About me

Here's a little info about moi: Hi, lexy here, I'm 19 now, on my way to 20, eek, wow never felt old enough to say that, he he. I'm a chick that likes to shop(when i have money and time), party, surf da web, read, draw,write, etc...etc... I'm usually on here like the 4th of never now a days due to famliy #&(*$(and school and work). I'm on AoL Instant Message as casperina4, well actually not much anymore. if i'm on mirc which is once a year recently, i'll be CaspErina, lexy-lou. If your looking for me on MIRC check #nocturnals, #utah those are the 2 channels i try to stay in. My favorite groups are: hmm? everything but classical and most latin stuff, and things in languages i can't speak or understand, i use 2 listen to everything, i listen to all kinds of tapes in my car. Creed is the favorite of the moment and i LOVE country, tim mcgraw rox. Oh yeah I'm in the DC area. I have my license, so therefore i can drive a motor vehicle, but i doubt many people think i should be. i'm usually at work, or at school, don't have time for anything else, so i always have my pager on me, and my cell fone, pager number is easy, 703-219-9019, cell fone number, i don't give out. Hmm I think that's all. If u want or think of anything else that should be added tell me. That's why there is a guest book, and my e-mail. :)

I am known by many aliases, a few being the following:
Angel of innocence
Fruit Loop
Lexi(ick, like the other spelling better, but this one is used too by some)
and those other nicknames I can't think of this second....

Email: casperina16@hotmail.com