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Sammie's Profiler Page

Hello! Welcome to Sammie's Profiler Page! This is a great page for those of you who have never seen the show before. Now I want to thank the folks at Celli's Profiler Page. If it wasn't for their help, my page wouldn't be here. Thankyou!!!

The Profiler Story: Sign and View Guestbook Here!
The Mini Ally Walker Gallery
The Mini Profiler Cast Gallery
Character Profiles and More Profiler Links
Celli's Profiler Page: My Personal Favorite!
NBC's Thrillogy Site: Please Write To These People and Support The Profiler
The Believer's Website: They Don't Get Much Better Than This One!
Clarabelle's Profiler Page: Great Page with Great Pictures!
Nikki's Profiler Site: Wonderful Site!
