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Tucson Mastiffs

Am., Can., and Int'l. Ch. Avalon's Tucson Warrior

Once in a very rare while, a mastiff comes along that embodies the best
characteristics of the breed.

A kind of magic happens as you watch that dog grow and mature. That dog,
first and foremost, touches your heart. He becomes the companion you always
dreamed of...the friend who shares all your secrets....the one creature who
loves you with his whole being and who always gives you total honesty....the
friend who shares your life.

You can never really explain how proud you are of him, just because he is
who and what he is. You love him for all he is....And you treasure his
accomplishments as he rises above the rest to stand proudly as an example
of what the breed should be.

the home of Ch. Avalon's Tucson Warrior,

Nationally Ranked for 5 consecutive years
Award of Merit Winning, Top Producing
American, Canadian, and International Champion.

If you would like to take a look at Tucson's physical development
(helpful for breeders and people looking for show pups), Click HERE .
This will begin your tour of Tucson's Conformation Picture Page.

We are still under construction, but will have a page up shortly with
some candid shots of Tucson at home with family and friends.

If you want to talk to us in the meantime, just send us a note. You can
reach us at

Please be sure to sign our guestbook before you leave!

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Some of Our Favorite Links:

Avalon Mastiffs, Tucson's Breeder
The American Kennel Club
The Mastiff Stud Dog Register and links to great information
Mastiff Club of America FAQ Page
Old English Mastiff Club Home Page
