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An Alessandro Del Piero And Filippo Inzaghi Fan Website

Ciao everyone! You will probably find this website boring. Well, this is my first website and I love this two guys very much so the idea just popped up in my mind. There are pictures with both of them in it only. Well, at least only them. A short biography of both of them that I typed for an hour or so. Guys, I hope you guys will give me time to make this website look at it's best. You can visit my fan clubs or even join for the better. One is call "FORZA AZZURRI" and the other is "DEL PIERO AND INZAGHI LUVERS".Go to my Favorite Links section to join or visit my clubs or just click on my clubs' logo that you can find below. My arms are always open for Azzurri and DelPippo fans. There is also about me that I made short and sweet. I'm not saying that you guys must read it and I know you guys won't anyway but just so the website looks complete. You know what I mean, right? Sit back and enjoy! If you want updated news, just go to my clubs or better scroll down. Oh please, don't forget to sign my guestbook before exiting from here. If won't even take a minute. Oh yeah! Please bookmark this website and come back more often because I will update it daily (HOPE). You won't even feel disappointed. Grazie!


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Guys! Alessandro Del Piero is finally going up to showbiz. This time, not as a advertisement model but as something else. So better watch out for Sting's new music video that is also the soundtrack for a movie staring Sharon Stone which both song and movie title is still unknown. Why bother about Sting and Sharon Stone? Well, guys, get ready for this ok? Dear Alex will be appearing in the video as a model. Cool, isn't it? I'm still trying to find the title of the song and the movie. For now I guess informing you guys about this will have to do. You guys must be jumping! LOL! So if you ever see a new music video of Sting's, just look out for a man with curly hair with a thin beard and moustache, friendly brown eyes and a very atheletic body, it must be Alex! Happy searching guys! If any of you guys know more about this, please inform me and I will give you credit. Grazie!

I finally found out the title of the movie! It is called "The Mighty". Watch out for the music video!

Guys! I don't want this to happen and I hope Alex is not influenced. You see, Arsene Wegner, Arsenal's coach wants Alex very much. He is even ready to pay any price. Why does he wants Alex when he already got the Dutch king, Dennis Bergkamp, not only that but also Marc Overmars, Emmanuel Petit, Victor Anelka, and Patrick Viera. He must be planning to create a dream team. Will he accomplish his plans? We don't know yet. I hope Alex don't leave Juventus and Pippo. I can't imagine Alex playing wearing an Arsenal jersey. Can't you?

Go Alex! Alex saves the day again for Juventus. He's going to show everyone what he's really made out of. His single goal led Juventus to victory with score 1-0. If I'm not mistaken, he missed a penalty that was won by Pippo when was tackled furiously. Anyone know more about this match against Vicenza because I didn't watch it. My cable does not support it. Grazie!

Guys, from now on, I'm going to go under the courtesy of The Daily Soccer. I feel that you guys need detailed news so that none of us will be disappointed. I hope you this new idea will be a great help!

NOVEMBER 1st, 1998 - Inzaghi lifts Juventus to top of table

NOVEMBER 3rd, 1998 - Juventus buoyant as they prepare for Bilbao

NOVEMBER 4th, 1998 - Juventus lucky to escape with home draw against Bilbao

NOVEMBER 5th, 1998 - Juventus play with hearts not head - coach

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I hope you guys like this thumbnails that I scanned not a moment ago. I hope you don't mind my logo on it since I really love this pictures. If you will like to use it, please ask first. The Azzurri picture is a old one with Cesare Maldini, Gianluca Pagliuca and Alessandro Costacurta.



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Click on that mailbox to email comments or questions to me! Oh yeah! The music you hearing is "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. It is also the soundtrack for the movie "Armaggedon". This is the HTML code for my banner, please put my banner up on your pages. If you want me to put your banners on here too, don't hesistate to email me the HTML code. I guarantee I'll put it up! Grazie!

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