This is a ring for anyone and everyone who would willingly reach "beyond the stars" to make their dreams a reality, there are no special requirements except that you sign my guestbook. I reserve the right to deny any site entrence into the ring if one of these requirements is broken. I also reserve the right to remove any site from the ring without any prior notice of the fact...

as you can see, I have changed the graphic. If everyond could please copy this one to their own server it would be great. In going through my ring I found that not one person had done this. Just right click and save

get the HTML code here, you must have the code on your page before I add you to the web ring

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

"always reach for the stars. even though you may trip and fall on the moon, you're still on higher ground than when you started." - Kathy Boone

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