
Tribal Totem: Stag

Advantage: The Fianna history is one of bards and brawls. As a results of this illustrious history, they may begin play with two Traits in any combination of the following Abilities: Brawl, Expression, Melee, Performance.

Drawback: Fianna are passionate werewolves and can be dragged quite a distance by their own anger, joy or melancholy. As aresult, they lose any ties on Willpower Challenges that they face unless they can force a retest or use a Gift to otherwise ameliorate this result.

Backgrounds: No restrictions

Beginning Tribal Gifts: Faerie Light, Persuasion, Resist Toxin

Wolf Form: When in Lupus, the Fianna are terrifying to unprepared homids: They seem to be the dire wolves of old, with shining red or black fur. Their howls can rend the heart for their beauty and sadness.

Organization: At the local level, Fianna septs elect their members to “Chairs” of various performing arts: There is a Chair of Poetry, a Chair of Song and a Chair of Stories. These Chairs lead moots for the local sept. On a global level, a high king or queen, known as the Ar-Righ, leads the Fianna. The traditional seat of this office is at Tara in Ireland, though not all Ar-Righ hold court there, some preferring their own homelands (be they Sydney or Boston).

Habitat/Protectorate: In older times they preferred the moors, forests and peat bogs of the “auld sod,” although they have traveled across the globe They are most commonly found in the British Isles, the with their Kinfolk. United States (especially Appalachia), Canada, New Zealand and Australia. They usually settle close to their Kin, whom they protect with great ferocity.