As you pass by a woman with honey colored hair and emerald eyes steps forward. She nods to you and her penetrating gaze seems to meet yours directly as if studying you, surveying you. You realize as you look back at her that you cant really tell what she is thinking. Her face shows no emotion and she stands with a stance of a warrior, her hand never far from the weapon at her side. She doesn't say much, and depending if you are friend of foe, you may be glad of that. For if a friend she can be warm and encouraging, a foe, her words are harsh and blunt. Regardless, she speaks with honesty, for one thing she can not stand is a lie. Not many get close to her, maybe that is her choice, or her decision, know this though, if she allows you close and trusts you, there is nothing she wouldn't do to protect you.
Eternal is a woman, a warrior, a friend, an enemy, but most of all she is just her, she doesn't bend to the rules and judgement of others, she makes her own choices and decisions. If you don't know her she is very hard to understand and to her that is okay. Her law is that of honor, and she will do what must be done to uphold that. Maybe, if you learn a bit of her past, you will realize why that is so important to her.
Eternal was born to Raylen and Alisha. He a knight of honor with a steady gaze and strong handshake. Loyal and protective of those he knew and cared for. She a gentle woman with the hands and magic of a healer and the softest laughter you have ever heard. They married young and their love was strong. Dreams and visions of a future with a family filled their hearts. They were both overjoyed when they found out Alisha was with child and the summer coming would bring a new addition for them both to share their love with. They waited in anticipation for the moment their child was born.
Summer finally came and the young couple was picking berries along a mountain meadow when the first stages of labor hit. The pain came fast and hard, much worse than it should have. Agony wracked through her as blood poured down her legs and she looked to Raylen in shock. Something was wrong and she gasped as her face paled and her legs gave out. Raylen not knowing what to do, layed his wife among the wildflowers of the meadow and told Alisha "Stay here, I will go get help", his wife obviously in shock just stared at him and grabbed his hand, pulling him to her. "NO" she muttered. He leaned close to her as fear spread through him like a wild fire out of control.. what was happening he wondered.. but wanted not to worry Alisha. "Heal yourself, use your magic, all will be fine" he assured her.. but that was not to happen, too weakened by the complications she couldn't and she whispered "it is too late... " she paused trying to catch her breath and then whispered with tears in her eyes. "I will love you for Eternity, this child, will be our eternal breeze"and with that she pushed with all of her might. A small cry was heard as thier daughter came into the world .. but with the childs first breath, her mother took her last. Alisha was gone. Raylen took the small bundle in his arms still covered with the blood of her mother and cut the cord with his hunting knife.. tying it off he layed the babe upon her mothers chest .. tears poured down his face as he realized, with the new life of their daughter, his beloved was gone. A breeze blew by and cradeling his daughter in his arms he brought her to a midwife in a nearby village and returned to bury his wife.. After placing her within the grave he stood up. .whispered "I will love you for eternity. she looks just like you Alisha" and he brushed the tears from his face as he turned, walking to get his daughter and escape from the pain that would follow him forever..
Raylen named his daughter Eternal Breeze, after her mothers last words.. He raised Eternal alone, never again getting close to another. Mayhap he did this to protect himself from the pain the loss of his Alisha had caused. Their daughter made him smile, so much like himself and yet the spitting image of her mother. Honey colored locks and emerald eyes, a slow smile and a intense gaze. He traveled place to place, never staying in one place for long, but always teaching Eternal the ways of honor, the ways of a warrior in which he had always been. From the time she was old enough to walk he taught her to hunt, and to hold and clean a weapon properly. He taught her that anything, from a small pebble to the mightiest sword could be used as a weapon. At night when they would stop to camp, he told her of her mother and they would sit and look at the stars as they cleaned their weapons and spoke of life. They were happy, yet still alone, it was fine with Eternal, for she loved no one nor honored them, as she did the man who was her father. She wanted to grow up to be just like him.
