Garou Nation

Ranks of the Garou

  • Rank 0 Cub
  • Rank 1 Cliath
  • Rank 2 Fostern
  • Rank 3 Adren
  • Rank 4 Athro
  • Rank 5 Elder
  • Rank 6 Legend

    The 5 Forms

  • Form 1 Homid
  • Form 2 Glabros
  • Form 3 Lupus
  • Form 4 Hispo
  • Form 5 Crinos

    The Litany of the Garou

    Garou Shall Not Mate With Other Garou (due to the increasing number of metis, this is obviously as inviolate as it once was).

    Combat The Wyrm Whever It Dwells And Whenever It Breeds ...this includes vampires(who have obviously accepted a Wyrm pact of Life After death) and any other defilers of the Earth Mother (unfortunately, most Garou have forgotten or forsaken this part of the Litany).

    Respect The Territory Of Another: Before entering another Garou's territory, one must sing tne Howl of Introduction, reciting name, sept, Lineage, totem, and tribe(GlassWalkers will accept a phone call or fax instead. Younger Garou often ignore this one, considering such, "facist").

    Accept An Honorable Surrender: This is done by baring your throat to other Garou during a battle between you and that Garou(doing this could cause you to lose glory and honor in the eyes of some Garou. The Get of Fenris are notorious for "accidentally" ripping out said bared throat.

    Submission To Those Of Higher Station: Rank is everything in Garou Society. You must respect those of a higher rank (the younger Garou usually scoff at this one too.)

    The First Share Of The Kill For The Greatest In Station: This goes for the spoils of war as well (most dislike someone who is greedy. those of High rank should be generous at times)

    Ye Shall Not Eat of Human Flesh: (The Red Talons ignore this one and would rip it out of the Litany if it weren't "in Stone".)

    Respect For Those Beneath Ye-- All Are Of Gaia: (Shadow Lords and the Get of Fenris at least pay lip service to this part. The Bone Gnawers Argue that they are below everyone and therefore need respect none.

    The Veil Shall NOT be lifted: This is iron clad. There is no exception. Violators are served violent and cruel death at the hands of there own Tribe.

    Do Not Suffer Thy People To Tend Thy Sickness: You are to kill those of the pack who are far too weak to fight or change(many of the Homid Garou disagree, preferring to let the old live their life. Indeed many Garou in General will at least let an old Garou of high rank have an honourable death through the suicide rite known the Rite of the Winter wolf.

    The Leader Of A Pack May Be Challenged At Any Time During Peace: If you think you should be leader of your pack, by all means, challenge your pack Leader. If you win, YOU are the new leader(you must at least be of as High a rank as the leader)

    The Lead May Not Be Challenged During Wartime: (incompetent Leaders may be usurped if the need arises, the Philodox letting the Usurper slide just this once)

    Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes A Caern To Be Violated: This one is also iron clad and is punished with immediate death once the violator is found.

    Garou Tribes

    Black Furies

    Hailing from ancient Greece and undoubtedly responsible for that land’s legendary Amazons and Maenads, the Black Furies tribe consists almost entirely of female Garou. The only males that are welcome are metis, and even then only those born to the tribe; a male metis of another tribe joining the Furies is simply unheard of. Many of the other tribes - particularly the Get of Fenris and Shadow Lords - write off the Black Furies as nothing more than “warrior women,” but nothing could be farther from the truth. The Black Furies do not see themselves as mere warriors: They are a force of nature, acting to right wrongs done against women and, through them, Gaia. Men who do not understand the proper way of things might commit these wrongs, or the Wyrm itself might cause them. To the Furies, it makes no difference: The souls of these defilers’ victims cry out for retribution, and they are retribution’s vehicle. The Furies both defend and aggressively seek out Wyld sites that might make suitable caems. Their own caems are reputed to be treasure troves of ancient fetishes and powerful talens, but few members of other tribes can get close enough to discover the truth of this; many Furies are particularly suspicious of the Silver Fangs, Shadowlords and Get of Fenris for their “curiosity about such rumors. One particular camp of the blackfuries, the Freebooters, scours the world for Wyld sites that could serve as caerns once the sites are properly purified. They succeed only rarely, making such success the cause for great celebration. In the End Times, young Black Furies have begun to seize territory inside large cities, hoping to make an impact on women’s lives there, in the heart of the Wyrm. Whether they will succeed or not remains to be seen, but many tribal elders warn of great calamity should their daughters and nieces continue on such a path; they believe the Furies’ most important role is not as counselor and friend to the homids, but as avenger.

