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The News
We are going to be hosting Opo's Sim Stuff. This site is under development so be patient, we will be working very hard on this great new page we will be doing. The Plan is to have Opo's Sim Stuff still available to you, but still a part of our organization. He will redirect to this site from his old one. A better way of getting here is by putting our CJB redirecting site down to your peers or who ever you want to give this URL too, the URL is We will be making one paragraph or so ever other day of important information like objects coming out or anything of that status. We will be taking the old news to an archive were you can pre-view the old news, this is also good for new people to the site. Remember to submit the skins to my e-mail. We will also be doing exclusive SIMakers objects so expect the better exclusive Opo's Sim Stuff objects to be on his page. With that I am also going to put a forum for Opo's Sim Stuff Q's and requests. The SIMakers Organization is working on a game that we will have on the all NEW! page, so look for that in the future like other great things.

Last Updated Nov.30th/01