When Eternal was but 8, they stopped in a village called Malod, as Raylen replenished the supplies they couldn't get on their own, Eternal played with children of the village. One in particular she seemed to enjoy named Adrianna. Adria and she were running around and laughing. .Eternal playing with her small dagger that she got on her 8th birthday and Adria holding a doll. Adria was a magic user and Raylen watched with interest when he returned from his errands and to his suprise, he watched as his daughters eyes turned amber and she moved the doll from Adrianna's hands to a nearby tree branch without touching it. Watching her reminded him so much of her mother that he called out "Eternal!" and she turned losing focus, and the doll fell to the ground. Her gaze locked with his and her eyes slowly returned to emerald. "Yes father?" she called out, and he moved to her, tears in his eyes, unsure of what to say, he said "Depend upon your own hands Eternal, magic is something you can never be sure of". Mayhap his words were harsh, but to him, his wife had the power of magic and healing and yet, died in spite of it. Eternal nodded slowly and said to him as she realized what must be going through his mind, even though young, she was wise, and knew well the pain of her fathers heart. "Worry not father", she assured him, "I am going to be a warrior just like you". She then pointed to Adrianna and laughed, "tis she that is a magic user".. and once more returned to play. Soon after the small girls said their goodbyes and promised to keep in touch even when they were as old as grownups.
Raylen and Eternal traveled year after year, stopping when they needed to, her father guarding those who needed it and yet, they never seemed to stay in one place for long. Eternal loved this, so many things she learned to do. Sometimes as she layed under the stars she wondered why he didnt just stay in one village, and she asked him "Father, why do we never stay in one place?" and his reply came slow, choked by emotion "One must find where they belong, without your mother, I am no longer sure Eternal". and she nodded, not asking any further questions that eve. She didn't really understand it, but trusted her father above anyone else.
When Eternal was but 15, they stopped for the night to build their camp. Her father told her to go gather firewood and she grabbed the leather satchel and tossed it over her shoulder. He was busy cleaning and preparing a rabbit for their dinner that night and he smiled as she walked off. "Dont clean the weapons without me Father" she said, and she took off, knowing he wouldnt for it was a routine they had shared for years already. "Better hurry then or I will" he called after her, knowing as well as she that it was something they would do together. She hummed a bit as she gathered kindling in the satchel and picked up a few larger logs for the fire. As she carried them back to their camp she heard her fathers voice screaming out in pain.. she ran dropping what she had gathered only to find her father on the dirt in the center of the camp, his sword feet away from him and the rabbit he was upon the damp ground. She ran to him and kneeled immediately seeing the deep gashes in his chest blood quickly soaking through his shredded clothing. His breathing came in gasps and he tried to speak but as he did so, blood bubbled upon his lips she shook her head. "Dont speak father" and she placed her hands over the gaping hole and pressed.. trying to staunch the bleeding. She ripped her shirt at the bottom into strips and placed them in the holes within his chest when her hands seemed not to help at all. Tears filled her eyes but she didnt let them fall, her father tried once more to speak as his blood darkened the ground around them both in a sticky crimson pool. "Eternal, Always.. have.. honor.. " his words came slowly, barely audible.. yet she knew he must speak them.. "Find. where. .. you.. belong... I.. lov...." his words stopped as his eyes stared straight ahead.. she screamed out. ."NOOOO FATHER!" and she buried her head upon his chest, crying uncontrollably until night fell around them, she didnt move, and awoke with the sun and blood spattered clothing, her hands still covered in his blood. He was gone. She took a deep breath as she forced herself to stand up.. gather his sword and the few things they had.. she looked at her father and within the area where he layed, she started digging with the mighty sword. She dug a hole and then kneeled, throwing the dirt faster and faster to the side in handfuls, and once it was deep enough, she pulled her father into it, and with a tearstreaked face, covered him in the soil. She used his sword to stand, and bowed toward his grave. "I promise to do the things you asked of me father, I love you". A breeze blew by and she realized, that nothing would ever be the same, but she would find a way, to make him proud. With his sword at her side, she moved on, stopping in a stream nearby to bathe and then continued her journey as he told her to.

