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Clan Information :


The wandering gypsies of the Kindred. They are known as thieves and tricksters, and are masters of illusion.

The gypsies among vampires, the Ravnos weave enthralling illusions to deceive and fool those who have something that they desire. Never building a permanent haven, the Ravnos choose instead to travel from location to location, playing tricks and deceiving whoever crosses their path. In modern days something has happened to the clan, and their members now only count a handful.

If ever a clan was renowned for a wickedly black sense of humor, the Ravnos would be that clan. These Cainites are deceivers of the first order, weaving illusions and lies into elaborate schemes to part the foolish from whatever it is the Ravnos might fancy — be it wealth, blood or even their victims' freedom. Like Mephistopheles, or Old Scratch, the Ravnos ply their devil's deals with whomever they choose, be it human or Kindred, and woe to those who wind up unable to pay the hidden coast.

Although many Ravnos see themselves as great tricksters, the generally benevolent tricks of Coyote and Raven aren't so much their style. Instead, they draw on a tradition of illusion and deceit inherited from the rakshasas and ghuls of the Middle and Far East. A Ravnos is a highly dangerous being with whom to sup or bargain. And these devils have been making their wagers and bargains for a long time indeed.

The Ravnos are nomadic to the core and care little for permanent havens or positions in a city's established power structure. Even those who have chosen a given city for their home tend to establish and abandon havens as the mood strikes them, taking whatever lairs they like, doing as they please, and moving on when bored. This habit infuriates princes across the world, who resent the Ravnos' disregard for the Tradition of Hospitality. Few punish violators, though, for fear of drawing the malice of the clan as a whole.

Although the clan has long-standing ties with Gypsies, few Ravnos enjoy the hospitality of their mortal kin. Perhaps the Gypsies know these vampires' true natures too well, and are loath to offer friendship to the undying. Perhaps the Ravnos themselves alienate their mortal families through dangerous tricks. Whatever the reason, a Ravnos typically has no allies he can rely on regularly. His charm may win him a few temporary companions, and clan loyalty may draw fellow Ravnos to his side in times of dire need, but the vampire's path ultimately lies alone.

Naturally, the princes of many cities are leery of allowing such tricksters free rein in their domains. The Ravnos' eccentric code of honor is strong, but rarely coincides with another Kindred's definition of the term. A Ravnos may break her word at will unless she's spit in her palm and shaken on the deal. She'll defend her "good name" for all it's worth — depending on what she considers slander. And she'll usually come to the defense of a clanmate, and vice versa; the Ravnos may take advantage of one another, but they consider it their privilege. Outsiders aren't allowed the same.

Perhaps the most worrisome thing about the Ravnos is that as a clan, they managed to survive for centuries in Asia, where most Kindred are quickly hunted down and devoured by ruthless Cathayans. No other Cainites know exactly how they managed this — but now a possible reason is emerging. Rumors filter back to Europe and the Americas of elder things awakening, of ancient vampires shrugging off the earth of millennia and throwing the Cainite courts into disorder. These elder Ravnos — if rumor speaks correctly — have demonstrated terrifying mystical powers, including a talent for illusions so powerful they can affect the physical world. Time can only tell what part the reemergence of these "demon kings" will play in the Jyhad.

Nickname: Deceivers

Sect: The Ravnos go where they will and deal with whomever they will, and sects be damned. The elders of the clan, particularly those centered in India, scoff at the Camarilla and Sabbat as temporary social clubs at best, hollow institutions where paranoid vampires can gather in numbers and reassure themselves that they are the apex of the food chain. The younger ones simply reject the idea of giving any outsider even a fraction of authority over them. Most Ravnos look at the Sabbat's promises of freedom and the Camarilla's offer of protection as nothing more than honeyed bait for the trap, and politely (or not so politely) decline.

Appearance: Many younger Western Ravnos are of Gypsy descent, usually of dark complexion, with darker hair and eyes. Slightly rarer are those with Asian, African or Nordic features, and rarer still are those without even a trace of Gypsy blood. In fact, European Ravnos do not Embrace gorgio (non-Gypsies) at all.

The Eastern half of the clan is mostly of Indian blood, although members have Embraced promising men and women of other ethnicities. Like their Western cousins, they favor colorful and beautiful clothing, and enjoy practicing their allure on mortals.

Haven: Ravnos are nomadic by nature; even their Eastern childer feel the wanderlust upon them from time to time. Members of the clan often travel in vans or RVs, taking shelter wherever they may. Those with mortal relatives, particularly Gypsies, often stay with their families for a while. But when the local Kindred start getting uncomfortably curious, the Ravnos are on the road again.




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