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Flurry '03 Participants

It was a surprise when the large ghost-winged Raug dragon, Etonserapth, came swooping down into the center of the crater with a sound like a very loud, throaty trumpet. Since he'd arrived from Fionabhainn, he'd been extremely quiet: the sudden, elated outburst was extremely uncharacteristic for the large rainbow. In fact, almost any sound at all from him was a surprise.

Serienth, designated 'queen' of the Ring of Fire, looked up in shock from her lounging position on a rock just off the shore of the lake. Aren't you supposed to be on Mythicalae for the Wyld hunt? she asked curiously, craning her head towards the much larger dragon. You must be really excited about something to come bursting in here so loudly, abandoning a chance to bond...

I'm not abandoning anything, Eton' responded coolly where most other dragons would probably have gotten snippy. Small or not, Serienth was still the king dragon of the dragonry's mate, and deserving of his respect. Especially not a chance to bond, and especially not the reason I came back here for a short amount of time! I have news!

Oh? Serienth raised herself up onto her four webbed paws, tilting her head intently towards the bigger dragon as he explained his message. There was to be another Flurry at Ryslen! This time for not only whites, silvers, winter dragons, and Flurry dragons, but pastels and gemtones as well! Once he was done, the translucent orange-blue's eyes lit up. That's definitely something! I'll call the others this pertains to and you can tell them all!

So follows those able to participate in the Flurry that have decided to.... More may be added.

Rainbow Ghost Winged Black-white Etonserapth
*Name: Etonserapth
*Gender: Male
*Color: Rainbow Black/white Ghost-winged
*Bond: None (yet)
*Birthplace: Cathair Fionabhainn
*Clutch #: Braethas Raug Batch #2

This dragon is partially white, but the color appears in a black-white fade on his transparent ghostly wingsails (not very apparent on all backgrounds). He knows he can go, though, as Cathairix K'trenal listed him as "black-white". Eton' is a very quiet, passive dragon despite his dominant coloration. Very little is really heard about him, and when something is you know it's least to him. However, since he is one of RoF's Bondless he will chase whatever female suits his fancies. Not like he has a human or otherwise partner to worry about.

Bronze-Silver-White Swirl Belithrandith
*Name: Belithrandith
*Gender: Male
*Color: Bronze-Silver-White
*Bond: Maekotek La'Saber (Meeko)
*Birthplace: Ryslen
*Clutch #: Flurry '02: Flizzard Blizzard

One of RoF's dragon "generals", Meeko and Beli' have left their part of the armed forces on Meeko's homeworld in other capable hands to fly for the Ring of Fire. Belithrandith is a huge dragon, being bronze, and is very intelligent much like his blue-haired felinoid shifter bond. He may very well go after the larger queens and should decently in courting them. However, even though Meeko's mate died in a plague that hit the Ring of Fire, he's still a little hesitant to pair up with someone else...

Ghost Orange-blue Serienth (Mermaid)
*Name: Serienth
*Gender: Female
*Color: Translucent Orange-blue (Pastel?)
*Bond: Iulia Mar'Sahn
*Birthplace: Cy Dragonstake
*Clutch #: Valentine's Day or #6

Serienth is small even though she's not as small as her dam, Yureith. Perhaps as large as a small green at 23', maybe medium- to small-sized by RoF standards. She's quiet and a little bit shy most of the time, despite being the new 'queen' of the dragonry. Like her dam she can become insubstantial or invisible, slipping through walls or passing unseen right past people. Both attributes can be transferred while in contact with someone else. Although she's a swimmer like her sire, Vaskur, she's very slick in the air with her single-ribbed tapering wings. Serienth would be a fun challenge for many males, but she has eyes only for the dragon lord of RoF...bonded to her bond's boyfriend.

White Phoenix King Pheodian
*Name: Pheodian
*Gender: Male
*Color: Metallic White (not silver!) and Red-Orange
*Bond: Firelancer-in-training Jasien
*Birthplace: Sanrix Azon
*Clutch #: Azon Dark Frenzy (Halloween '02), or #3

The present Firelancer's dragon, Faith, is not going up this year... She's not head-dragon anymore, anyway (not that she really did anything to be so...nor cared to be so, too free-spirited). This is Pheodian, the head dragon of the Ring of Fire. Well, if you can call him a "dragon"; he appears to be half phoenix that shows in his feathered wings, talon-like feet, thickly feathered tail, and feathered crest. To add to his oddity, he's huge for a white--bigger than most queens at about a whopping 50' long (and that isn't mostly tail!) and one eye is copper while the other is crystal blue, matching his bond's mismatched eyes. Though likely an eye-catcher and large enough to challenge any queen he, ironically, is loyal to his tiny mate: Serienth. Their riders are quite together, expected to get married later if not sooner.

Ryslen or Bust!

(Background by Tiyanni of Ryslen