This is the homepage for the WereBeasts' Ring, a ring for all the real weres out there to get their pages together and create a ring community of weres. The reason the ring is called werebeasts and not werewolves, is because of the multitude of different weres out there. This ring is not only for weres however but all pages that deal with Theranthropy, lycanthropy, and contains some information on werewolves that isn't related to a roleplaying game. If your 'werewolf page' is totaly dedicated to WhiteWolf, please don't apply.
This is effective as of September 10/98. If your page contains some Whitewolf stuff, but contains other REAL were info or content, you may still apply. Sited dedicated specifically to White wolf characters, RPG info, or resources will not be accepted.
If you are unsure what is considered 'good content' please visit these pages:
Shadow's Den
Coyote's Den
ShadowsChaser's Werelibrary
Pages containing werebeast art work, writing, and poetry will be accepted. Pages that are well designed of have unique features are more likely to be added faster. Also pages with the fragment added promply will be added first.
This ring was created with the idea of getting the good weres of AHWW (alt.horror.werewolves) homepages together, but anyone with decent werebeast content on their page will be considered.