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Mission Area

Each mission series, this area will serve to describe the area a little more of the area that these missions take place in. For more detailed explanations, look in the mission area on the board.
Total Mission Areas: 3
Total Number of Missions: 30
Current Mission Area: #1
Total Number of Missions(in current area): 14
Current Mission(s): Pre-Mission and Mission 1

A town in Michigan is home to many things. Small shops, a motel, factories, trailer parks, schools, and an apartment building are all here. Besides this are the basics, police station, fire station, car dealership, funeral home, and several gas stations. A small creek winds it’s way through the whole village, which supplies most of the village with water. A forested area is said to be home to the abandoned buildings that were the old research facility. There are few roads leading out of here.
It’s also where Umbrella has chosen to put a large research facility, along with new under ground laboratory being built. Here is where some rather important experiments are going on, along with thousands of test animals inside the nearly ½ mile long facility.
When the pre-mission starts, it is exactly 30 minutes until the entire town is infected. The sun is also setting. This gives everyone time to get situated and ready.
The starting areas here are the motel, the apartment building, police station, and two small clearings in the forest near a shipping factory. These areas are all relatively close to the 4-story shipping factory and Car Repair Shop. Choose the area that fits your character.

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