heelflip flip the board by kicking your foot off the side (right side if you skate regular)
high jump jump over an obstacle, send your board under it and land back on it.
hurricane 180 to fakie-smith
impossible ollie and 'wrap' the board 360 degrees round your back foot
indy do a trick and grab the board in front of you with your back hand
inwards heelflip backside shuvit heelflip
k-grind grinding on the nose and front truck with the board held at a crooked angle to the block
kick back part of the board
kickflip flip the board by kicking your foot off the side (left side if you skate regular)
krooked another name for a k-grind
launch ramp a small (like a mellower version of a quarter pipe) ramp (usually transitioned)
lipslide ride up to an obstacle, ollie so that your back trucks go over it, slide along on the middle of the board
manual ride along balancing with only the back wheels on the ground
melon do a trick and grab the board behind you with your front hand
midi halfpipe that reaches vert, but stops there.
mini a halfpipe that doesn't reach vertical in transition
mongo if you push with your front foot you skate chicken
mute do a trick and grab the board in front of you with your front hand
nab switch frontside 360 ollie
no-comply plant your front foot onto the ground, and 'ollie' the board with your back foot, then land back on it.
nollie moving forward, ollie using the nose of the board (can be thought of as a switch fakie ollie)
nollie hardflip nollie backside kickflip
nollie inwards heel nollie frontside shuvit heelflip
nose front part of the board
nose stall ride up to the coping on a ramp, plant your nose on it and drop back in switch
nosebluntslide like a bluntslide but on the nose instead of the tail
nosegrab do a trick and grab the nose of the board
nosegrind grind only on the front truck (like a nose-wheelie while grinding)
nose-manual ride along balancing with only the front wheels on the ground
noseslide slide along an obstacle using the nose of the board to slide on
nose-wheelie same as a nose-manual
one-foot ollie and kick out your front foot
pool an empty transitioned swimming pool. can be skated sort of like a vert ramp.
powerslide while moving, move your weight so that the board slides along sideways on all four wheels
pressure flip flip trick caused by putting pressure on a part of the board then removing the other foot (as opposed to kicking to flip the board)
primo where you stand on the board with it balanced on its side (named after freestlyer primo desrades)
railslide same as a boardslide
refusal half-do a trick and then kick it back the opposite way (eg. kickflip refusal is where you flip the board, but catch it when it's upside down and kick it back)
regular if you skate with your left foot at the front, you skate regular
roast beef do a trick, put your back hand between your legs and grab the board
sal-flip named after sal barbier, do an air, grab the nose of the board (while jumping above it) spin it 360 (the same rotation as a heelflip) and then land back on it.
scarewalk an airwalk but kicking your feet in the other directions
shuvit ollie and move the board so that it turns 180 degrees without moving your body 180
slam when you fall off your board
slappy ride up to a curb and slap your board into grind on it (don't ollie)
smith grinding on the back truck, with your front truck held to the side of the block you approached on
stalefish do a trick and grab the board behind you with your back hand
stall a ramp trick where you stop on the coping (axle stall is where you go up to a stationery 50-50 then drop back in, nose stall you stall on your nose, &c.)
stand-up grind same as a 5-0
switch use the board standing the opposite way to your normal stancef
tail back part of the board
tail stall riding fakie on a ramp, go up, stand on your tail on the coping and drop back in again
tailgrab do a trick and grab the tail of the board
tailslide slide along an obstacle using the tail of the board to slide on
transition the curve of a ramp
treflip another name for a 360 flip
trucks metal 'axles' that hold the wheels on
underflip do a full kickflip then kick it back round with the toe of your front foot.
urethane compound that wheels are made of
vampire grind grinding like a k-grind but with the board held at the opposite angle
vert halfpipe that has a vertical section
wallie ollie out of a wallride (can also be done off bent poles)
wallride ride on a wall


Skateboarding is mostly about practice. If you can't balance on your board and you can't push around fast don't even bother reading this crap. As my old Dad used to say "Don't kill the guy before you broke his legs." and I guess that's right - you can learn ollies before you can push around, but it's no fun - who wants to ollie standing still?

But I guess I can give you kids some pointers on how I do stuff. If you need help on any tricks that ain't here, just send some electronic mails to me and I'll fix that up.

Anyway yeah, there are hundreds of different ways to do every trick. I remember my man Jimmy used to have this wack-ass style and he never won a contest in his life. So there are good ways and bad ways to learn stuff.

Okay now to find out how I do that shit.