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    Bone Gnawer

    If you asked the member of any other tribe which Garou are furthest from Gaia, fingers would unerringly point to the Bone Gnawers, who live in sewers garbage dumps and slums in the greatest cities of the World of Darkness. But the Bone Gnawers know the truth. Gaia isn’t just in the virgin timberland or at the top of a craggy peak: Gaia is in the city, too. Unlike their cousins, the Bone Gnawers fight for Gaia every day. The Wyrm is at its strongest in the heart of great cities, and so it is there that Gaia is at Her weakest and in most need of defense.
    The Bone Gnawers can’t help the material fact of their situations. They don’t have decent homes or much money; they live on the streets, alongside the homeless, the crazies, the muggers and the Wyrm-things. The Gnawers are self-reliant, though: They have found their own places of power amid the trash, and they can create fetishes and talens out of discarded junk. Social standing among the Bone Gnawers has very little to do with one’s wealth or combat prowess and everything to do with one’s ability to provide for those in need and combat the Wyrm in less obvious fashions. That isn’t to say that the Bone Gnawers can’t fight when they have to; the tribe’s totem spirit is rat. A Gnawer Ahroun fights as well as any other tribe’s warrior does, and he is entirely willing to fight dirty.
    As a group) the Bone Gnawers are on moderately good terms with the Glass Walkers - though they surely do not travel in the same circles, each group has something the other can use. The Gnawers have an ear to the streets at just about all times, and the Walkers have nearly unmatched material resources. Most Red Talons and many Silver Fangs revile the Bone Gnawers, wishing that the tribe would just go away. Most of the other tribes grudgingly tolerate Rat’s adopted children, leaving them to fight their war as they see fit.

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    Children of Gaia

    The Western Concordiat seems unanimous in its hatred for the Weaver and Wyrm. The Children of Gaia alone stand against this. They know - or at least claim to know - that war is the creation of the Wyrm and strengthens the Wyrm. They desire to make peace, first among the 12 Tribes and then between the Garou and humanity. And then, who knows how far such an upswelling of good sentiment might go?
    The Children suffer the slings and arrows of the other tribes for their attitude, of course; epithets like “hippie” and “peacenik” are the least damaging things they run into. However, because the members of most tribes know that the Children do not really hold grudges against any of them and do genuinely wish to improve the rapport between the tribes, the others often turn to them to act as mediators. The Children of Gaia have the best relations with the Uktena and Wendigo of all the so-called Wyrmcomer Europeans.
    However, these peace-loving Garou do have their breaking points, and their Rage can be frightening after being pent up for so long. They also understand that, as werewolves, sometimes they just need to “pop claws and go to town” for sanity’s sake. What they stress is that they look for good targets (like Wyrm things) to vent their Rage on, rather than the wasteful destruction of another Garou.
    The Children of Gaia are one of the mostactive tribes within homid society. They work as environmental activists, teachers, lobbyists and similar roles, trying to educate humanity to the danger of their actions. Where possible, they take direct action against the worst depredations of humanity, but since they are less likely than many other Garou to cause the Delirium in homids, they are the most useful working within homid society.
    The Children are an unusually large tribe by Garou standards, and are as diverse as they are large. This is mostly because the Children of Gaia and their totem, Unicorn, welcome almost any werewolf to join the tribe. Males born to the Black Furies, the metis of many tribes, “weaklings” born to the Get of Fenris, lost cubs with no knowledge of their tribes - all are accepted by Unicorn, and all call themselves Children of Gaia.

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    Many onlookers suspect that the blood of the Fair Folk runs in the veins of the Fianna tribe; these Garou share an ancestral home with the legendary fae in the British Isles, and have the same love of a good song and strong drink as those mythical creatures. The Fianna are master storytellers - a good Fianna yam, whether true or not, will set you back a case of beer and half a night, and you’ll wonder where the time went as you stumble to the door.
    The other tribes see the Fianna as merrymakers and drunkards, but that’s not quite the whole story. The Fianna are famed for their wild mood swings and may spend weeks in a melancholy bordering on Harano before cheering. A Fianna’s mood can just as quickly turn to anger; their frenzies are no less frightening than those of more openly warlike tribes. Of all the tribes, the Fianna are certainly the most sociable, but they also provide most of the material for ballads of unrequited or tragic love, especially for humans and other Garou.
    Some Fianna in North America and Australia try to get away from the stereotype of the drunken Irish brawler or bard, but it is hard to eliminate a stereotype that the other tribes seem so determined to see within them. New World Fianna work as activists within homid communities rather than holding themselves apart from humanity. Certainly cities with large Irish populations have more Fianna than others do, but the tribe is, like most of the others of the garou Nation, truly a global entity in these days. The rise of the CelticTiger economic boom in Ireland and the fight for peace in Northern Ireland has begun to tear a rift in the tribe, as the youth seek the benefits of the movement and the elders decry the loss of traditions.

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    Get of Fenris

    The Get of Fenris are the Fenrir, the chosen children of Fenris Wolf, the mightiest warrior spirit in the heavens. They are the fists of Gaia and the greatest warriors of the Garou Nation. Anyone who cares to disagree is welcome to challenge these proclamations in person. The Get hail from northern Europe and Scandinavia; those are harsh lands, not prone to forgiving individual frailty, and the Get have absorbed this attitude from their surroundings. They want no truck with weaklings of any kind, caring only for the strongest Garou.
    The mythology of the Get revolves around ancient Norse legends. They see the coming Apocalypse through the lens of Ragnarok, the final battle between the Norse gods and the wicked giants; the Get see themselves numbered among the Einherjar, the chosen warriors of the gods. The Wyrm itself they call Jormungandr, the World Serpent. It is said that a true warrior of the Get of Fenris would gladly let himself be devoured by Jormungandr if he was sure to get a few moments rending and tearing at the beast’s face.
    The tribe’s belief that the weak must be culled saw a black mark against the Fenrir in the middle of the 20th century as more than a few members of the Get of Fenris fell in with the ideals ofNazi Germany. That cancer was excised rather painfully as the tribe fell to infighting while some of the worst crimes against Gaia of that century were taking place, and it took a few years for the Get to return to their former stature. The most poisonous of Get rhetoric has softened somewhat in the intervening years.
    The Get of Fenris see no problem in seizing caerns “misheld” by other tribes; if the Get can take a caem, obviously it was not well-defended against the minions of the Wyrm. The Get see their own stewardship of such caerns as the best and most obvious solution to that problem. This has put them on bad footing with several other tribes; the Wendigo and Uktena, in particular, have no great love for the Fenrir. A few tribes are too strong to assault in such a fashion: The Shadow Lords, Silver Fangs and Black Furies can generally hold their own against a Get assault. The others watch the Get warily; the Fenrir know that they will lead the assault against the Wyrm in the final battle for Gaia, and now they only wait the signal ....

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    Glass Walkers

    The Glass Walkers are the most modern and forward-thinking of all the tribes of the Garou Nation. They alone truly embrace modern technology and turn the Weaver’s tools on the Wyrm’s minions for Gaia’s benefit. They do their best to bring their technology and resources to the other tribes so that all can benefit from the latest advances, but, as is often the case, the Red Talons get frustrated and smash new cell phones, while the Get of Fenris hurl laptop computers into nearby lakes. In the end, it seems, most of the more primitive tribes are interested in new weapons and weapon accessories, and rely on the Glass Walkers to use the other stuff on their behalf. This is a role the Glass Walkers are all too happy to take; they love toys. The epithet “Weaver-thing,” considered an insult when applied by the Red Talons, is used in loving jest by Glass Walkers (“Ooh, new Weaver-thing! Lemme see....”). Their affinity for technology is unmatched among the 12 Tribes.
    The Walkers are not obsessed solely with computers and high tech; they also embrace business, politics and high finance. Only a city’s Leech population matches the Dons when it comes to having a finger in every pie. The Glass Walkers have contacts in many white-collar industries and no small number of trade unions and other blue-collar labor. Glass Walker business investments often provide the operating capital for extended Garou operations, and a few warlike septs now find themselves in debt to the Glass Walkers for previous raids. Most Walkers wouldn’t call a debt like this in, but it is good to know the marker is there when you need a favor.
    The Glass Walkers do fight the Wyrm. They just take the fight to the boardroom and the Internet. Their finest warriors stalk those who exploit urbanization, and they reclaim urban areas to create patches of green in the cities. One of the tribe’s greatest assets is the "monkeywrenchers,” saboteurs of various talents who turn their efforts on corrupt companies, especially Pentex and its subsidiaries. When they’re not duking it out with public corruption, the Glass Walkers are dealing with the city's vampire population; such close quarters ensures the ancient enemies encounter each other, and the Glass Walkers know as many dirty tricks as the Leeches to get things done.

