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Realms Of Oposition: an ADRPG Campaign

Operation Impending Doom III

Welcome to the Realms of Oposition Amber Diceless Roleplaying game homepage.

It is four years after Merlin has assumed the Throne of Chaos (twenty years, as time is reckoned in the Courts) and there is an uneasy peace between the realms. A bit too uneasy, as Random and Merlin reckon it.

To that end the Kings of Amber and Chaos have conspired together to make a firm foundation of alliance between the two realms. Ambassadors from both realms are being chosen, with the goal of peace in mind. Could realtions between the Realms of Order and Chaos be normalized? A nobel goal, but many within both courts consipire against it. If peace is to be obtained, many must forgo old grudges and forgive past wrongs.

Among this age of unrest, Ancient powers from beyond Shadow and Time begin to reawaken, turning their eyes to Amber and Chaos, looking for allies and pawns. Few know of their existance, fewer still know of their goals. But they encroach apon the realm of Shadow and Reality, calling in old debts and exploiting the ignorance of the young. Can Amber and Chaos stand against these forces together? Or will a failed alliance lead to Doom for both Realms?

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Webpage maintained by DasWebenMeister, Scott Kuban, who doubles as DasGamenMeister. E-mail: