Saiyans Wrath RPG!
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Welcome To Saiyan's Wrath RPG!


If there is a * next to an item you can't pick it as a beginng item...f there is a ** you have to be awarded the item in order to get it...

--Healing items--

Here in this section of Capsule Corp. you will be able to find healing items that you can buy!

Healing Items

--Training Items--

In this section of Capsule corp. you will be able to ind items whic are for sale that willhelp you with your training.The items go from training dummies to ship installed gravitrons!( NOTE: All items with a * next to it is not able to be chosen as a starting item! )

Training Items


In this section of Caosule Corp. are the weapons that are on sale.These weapons are of high quiality and are all made and sold by Capsle Corp. and only Capsule Corp.



--Ships & Ship Extras--

Here in this part of Copsule Corp. we make space ships and upgrades for sace ships.We make space ships which can hold only one passenger and othersthat hold up to 5 passengers...But they run on high prices!

Space Ships & Extras