The Ollie

okay, you wanna practice this standin still first, else you'll be takin a trip to the hospital. when you start learnin it movin, you might wanna keep yer weight slightly more forwards - like you would if you were throwin a punch at some two bit pimp who can't keep his lazy ass inside the law.

back foot on the edge of the tail, pressure on the ball of yer foot. keep yer front foot behind the front truck bolts - depends on how tall you are where exactly you wanna put that foot, if you're a midget you'll wanna have it further back on the board. make sure both feet're facin ninety degrees to the way the board's facin, otherwise your stoopid ass is about to make contact with concrete.

crouch down as if you're gonna jump straight up in the air. move yer weight to yer back foot and kick down hard, like you would if you were stampin hutch's face into the ground

john winter - ollie - sheffield - photo sam

start movin yer front foot up and slightly forwards, as soon as the tail hits the ground, jump with that foot also. scoop yer front foot up the board, the friction of yer foot pullin across the griptape should make the board lift up and level out. lift yer back foot up and slightly forward at the same time as you're scoopin so that it's at about the same height as your front foot and is positioned above the back truck bolts.

as you land crouch to absorb the shock - this doesn't matter much while you're learnin, but it's good to get into the habit so that later on you don't end up breaking yer frickin board or hurtin yer feet. think of this as like jumpin on hutch's rib cage - you want it to hurt him bad, but you don't want it to leave enough bruisin for him to be able to press charges, heh heh heh!

Kick Flip

now I know you little bastards are tryin this before you got ollies down - there's no point. It's like tryin to hall the bad guy in before you even got the cuffs on.

same as with the ollie, ya wanna have your back foot on the edge of the tail, kinda standin on the ball of your foot. then you gotta have your front foot just behind the front truck bolts, maybe a bit further forward than for the ollie.

okay, now you gotta crouch down a bit same as with the ollie - don't bother tryin to pop too high when you're just learnin, as huggy used to say "don't try to make the cow orgasm before you can even milk it" he always was kind of a weird guy. anyway, you gotta keep your weight a bit more forwards than for an ollie too.

start an ollie, but as you're scooping yer foot up the board, before the board is level, kick your front foot off the side of the nose so that it flips, that's the bit you gotta practice - you can tell you've got it right when that kick is makin the board flip and level out.

  paul bryant - kickflip

if the board flips upwards and doesn't level out, you aren't keeping your weight far enough forward, if the board is turning try leanin you gotta lean the opposite way to correct it

okay, now - after the board flips start bringing your front foot up and inwards. you basically 'catch' the board with your back foot and then just stick your front foot back on

the main thing to remember is that you're not ollying *then* flipping the board, you gotta flip it as you're on the way up. just like you don't read a guy his rights before you arrest him, you do it in the car on the way back to the precinct - it saves time - time you could be usin to kick the guy's ass in a 4x8 cell.

The Nollie

ugh it's late and this coffee tastes like shit. DENISE.....DENIIIISE GET ME MORE COFFEE NOW.

nollies huh? you didn't even learn those yet? okay well as long as you can ollie they're pretty easy. most people say you should learn switch ollies first but hell old starsky here knows best and I say nollies are easier than switch ollies.

okay, they're different from fakie ollies, fakie ollies you're still kinda facing backwards, but nollies you wanna be facing fully forwards. yeah so start rolling, only slow like you're cruisin for chicks on a thursday night or somethin. you know the drill - get your front foot set up on the nose, the toes should be pointing slightly forwards and the ball of your foot should be planted down right around the middle of the nose. back foot with the heel hanging off the edge of the board, just in front of the back truck bolts.

so she was 15 years old, is that really a crime??!?! in my day we'd give a guy a pat on the back, now they're arrestin me for this shit?

so then you crouch down a little, your front knee should be pointing at hmm, i guess about 45 degrees to the way the board's moving if you get what I mean. get your back foot ready to jump it back a bit. kick down with your front foot while lifting your back foot up. as soon as the nose hits the ground jump up with that too and right away you gotta be pulling your back foot up and backwards, so's it pulls the board into the air. kinda like scooping in an ollie, but it feels strange at first cos you gotta move the foot backwards.

you know how when you're doing an ollie there's that point where your back leg's fully straight? when the tail's on the ground and you're just about to go into the air? well that's the secret with nollies, getting that bit right. if you keep your leg straight for too long it all messes up. there's also this tendency to straighten out your back leg for some reason - keep your back leg bent at all times during a nollie. okay, so remember to pull your front leg up real quick after you've kicked down - don't jump it up before the nose hits the ground though or the whole trick'll mess up.

it kinda reminds me of this hostage stakeout thing me and the bas... me and hutch were in once. there was this real cute chick, i mean reaal cute. anyway, if we'd gone in before this guy was started eating he'd've blown her head off and then if we'd gone in after he'd finish he'd've done the same. so we got in there while he was just chewin his first bite and i kicked the bastard's ass. the chick was real grateful too, heh heh...


Blah blah. Here we are again, I can't believe they've got me doin this. Ah well, what the hell it's money right? So you little bastards wanna learn how to grind huh? Okay well iIguess you can ollie already good or you wouldn't be here. Try this on a curb first or you'll be on the ground faster than a fat guy in a drugs bust.

