The 3 Forms
The Litany of Survival
You've probably gotten the idea that we're a pretty wild, chaotic bunch, right? (And if you haven't, what the hell have you been listening to all this time?!) Well, we are, and we like it that way. But that don't mean that just, anything goes. Every Fern has their own set of rules and guidelines that they use to decide what's right and wrong, and each set of rules is different, depending on both what that Breed's purpose was in the beginning and how badly they've screwed it up since then. Now, we Ratkin let a lot of stuff go most of the time, simply because it's in our nature to get all freaky every once in a while. But we've still got lines drawn, and when you cross those lines, our justice is harsh. Screw up bad enough, and you won't be given a second chance. So if you're looking to survive for more than a few weeks or, Mama forbid, you wanna become a Knife Skulker like me, you're gonna have to learn the rules. Just keep in mind, they're there because they work.
The Creed of Obligation
I shall preserve the Veil, which ensures our survival. The first rule of Fight Club is: you don't talk about Fight Club. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, it should be. Most of the other parts of our Litany of Survival are just guidelines, ways of behaving that will help you rise in ranks faster and keep you out of trouble from the elders. This one's not like that; most of us enforce this a& law. Don't depend on the Delirium to cover your tracks - a lot of our enemies, like Garou, vampires and the like, pay close attention to how the humans act. This means that while you might fool the sheep, that don't mean the sheepdog ain't on to you. Rat gave you all sorts of gifts, the best of which is your brain-box. So use it, be smart, and don't get caught with your proverbial pants down.
I will build, steal and suborn to strengthen my breeding grounds. Some of our Nests are pretty destitute, and even the ones that ain't can always use at least a little improvement here and there. We're preparing for the real War to end all Wars, so we can't go around worrying about vague concepts like ownership or property boundaries. If you can create or steal anything to strengthen a Nest, from a powerful Garou fetish to a bit of food from the local supermarket, do it. It's your duty.
I shall nurture, instruct and aid the young. You know that cliche humans like to repeat about the children being their future? Well, we actually believe that here. In the War of the Apocalypse, every single soldier counts, and it's up to Ratkin like me and, sooner or later, you to make sure our youth are ready for that conflict. We're in this to win, so that means no dicking around when it comes to the kids.
I will trust my own kind before I trust outsiders. We got lots of enemies out there, kid, some of whom are pretty good at making themselves look like friends when it suits them. But regardless of how outsiders may deal with you, your own kind will be there for you. We're family, and while we've got more than our share of familial spats, some of which are even deadly, blood's still thicker than water. Sometimes, a Ratkin will betray another Ratkin - it's sad, but it happens. When it does, though, it's out of necessity - if you've gotta betray somebody, make it a human or some non- Ratkin supernatural. If you can't do that, make sure you've got a damn good reason.
When someone is responsible for injustice, I will make sure someone pays. Justice isn't silly laws or loopholes. Justice is all about proper retribution. We Ratkin really got screwed over back in the day - hell, sometimes we still do when we don't keep our guard up. It's been five thousand years, and we're stiII pretty bitter about the whole thing. Whenever we see an injustice committed, it brings back a lot of old memories, especially for Knife Skulkers. It's strongly suggested that when you see something like this take place, become an instrument of justice. If nothing else, it's a constructive way to vent your anger.
The Creed of Infamy
I will defend our breeding grounds against all threats, physical and spiritual. We take pains to keep our Nests safe. We need them more than the other shapepeshifters need their own sacred places. So when something threatens one of our Nests, we fight for keeps. Every time we lose a Nest, the Wyld loses more ground and our job in the Final Days gets just a little bit harder. It's hard enough as it is, so don't screw up on this one.
I shall seek revenge against those who prey upon my kind. We get lots of freedom, at least if we want it; you can get away with all sorts of crap if you just stay away from the bigger colonies. But you're Ratkin I first, and anything else second. Just in case it ain't sunk in yet, kid, I'll try this again: we've got enemies! Lots of them. In fact, some of them even think that they can get away with cheating or killing us. It's up to every Ratkin to prove the ones that think this wrong, or else they might give others ideas.
I must shred the tentacles of the Wyrm whenever they constrict us. We don't fight the Wyrm like the Garou do. A lot of folks think that means we don't fight the Wyrm at all, but that just ain't so. We do fight it, but we fight defensively, fighting to stay alive when it threatens us instead of seeking it out to try and kill it. After all, the Wyrm is gonna bring the Apocalypse, and we want that, so it just don't make any sort of sense to go and kill it off before it's served its purpose. The Wyrm will never be our ally, because it's still a threat to our long-term survival, but it also ain't our number one enemy. Just use your discretion when you encounter the Wyrm, and make doubly sure that you don't let it corrupt you.
I must sever the Weaver's webs wherever they calcify chaos. The Weaver is our true enemy. We're agents of the Wyld, so we've got to be constantly fighting the Weaver back, trying to win back ground and take the fight to the Weaver's home in the cities. It's a tough fight, and alone we can't do much, but you've got a lot of brothers and sisters in this extended Ratkin family. When the time is right, we'll bring the whole of human society, this mockery that the Weaver's built, crashing down. Until then, do your part.
Creed of Cunning
I will survive so that I may breed. So, about this breeding thing... like I said, we take it seriously. One of the most valuable roles any Ratkin can have is as a parent, working to keep our forces strong and numerous. If you go and get yourself killed, that means you obviously ain't gonna have any more kids, and that doesn't do us as a race any good. Survive, propagate, and grow strong enough to make a difference in the Final Conflict.
I must respect strength and exploit weakness. This may sound a bit too Darwin for your tastes, but it's a fact that the weak die so that the strong may live. The sooner you accept that, the easier a time you'll have with being one of us. We need soldiers, but only if they're strong enough to do their part - a weak soldier is nothing but a liability to his fellows. That's why we're so concerned with choosing a Straggler for our packs. If somebody has to die, it's gonna be the weak one, the one who can't pull his own weight. Anything else is just too much of a waste.
I shall grow stronger through conflict. Conflict breeds strength. You'll never really improve yourself without a little adversity - a hot fire under the tail is one of the great motivators of the history of any race. Besides that, without conflict, how will we know whether you're strong or weak? You need to prove yourself before you get the breeding privileges that our esteemed get.
I wll learn from the mysteries of the spirit world. We spent thousands of years in the spirit world, and it's there that we found the source of much of our maddening wisdom. The Umbra is a'vast place with all sorts of little secrets and useful tools hidden away in the strangest of locations. Every Ratkin I know enjoys spending time there, which is good, because essentially it's our duty to at least try to learn from the Umbra. Knowledge is just another form of strength, after all.
I will revel in the visions the spirits grant me. Many of us are scared of the Rapture, but in truth it's the Rapture that shows us how things are and what we have to do most clearly. Don't take it for granted, and don't ignore it. Listen to it carefully. Generally, the spirits tend to know what they're talking about.