
Hover mouse over the dragonball in the menu to tell what the link contains. Help £

Come to here for the home page and the emergencies of the site.Main

Come here to get the latest info and the best links around to this site so that you can get easy access.Updates
Come here for the up to date news on ICLing and what it is.ICLing
You want to know about me then come here for the awards, e-mail, and thought of the creator of T.W.G.M.A.T.Me
Come here to get stuff for you and you alone, there is much to had here so come on in and check it out.You
Come here to learn about the site and to see what is in store for it as this site keep on changing from time to time.Site
You like anime then come here and find all the anime shrine that oyu can see. Those that are up you can go to.Shrine
Yes T.W.G.M.A.T. has a guild and if you wish to be a part of it then come here and check out what it has to offer.Guild

Everyone loves downloads but what to choose from is up to you.Downloads

How do you want to be challenged.  Here you can come to check out the mind puzzling and brain twisting things that T.W.G.M.A.T has to offer.Fun Zone
Here is a place for those that are hihgly tuned to anime.  Come here to see fan art, tips on things, stories,and even jokes.Archive
You like media then come here to get those songs thatoyu want or those music videos that are hard to find.  I have only soo much space but of course that does not stop me from givening out the best that the www has to offer.Media
Do you have an e-mail then come here and join T.W.G.M.A.T.'s mailing service or another of your choosing.  Write in style ^.^E-Mail

You think that T.W.G.M.A.T. is a great site just wait until you see these other sites that I have linked.  Check them out or else I would not have them linked to me.Links 2002-2003 2003-2004
Got something to say then come here and write what you want and see if other Otakus feel the same way you do.MB
PLEASE PLEASE sign my guest book.  I like any type of comments, just make sure to keep it clean or lese I will delete your message......well actually I would just rewrite it.GB Important updates will be posted here if any one needs to know the urgent news.

I do not own anything on this site.  I am just a simple fan of anime.  Come here to get the total info on whats what in this site.  The sreen that come up will dissappear after about 4 second or so.  This will not hurt your computer unless it is slow.Disclaimer

Quote of the Month Well It has been some time since this site has graced the cover of anybodies computer screen. I was finally able to get the site running again. Go ahead and check out things The web site is up and running but I have held off on accepting awards for a little while. I will give my thoughts and approval but as for the awards I will not. Just for a little bit. I will be letting music out. You want a song I'll find it. As for anything else please contact me about that and I'll be happy to write back. Thanks for looking and I hope you like the not so full but up and running T.W.G.M.A.T. Krillin ^.^\/
"If you don't think you shouldn't talk"  The Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland.
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