Name: Gwaildir
Gender: male
Age: 35
Size: 5'7 in length, 5'11 in height
Appearance: deep,golden eyes, main body color is
white,with gold rings
on the tail and a gold streak starting from the center
of the forehead
and running down the face to just above the snout.
Personality: quiet, intuitive, loyal, swift, excellent
responsible, gentle,
History: He was born on the Homeland and was trained
as a warrior and
warden of the realm. He is in the service ofthe High
Counsel leaders,
yet do not agree with their wicked ways and secretly
inform the
Guardians of the High Counsel's doings. He is a close
friend of
who met him years ago,just before she left for the
Mainland to take up
the occupation of a Guardian. Of late, he has held
himself at the
Mainland, pursuing his true desire to aid Epharen and
the Guardians.
Group/History/Rank: server to the High Counsel
male and female leaders. March Warden of the Sharro
Mainland or Homeland: Mainland
Name and Email: Marie Greenleaf