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The Concert Experience!

Hey NSync Goers! We are here to bring you the concert experience of your other NSync fans! Thats right NSyncers like your self share the concert experience with us.

To do this we must have YOUR, the fans, help. We need all of you to send in your concert experience. We can all talk about them and get to know each other.

All ya gota do is e-mail the address at the bottom of your screen and lable the mail "MY CONCERT EXPERIENCE". For everyone who sends in a entry we will mail you a pic for participating! YAY huh?

We will post all of the entries that come in. In your mail please include the following:




Favorite NSyncer

Email Address

Feel free to mail in your concert pictures. When we recieve concert pictures we post them on a page. Now wouldnt that be da bomb? Ok yall so get busy and mail us your Concert Experience.

Melissa and Heidi

Heidi's Concert Experience

Hey Everyone! My name is Heidi and I am one of the web masters of this page. I went to a concert recently on March 5th, 1999. And I hafta say it was the best night of my life.

At School:

:::taps foot under desk::: Come on ring! Finally the bell rings at 3:30 to be dismissed from school. I flew out of the classroom anxious to get home and changed for the NSync concert later that night.

At Home:

AHHHHHHHH!!! I can't get around fast enough! "Ok Carson shut up and play the video! I have a concert to get to!" "And coming in at #1 once, making Backstreet fall from the position is NSync with "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You". WOOOOOOOO!! YAY!!! "Oh my gosh this is going to one hell of a night".

On the way to the concert:

"Heidi, Its 4:30 are you sure you want to get to the concert 3 hours early?" "YES MOM!! DRIVE FASTER!!"

10 minutes later at the concert arena:

I first got there and I was just walkin around lookin for any cute guyz that might be there. HEH! Found some! Ok so I get there and I immediatly run to the merchandise stand. I had a crisp 100 dollar bill waiting to be spent on NSync stuff. I got there and was 3rd in line to walk away with Tour Merchandise. I walked off with... oh lets see... a T-Shirt, buttons, tatoos, postcards, um..., 3 necklaces..hmmm...I think thats all. HEH yeah it is. Ok so I had my hands full. I stuffed all of my stuff into my purse I took with me. I had 2 stuffed animals for them in my hands. All of a sudden I heard some one yell out "STEVEN!!!!". I was like oh my god where!!?! LOL I found him! I was like "Shit where is my camera?" I found it and made my way over to his circle and took like oh..3 pics. Then I walked up to him and I was like "Yo Steven Wuz up! Can I hav a pic". He was like yeah sure. So I went to get one his left side and he put his arm around me. Then I was like wait lemme change sides. Then he was like "Why is it your better side". "I was like no but you see my hands are kinda full!" LOL he jus smiled then put his arm around me.:::faints::: Ok! So I had my picture taken with the one and only Steven Fatone! WHAT A HOTTIE!! OH MY GOD HE SMELT SOO GOOD! Ok.. I spot my friends like 15 minutes before the doors opened. They were all like "Heidi you are screaming NSync!! We dont know you!!" LOL..So everone starts chanting "Open the doors". I was like "HELL YEAH OPEN THEM UP LEMME IN" Finally the open the doors....

Inside the arena:

"It's about where the hell are my seats?" I seriously thought my seats were going to suck. I had row DD. So I was like man double letters are going to all the way at the top. So I walked into my entrance and there stood 'Z' the very top row. I was like "Holy Shit!" So I like ran, literally ran, down the stairs nearly falling. LOL. I got down there and I was like "HOLY SHIT I AM ON THE 4th ROW!!" I saw this girl across from me and I was like "DAMN GIRL WE HAVE KICK ASS SEATS!" Ok so I stand up and look out on to the floor where my best friends were. I saw them and I was like "HEY LOOK AT MY I AM ON DA FOURTH ROW AND YOUR ON THE WHAT 12th?!!" We started raisin da roof and all this shit! It was soo much fun! So I start talkin to this girl and she was like "Hey Heidi is that Johnny Wright standing in front of you?" I was like "I dunno, lemme see." So I stood there and I yelled out "JOHNNY!!!!" He turned around and I was like "OMG. HI!" :::waves::: He was like "Hey!" and he waved back. She was like "OMG!" I was like WOOOOHOO!!!! Next thing that happened was the lights went off...

Johnny Wright:

Johnny came out on the stage and everyone went crazy. He explain all of the rules to us. Yes rules! He first said that you had to be friends with everyone. He told them to turn on the lights and made you shake hands and tell your name to everyone! Then he second the second rule is you are NOT allowed to sit down! You have to keep standing! The third and last rules was.. TO HAVE FUN!! Everyone went crazy! Then he introduced us to B*Witched...