Anyway, to start off with you wanna be headin up towards the curb at a slight angle, maybe ten degrees or somethin so that you're just about parallel with it. If you come at too much of an angle you'll just stop once you get on the curb.

So now when you get to the bit where you wanna start the grind, pop a small ollie - just high enough so you get on top of the curb but not so high that you're landin on it hard. You'll need to get used to landin on the curb with both feet over the bolts and both trucks on the edge of the curb.

Right, now you're ready to start grinding. Come in a little faster and pop onto the curb. If you're coming in frontside (with the curb in front of you) you should be aimin to have your shoulders above your feet, sticking your ass out a bit kinda. That's more important when you take it to bigger stuff. Okay, so when you land lean your weight a little backwards to try and push your board forwards and compress a bit so's you're not just slamming straight down onto the thing.

The main thing is getting the balance right and compressing. If you lean too far forward you won't move, if you lean too far back your board'll just fly out. Once you've got that stuff down and you can grind along the curb you just need to be able to come off again. The easiest way to do this is to just manual off the side of it. Just lift your nose up and turn off the curb. You can ollie out or do whatever other tricks you can do out of it if you're feelin' all mark rohowski..hmm, maybe you don't remember him.

buyin your first board.

when you're buyin your first board, you'll probably have a lot of questions you need answering: "why would I want small wheels anyway?", "they sell £10 trucks, why do i wanna spend £40?", etc. hopefully this thing'll answer some of them.
what you need to start skateboarding:
  • deck(the wooden part of the board)
  • wheels (this thing looked ugly with no brackets here)
  • trucks (the metal things that attach the wheels to the deck)
  • bearings (the metal things inside the wheels)
  • gruptape (the sandpaper crap on top of the deck)
  • bolts (the things that attach the trucks to the deck)


Main Variables: Width, Concave.

7 3/4" is about the average board width. Wide boards are obviously a bit heavier, and you will need to put more effort in to flip them. It's easier to land tricks on a wide board, and they're harder to snap. Thin boards will flip more easily, but your feet will hang over the edges a bit more. If you're getting an extra-wide or an extra-thin board you should buy trucks to match this width.

The concave of the board is the amount that it dips towards the middle. The more concave the less pressure you have to exert to turn and the easier it will flip.

Other variables are length of board, length of nose and tail, shape and company. These don't really apply to this guide as they're more down to personal preference than anything else.


Main Variables: Size, Hardness

Big wheels allow you to ride over stones without flying off your board. Small wheels allow you to flip the board more easily. Big wheels are faster but heavier. 56mm is about the average wheel size right now.

They used to print how hard a wheel was on the side of it, but they don't do that any more. The only way to check is to bounce it, look at how clear it is and try and stick your fingernail into it. Basically the harder the better. Soft wheels wear down more quickly and don't allow you to slide properly.

They also make different widths of wheels. I can't see any advantage in going for wider wheels. Coloured wheels tend to wear down more quickly, something in the dye that affects the urethane.


Main Variables: Weight, Strength

Make sure you buy trucks the same width as your board. Don't go for cheap trucks - they usually crack or don't turn well (go for either Independent, Venture, Fury, Orion, Thunder or Krux). Trucks last a lot longer than boards so they're a bigger decision, but there's no real way to test them, it's just up to personal preference. If possible, try friends boards. Most people go for Ventures or Independents.

The rubbers (bushings) in the trucks affect how easy it is to turn. If you want tight trucks, go for hard rubbers. Don't buy soft rubbers and tighten them to hell, they'll split.


Main Variables: Abec, Shitness

There seems to be a new bearing company springing up every 6 months. I can't see any real advantage in one company over another. Personally I just go for the cheap ones. I tried a set of Pig Abec 5s and they haven't been as good as the £1 each ones I usually buy. The only real difference is the Abec value - Abec is a measure of manufacturing precision, the larger the number, the more precisely made the bearings are. Don't buy less than Abec 3.


Buy Black.

To apply: Peel off the first inch of the backing. Hold the griptape over the board and stick the sticky bit down on the nose then flatten the sheet out and make sure it's straight enough to cover the board (if not, peel up and start again). Peel off the rest of the backing and stick it down on the board going from one end to the other to minimise the bubbles. Then something metal and file at the edges of the board to mark out where they are. Take a sharp knife and slice through the griptape at the edges. File the edges to make sure they're smooth and won't peel up.

Don't buy that 'graphic griptape' crap because even the rollerbladers will want to kill you.


Main Variables: Alan or Philip

Go for the cheapest ones, it really doesn't matter. The only decision is philips head/allen key. I'd go for allen, it's much smaller to carry than a 'driver.

Don't keep the same bolts forever. If you leave them in too long the threads die and you'll never get them off without the help of Dad.

Stay cool for the rather mean Garou tricks


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