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Custom AI Scripts

Here is the archive of custom AI scripts. Yes, you'll find some of the best at the Jeff's Laboratory, but this is for organisation. So... um... yeah. Okay then, on to the list. For now, all the AI scripts will work with BG2 and it's expansion. Later, there will be some for BG1. They'll be listed in alphabetical order for now.

Installation notes: Unzip the script to the [BGII - SoA installation directory]/scripts directory.

ALL JEFF'S AI SCRIPTS, created by Jeff.
Description: This is a bundle of all scripts listed below.

Archer AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Archer will use the called shot special ability. He will attack with ranged weapons if he can. If not, he will try to flee to a safe range. If enemies close in on him, he will draw a melee weapon and fight.

Assassin AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Assassin will try to hide in shadows when there are no enemies around. She will ranged or melee weapons, depending on the distance of the enemy. If she is hidden, she will attempt to backstab the enemy. If she has healing potions and needs them, she will use them.

Avenger AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Avenger is primarily a spell caster. She will take advantage of almost all spells available to her. Also, if she is in the salamander form, she will try to use the fireball special ability. She will heal all members of the party. If she runs out of spells or if enemies are closing in on her, she will attack with either ranged or melee weapons.

Barbarian AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Barbarian will use the Barbarian Rage special ability when under duress. She will also try to attack with melee or ranged weapons, depending on the distance of the enemy. She will use healing potions if she needs them and has them.

Bard AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Bard script is freakin huge (over 1000 lines. It has AI for almost all Mage spells upto and including level 8. The bard will also attack with ranged and melee weapons when appropriate. He will also use potions when needed. Can be used with any Bard Kit

Beast Master AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Ranger is a friend of animals. He will try to cast his animal summoning spells. He will attack with Ranged and Melee weapons when appropriate and use potions when needed.

Berserker AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This fighter will use his rage special abilitiy. He will attack with both Ranged and Melee weapons and use potions when appropriate.

Blade AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: The blade will cast a wide variety of spells (almost all spells upto and including 8th level). Everytime he sees an enemy, he will try to determine if he should attack or cast a spell. He will use ranged attacks when necessary. Works great with Haer'Dalis.

Bounty Hunter AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Bounty Hunter will try to attack with a ranged weapon if the enemy is not too close. He will also attack with melee if the enemy is close. Works great with Yoshimo.

Cavalier AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: The Cavalier will use almost every Cleric spell available to him. He will focus on attacking and healing party members. He also uses lay on hands. He is not allowed ranged weapons, so he won't try to use them.

Cleric AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This is a generic Cleric script that is suitable for all Clerics. The script is about 1000 lines long and has conditions for practically every spell available to Clerics. This script is also very effective for dual/multi class Clerics. The Cleric will first protect himself with defensive spells, then, he will use miscast magic and dispel magic on enemy spellcasters, lastly, he will cast his offensive/summoning spells from most powerful to least powerful, and there's a bunch more thrown into the mix. Works great with Anomen and Viconia.

Druid AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This is a generic Druid script that is suitable for all Druids. This is also effective for dual/multi class Druids. The Druid will always try to protect himself with Iron Skins if he has it memorized. He will cast spells from most powerful to least powerful. Almost every spell is included in this script with appropriate conditions. This script works great with Jaheira and Cernd.

Kensai/Mage AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This script allows a Kensai/Mage to take advantage of both his classes. This script is huge!!! He will use protective spells on himself in roughly this order (stoneskins, fire shield, mirror image, blur). Other protective spells will be cast in the heat of battle when needed. The Kensai/Mage will attack with weapons when he feels it is appropriate. The Kensai/Mage has scripting for just about every Mage spell. When he casts offensive spells, he will cast the most powerful ones that he has memorized first. The Kensai/Mage will also take advantage of Time Stop (NOTE: It is highly recommended that you memorize Time Stop only once, or else he will cast them concurrently -- I'm working on this bug). This script will also work well with any fighter/mage. It is not recommended for Sorcerers or thief/mages. It can be very effective on a single class mage who has decent attacking skills (strength of 18/00 for example).

Ranger/Cleric AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This Ranger/Cleric will use a large variety of spells. She will also attack with melee weapons if the enemy is close and will attack with ranged weapons when the enemy is farther away. A great script for Minsc.

Mage (with TimeStop) AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This script tries to be the ultimate mage script. It is over 1500 lines long!!! This script takes advantage of almost every mage spell. The ones it doesn't use typically involve some sort of player interaction (Wish, for example). If the mage has spells memorized he will cast them form most powerful to least powerful. He will always try to protect himself. He will attack enemy spellcasters with various spells (especially breach). This script will also use Time Stop, but it is recommended that you only memorize it once (see Kensai/Mage note above). NOTE: This script is not recommended for Sorcerers. Works great with Imoen, Jan Jansen and Nalia.

Mage (without TimeStop) AI Script, created by Jeff.
Description: This script is almost identical to the above Mage AI Script, except the mage will not try to use Time Stop. This makes this script very appropriate for Sorcerers (NOTE: Jeff is working on a Sorcerer only script). It is still okay to memorize Time Stop and use it at your own discretion, but the script will not make the user cast Time Stop. There are also some very minor additional changes from the above mage script which will help if this script is used on a sorcerer. (The tough thing about a Sorcerer is that he will cast the same spell over and over again. This script tries to mix it up a bit.) This script tested very well with Kelsey.
