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Welcome to

2pac Dedication Page


Thanks to everyone for visiting this site. If you've been coming here searching for updates, I apologize but it's been a LONG time since the last time that I updated. I've

enjoyed making this page a lot. However, I grew up and now Im busy with a lot of stuff so I can't be constantly updating. Can you imagine, I made this page 6 years ago. Now I'm in

college and I haven't touched this page in a couple of years. Im surprised to see that people continue to come here. Stay true because you guys are TRUE 2pac fans.

If he's still alive or if hez chillin up there with the angels, then he'd be very proud of you for still sticking true to him.


I would really appreciate it if you would visit another site that I made which I know you would find interesting. Check it out here

Sign the guestbook because I still appreciate you all for coming here and would like to hear from you all. Take care and stay true to the game.Peace.


2pac Dedication Page says goodbye :(

Please visit my other website. Click on banner. Thanks a lot.