How It Ended
With the help of Tara, Satan and Sky learned to live with each other in peace and the light and darks gave up their ways to form an unbeatable force. Tara came part of the horse world for good taking her new form as a horse and lived happily by the sides of the only family she'd ever known. Santiago and Sunfire grew to learn the ways of leaders and Goddess and Sky finally came to peace with each other. And just when you think all is good and right in the world...
In the world of the afterlife all hell broke loose the almighty creator and The Lord of Hell grew angry with this world for now their served no purpose for there to be a heaven and a hell. Combining powers they destroyed the world and all those who lived on it banishing them to another world in another time and place to start anew with a new life and no knowledge of their life before...
(OOC: ok guys thats it. The end of WHOA as we know it. I and probablly others have grown bored with WHOA so I decided why not try something a little different. Blessed Are The Untamed is that something. Even though it is much like WHOA it's different. New leaders have come along and your characters are yet to explore the adventures of the new world. Your friends will be there yes but with no knowledge of who you are or their past life. Yes Satan and Sky and Goddess and the rest will be there as well in a new life-time starting over and being re-born. It's time for the true story of their world not a simulation. So go join BATU the URL is www.angelfire.com/realm2/blesseduntamed . I believe it might be a bit more interesting...)