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1.No cheating. People caught doing this will be removed from this site and banned.

2.Yes! You may cuss! But dont go south park on me...or I will tell u to Respect My Authority!

3.Have a hell of a good time!

How to roll dice

To roll the accuracy dice and damage dice, you of course have to read this. You must be in an AIM or Aol chat room to use it. To roll accuracy, the person who is using their turn to attack declares the attack and how much Ki is used. Then He/she types in their accuracy dice and add their ACC to the end result, and minus half the target's SPE, for the attack to be successful, the roll(after adding ACC and minusing the SPE) must be atleast half or more then the maximum u could get on the die. Now for damage. You may have noticed I have put things like 1d15 by the attacks. Well, I'm going to tell you what they mean. For damage the first number is the amount of dice you use, and the second is the damage roll. After rolling dmg, you add half your strength to the end dmg, if it is an odd number, round down (ex u have 5 STR, u would add 2). Example for it: to do damage for an attack that is 1d20, you would type in //roll-dice1-sides20 and the number you rolled plus half your STR would be the damage.


Now for the fun stuff! To fight, you must be in one of the chat rooms I told you earlier. There are 3 types of fights and they are training fights, you fight another member that's is alive or dead, which ever you are, and you fight till one of you are down to half HP, after sparring, copy and paste it then sned it to me at Both players will get a spar bonus of 1 STR, 1 SPE, 5 HP, 1 ACC, and 3 Energy Points(you may only do this 5 times a week and you get 5 Dollars for each spar). The second type of fight is a saga fight, a fight to the death. The fight keeps going untill all the fighters protecting the earth die, or the Saga Boss dies(or unless i say the fight is over). The winner gets 5 STR, 6 SPE, 4 ACC, 10 HP, 10 Energy Points, and the losers money. The final type of fight, is a Tournament fight. These fights go untill one fighter runs out of EP(energy points), or untill one fighter dies. All the tournaments are ran by me and I declare who is the winner.

Well, C-ya for now!