With each drop of blood,we must realize, that life is changed eternally.
With each death comes grief,
With each birth, comes life.
With each day, comes lessons.
She didnt stop anywhere for awhile, living off the land and trying to figure out what to do. She was still so young, but after a time she began to search for work within the villages scattered about. At first the men would laugh when she stated her wish to guard those that needed a warrior, until they saw her ability to swing the mighty sword at her side. After a few years, she came across a place called angels cove and met a man named Lameas there. They became friends and he asked her to remain there, becoming his personal guard, and she thought of her father, nodded, and thought, she had found the place she belonged. One day he asked her why she was called Eternal Breeze, and she told him the story her father once told her. as she leaned against the wall, a far off look in her eyes, "Because, every person has that one moment in life, when the air around you swirls by, and you know nothing will ever be the same, the moment I was born, my father said, that the world, nor he, would ever be the same".. and she stood silent, unable to go on for a moment, and then continued. "You know the type of breeze, that reminds you of the past, or .. a moment" she tries to find the right words to explain and finishes. " the, moment, when things are changed Eternally".He nodded. and replied "aye, I know, but to me, you look like an angel I once knew.. an angel of the wind, because of how you swing your sword and your honey colored hair, I shall call you Rachel".. and she nodded.. the name seemed to stick.
She did all she could to ensure his safety. She went everywhere he did, guarded his kingdom and him well. Trained his knights and warriors, and taught them the things that her father taught her. Although liked by many, she didnt get close to but a handful of people, mayhap, out of habit, mayhap, out of choice. She was not one who trusted too easily, being a loner for so long prevented that perhaps. She sensed something not right when one of King Lameas's friends was seen conspiring with a known enemy and she continued her watch, never straying far from his side. Doing what was honorable, even if it wasn't always the easiest thing to do. She did what her heart told her to do. Going as far as to battle a man whom she considered a friend, Esrafel, because of the war between the two clans. She was torn, but in the end, all worked as it should have for a reason, but that story, shall be saved for another time. Eternal became more and more suspicious and when she found that the woman who had been seen with the enemy had hired another to assasinate the king, for she was jealous for she loved Lameas and he wished nothing to do with her. Eternal was furious and confronted the woman.. in a fear of being held for treason the woman rushed to Lameas and told him that Eternal had plans to have him killed. When Eternal approached Lameas, he asked her of this, bothered by the fact that he would even consider her to be dishonorable, she shook her head and took off to her cabin within the woods. Lameas came to her, apologizing for even doubting her and asked her to be the queen of his family, the aV, she declined, he had business to take care of and said he trusted only her. Would she please, do this until he returned. She studied him, and then nodded, but let him know, when he returned, she would depart and never return. She was a warrior, not a queen, and that is what she must do, but because of his doubt in her, however fleeting, she could not remain, but that she would always protect him when she was near, she gave him her word. And that is what she did.
She went back to wandering.. she was now 22 and it seemed that she would never find that place her father spoke of. When in aV she had met a few warriors, Esrafel and Krell, they were the closest friends she had. She trusted them with her life. After a few years she found them, as well as Adrianna, the girl from the village of Malod, twas these three she kept in touch with. No matter where she would go, she would return to check upon them. Loyal they were to her, and for them she would have done anything. Adrianna had started a family with Daywokr, they called themselves Lost Souls, and they were allied with Knights of Vengeance, in which Krell was the king. Krell, knowing her well, asked her one day to stop wandering and remain with him and his family, his wife Eternity and their daughter Amarissa. She thought it over for a time and then decided that mayhap this was that place her father spoke of. She stayed there for years, 10 in fact, doing what she felt she was born for, guarding another with her life. She wanted nothing more, than their safety and she was happy. So much happened through the years. but she was happy and so were they. She was able to visit with Adrianna and do what she felt was her lifes direction. She never would have left, but one day, Krell disappeared, and after years of searching for him, without results, she once more, started wandering on her own. Never really stopping her watch for who had become her best friend. 3 years passed this way, she spent them in search, upon her warhorse Doloran, whom Krell had given her, but inside she felt destroyed. She found out eventually, he had died of an illness that couldnt be prevented, and he was buried upon the top of Mt Olympus. She raced toward that spot, and bowed to the grave of the man that would never for one moment, be forgotten. She bowed her head and said in a whisper. ."honor is everything, you were everything my friend" and she walked away without looking back, knowing that he would always be with her, and she touched the warrior necklace upon her chest, that he once told her was made only for her... for he knew no other warrior or friend as she was to him.

Word came to her through message that Adrianna was gone, and she rushed to the land of Lost Souls to find out what she could. Adrianna and her had kept close through the years, and she had once promised Adrianna that if anything should ever happen to her, that she would protect Daywokr, and her family, in any way that she could. Well, no one knew where Adrianna was, nor if she would return, if she was alive or dead, but true to her word, Eternal was there. She spoke to Daywokr of this promise made to Adrianna and took his place as guard. They were of different temperments, but through time a mutual respect was born between them. They became friends, and when Adrianna was found, and she returned, Eternal still stayed. She couldn't just leave, for the spell that had been cast upon Adrianna by an evil Sorceress, made it important that she remain. So she stood by, keeping Daywokr well as best she could, standing at his side, and watching carefully all that went on around him. He wasnt happy it seemed in the land that he was in and so hearing of a land called NightMist, where he would sometimes travel alone she approached him and said, if you aren't happy here in this land, then go where you will be" and he nodded with a smile.. Eternal offered him a ride upon her warhorse, traveled to the new land with him and his family. and released her horse to run free.. knowing that she had a duty, and an obligation to attend to. Her word had been given and it was one she would never break.
The new land was chaotic, and yet so much to learn and to do, Eternal kept true to her word and met others within Daywokr's family, offering them the same protection as she did him. When with his family and the others that joined them, they were the Midnight Thorns, and she became very close to Lokey as well as other members. They trusted her and she them, and to her that was important. She gave her word to Lokey, the founder of this family within the new land, her word that she would always protect them, never abandom them, and he made her emmisary, she handled most alliances and peace keeping within the clan. One eve though, after several months within the land, a man whom Eternal had become friends with, guised himself as her and acted without honor. Rather than ask or question if it was truly her, Daywokr assumed that she had turned against him. Since that moment things were never the same. She still would lay her own life on the line for him.. that will never change, but she no longer felt she belonged there..Her honor had been questioned.. the moment had passed, and she felt alone once more. She remembered her promise to her father, to find that "place she belonged" and she knew inside she had to search for it. Having wished it was there, she hesitated, but knew what had to be done, while still keeping her word to protect them, honor them, and never ever let them down.

Eternal focused on training, on knowing the land and knowing the people within it, she met some time earlier a man named Crusher, whom she had actually worked on an alliance with for the clan Draco Honoris. They are training partners now, and although many of the clans within this land have asked her to join, she cant imagine doing so with any other than with her dear friend. She trains with him exclusively, an agenda and plan to stop the useless deaths and dishonor rampant upon the land, although when he is nay around, she does help others learn some of which they have learned together. He and she have the same values, and a true friendship is bound for life. Stronger they become, building a force that will protect innocents, and uphold honor within the realm. One day while training among tall reeds of grass and grasping vines, the breeze blew by and Crusher told her that she was always welcome in his family, and day by day, as she thinks about it, she realizes, that there, where Honor really is everything, is the place her father always spoke of.

When all your life is over and one looks at your grave,
Will they say you lived with honor?
Without honor, do we really live?
Or do we just fumble toward death without a purpose?
The choice is yours, I choose honor.

~Honor is everything~