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    Red Talons

    Walk through a city some night, and look up at the sky. Try to find a star, any star. You’re lucky if you can see Luna herself up there. Imagine you had power to punish the people concealing the pure sky from you. Here is the source of the Red Talons’ rage. They can see the pure sky; they live in pure, clean, wild lands, but every day some idiot ape bulldozes another hundred acres to put up another 200 cookie-cutter suburban homes. The answer is obvious to the Red Talons: kill some homids. Yet this is precisely what the other 11 tribes refuse to do.
    The Red Talons are the claws of Gaia; they are Her rage at the human race given form, or so they believe. The Talons come almost entirely from lupus stock; only in the last few decades have they even accepted metis that come from Talon-Talon matings. Many Talon metis are still culled at birth or given to the Children of Gaia to rear. Given their backgrounds, few Talons are comfortable with Weaver-things of any kind. Most see the value in klaives, and a few even appreciate the usefulness of agunor telephone, but for the most part they communicate via howls and fight with claws and feel that that should be enough. Still, the other tribes admit the Talons have long memories, and no doubt recall rites and secrets long forgotten by the rest of the Garou.
    Talon hatred of humans is legendary, and that hatred has grown by leaps and bounds in these nights of Alaskan wolf- kills and bulldozed forests; some believe that the humans should be wiped from Gaia’s face entirely. Others are more restrained, thinking that returning to the practice of culling - would be enough. A few humans even live peacefully near Talon territories, provided they respect the land.
    Many Talons enact a private Impergium against humans who move into protected lands. The deaths are often swift, but some younger Red Talons take more pleasure in the killings than their elders think prudent. Cruelties and ritual torture that rival the Black Spiral Dancers are surely the touch of the Wyrm. Some, it is whispered, even violate the Litany - “Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans.” The malice of such unnecessary activity surely tempts the Wyrm, and the tribe’s elders watch their youthful students more and more carefully in the modern nights.

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    The Shadow Lords cultivate an air of menace in the same way that a Child of Gaia cultivates her herb garden. Dark, looming, brooding - such traits personify these Garou of Eastern European descent. The Shadow Lords know with precise certainty that they are more qualified to lead the Garou Nation than the Silver Fangs; the Fangs’ leadership consists of doddering old fools, lost in yesterday’s glory, they say. They hold themselves to be the guardians of the Litany, well-versed in the “correct” interpretations of the tenets. Above all, they respect power and strength; the weak are worth only disdain or a swift death.
    The Shadow Lords must watch their own flanks at all times: In addition to competing with Garou of other tribes for position and influence, a Lord dares not show weakness to another Lord lest she lose face and position within the tribe. Cubs revere their elders as dignified, cunning and proud, but often do so from fear. Elders are known for arrogance as much as ability. Add this to a steaming cauldron of political intrigues, tribal solidarity, conspiracies and spies, and the tribe is more likely to suffer from internal conflicts than outside interests.
    The Shadow Lords are adept at manipulating others to do their bidding; some darkly joke that they learned that skill from the vampires that stalk the night in the tribe’s ancient homeland, the Carpathian and Balkan mountain ranges. It is certainly the case that he Shadow Lords are more willing to enter into dealings with such dark creatures than other tribes are. Some Lords end up on the wrong sides of such bargains - apparently some Leeches have a fondness for werewolf blood- but others can and do play games with the undead
    The Shadow Lords revere Grandfather Thunder as a spirit only slightly beneath Gaia in importance - most Garou believe that the Shadow Lords feel that Grandfather Thunder is Gaia’s equal, a sky god to the earth goddess. If the Shadow Lords really do consider the two to be equal, they keep that fact to themselves. By all indications, Mother Gaia is foremost in their hearts, but Grandfather Thunder is a capricious patron. He does not tolerate weakness, but sends his Stormcrows ahead to warn favored Shadow Lords of coming danger.

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    Silent Strider


    Silver Fangs


    Star Gazers




