The Sharro

The Sharro are telepathic creatures that are found on both the Mainland and the Homeland. They are the more learned then the Nonoshan and are responsible for the names given to the places of their planet and the world itself.
With the Nonoshan, who dominate the Mainland, they live as slaves and pets; their intelligence shielded from the Nonoshan by their disability to speak outloud.
On the Homeland, the continent that has their singal massive city, The Dwelling, and the place where Nonoshan are nonexsistent the Sharro have an advanced civilization. They have built cities much like that of the Humans, and their ability to keep their lands peaceful and clean are exceptional. The Sharro of Homeland are ruled and governed by the High Counsel and are extremely protective of their lands.
The Sharro communicate with to eachother with telepathy, and have the ability to pick up things with their minds, and levitate.

There are several groups and organizations that Sharro participate in, so it would be a very good idea to read up on those things. To make a Sharro character you should read the things in the link below as well, fill out the application form below, and then email to the mods at

Appearance (Be very detailed):
Group or Occupation and Rank?
Mainland or Homeland?
Template need?
Your Name or Username (So, I can call you something)
Email (So I can send you your reply, and then give you the email address to the actual rp):

Sharro Character Tutorial