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The Supersonic V


Welcome to "The Supersonic V" Lenny Kravitz website! The ultimate source for Lenny info. I have some bad news for some guitar players. Someone from the internet sent me a virus, and completely wiped out my new guitar tabs which were to be posted on this site, which included the solo for "American Woman". I have also been getting many e-mails about guitar tabs. To spare me lots of replies, PLEASE, put your requests on the message board. It is much easier for me. Also, starting in October, the poll will be changed to a guitar tab poll. Whatever song gets the most votes, I will tab. Also, I had finally experienced Lenny Kravitz Live. Well, I have been once before, but this was just for the "5" tour. It was very good. However his set was very short. Other than that, please, vote for Lenny on the banner for male artist of the year!! Keep on rockin'!!!

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