B*Witched walked on to the stage and everyone started screaming. I was too! I was like I hope this is going to be good. And it was! The first started off with their little B*Witched Jig! It was so cute. They did all of these cute lil Irish dances! They can dance! Then they sang "To You I Belong","Blame It On The Weatherman", and "Cest La Vie". Everyone loved B*Witched. I think we all walked out B*Witched fans.

Next came Tatianna Ali...

Tatianna walked out on stage to the voice of Will Smith! She was sooo cool! At the end onf her first song she introduced herself and then told them to turn on the lights. When she did she was like 'This is the first tour I have ever been to and I wanna take a pic of every concert' One of her dancers came out with a digital camera and took a pic of us. She thanked us and continued with her show. She had some phat outfits she was wore. She dedicated one of her songs to Will. She sang about 3 more songs and then went off.


I ran out of my section with the girl I met to go find these NSync glow sticks everyone had. I also ran in to my friend George. DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE TOLD ME!! He had gone to the hotel down the road the day before! And he met LANCE AND JOEY!!! OH MY GOD!!! AHHH!! I slapped him and said "Why the hell didn't you take me?" He was like I didnt know your number! I was like shit and I walked off! LOL... I found the glow sticks and went back to my seat.


The lights went out and the crowd grew wild! This funky space music came on and all of a sudden this BIG HUGE monster walked out on the stage. It was the only thing you could see. It was glowing and stuff. Then it fell and died! LOL! All the guyz pulled of their black robes and were in these alien suits. They went and grabbed these light saber like things and started dancing with them! OOPS JUSTIN DROPPED HIS!! HAHA! All of a sudden it got dark and then they went off stage! Then the lights were dim and all of a sudden.. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! A big ole explosion! And all the guys were on top of this platform! They sang "Here We Go". It was their opening song. Kinda right huh? Any way! The looked soooo goood!! OMG! ok..The sang some more songs. I really dont remeber which ones in order but then every one went off the stage except for Lance. He started to talk..he said.. "Wuz Up Greenville!!?! That's right! (he kinda laughed) There is something that we have noticed about this audience that we have NEVER seen before. Do yall wanna know what that is??! (everyone started screaming like hell) Ok then I'll tell you. And that is that God must have spent a little more time..on yall!" DAMN DID WE ALL GO CRAZY OR WHAT!!! The other guyz came out in black leather jackets and pants and sang GMHS. It was so awesome! Then they did this little flashback thing. The showed clips on this really big screen of the 60's. They came out in some really cute outfits and sang "That Thing You Do". It was so cute! They ran off stage and then they showed us clips from the 70's. they all came out and had on big ass wigs and vintage clothes. They sang "ABC" from the Jackson 5. It was soo cute. Then they ran off stage again. They came out in the red and white tuxes and sang "Celebrate". During this song they had a HUGE!! confetii explosion! I still have some! It was sooo awesome! The they came out in different color jackets. And Jc stepped up and asked how we were all doing and if we were having fun. We all went crazy! He said "Ok girls! There are 2 things that yall dont have! Do you wanna know what that is? (I started yelling when it started to get quiet "I dont have you!!" My friends on the floor heard me. And it may just be me but I think he did too cuz he started laughing. any way)He was like ok then I will tell you. The first thing is yall dont have love. Nope ya sure dont. And the second thing is...(screams) yall dont have a seat out on this here stage" (I spazed out!) Then they brought all these girls out that had had Meet N Greets! BUMMER! Any way the sang "For The Girl Who Has Everything". They sang and danced to a lot more songs ("I Drive Myself Crazy" accapella). The second to the last song they were all sitting on benches. And "Sailing" music started up. They were all sitting there in all white sings and all of a sudden JC went up in the air. I was like "Holy Shit! Please dont let him fall!" Then up when Justin and Chris hanging a little below JC. Then up went Lance and Joey a little below Chris and Justin. Then all of a sudden the floated over the floor audience. They started cutting flips and stuff. It was soo cool. I was having a heartattack! The song ended and they ran off stage. They came out in these cutesy out fits and the sang the last song "tearin Up My Heart" once again the floated above the audience jsut having fun with the song. Running in place, cuttin flips, Justin flashed the back rows!LOL I MISSED IT!! AHH!! they then made their way back to the stage and said there thank you's and good-byes. They are such sweethearts!

Ok that was REALLY long! But I tried to make it intresting! So yall what did you think!?! I had a lot of fun writing that! YAY! Now I cant sleep cuz I am pumped! lol!

Take care yall!


