Wetland Home Page
1. If it's wet, it's wet.
2. If it's dry, it's dry.
3. It it's wet but not overly dry, or dry but not overly wet, refer to items 1 & 2.
4. If it's wet, but could be dry, or dry but could be wet, refer to item 3.
5. If it's neither wet nor dry, refer to the Atmospheric
6. It it is wetter than dry or dryer than wet, then it is damp. If it is damper than what would be considered dry, then refer to item 1. If it is dryer than wet, but would still be considered damp, but not as damp as what would still be considered wet, or is dryer than a damp, wet area, then refer to item 2.
7. For wet areas that are sometimes damp but not dry, and have standing water except when damp, and would not be classified as dry areas that are sometimes damp but not wet, at which time the dampness is dependant upon its wetness, then it would be considered a damp, wet area which is not the same as a bay (because a bay is a bay) but be classified as a damp dry area that is sometimes wet, but not enough to be considered a river (because a river is a river) but wet enough to be considered damp, which is not enough to be considered wet, so it is dry.
8. For dry areas that are sometimes damp but not wet, and don't have standing water except when wet, and would not be classified as wet areas that are sometimes damp but not dry, at which time the dampness is dependant on upon its dryness, then would be considered a damp, dry area which is not the same as a lake (because a lake is a lake) but would be classified as a damp, wet area that is sometimes dry, but not enough to be considered an ocean (because an ocean is an ocean), but is dry enough to be considered damp, which is not enough to be considered dry so it is wet.
9. If in doubt about the dryness or wetness of an area, and uncertain if water occurs in other forms than H20, contact your nearest political representative.
Source: Anonymous, we wonder why