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Juan Carlos' Guestbook Archive (2/08/98 - 4/15/98)
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Jim Eliason

Thank you, brother...jme.                              4/15/98

Arthur Thomson

Just looking to see what is available. Don't know if I'll order one or not. Nice website!!

Khanh Nguyen

Hi Juan

John A. Bagwell

Hello brother: I'm looking for a way to play the tunes from the hymn book. My hymn book does not have musical notes. It would be nice to have a way to enter a hymn number and hear the tune to help learn the tunes. Any help is appreciated.

Carolyn Cape

This is a great site. Thanks for taking the time to make some of the song tapes available.

Karen Thomas
Song Tapes

Praise the Lord. Thanx for this endeavor.

Elizabeth Wang
enjoyed your website

Praise the Lord for all your work in putting this website together. Lots of wonderful information for all ages. May the Lord continue to supply you and bless His own work and bless all those who surf the website with the full knowledge of the truth that all may know and all may see that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. That this may bring us full grown into Christ to consummate the New Jerusalem to answer the call

Ramiro y Maria Elena Guerra
What is this - manna - songs -The Church in Grand Prairie

Amen, Hermano Juan, lo disfrutaremos. Que El Dios de Paz sea con tu espiritu. Hacerlo todo para la gloria de nuestro Senor Jesucristo !

Julie Uskert

Juan, I really appreciate you putting this web page together. It is a real blessing to have so many song tapes at our fingertips. I love singing. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Thanks again. Continue in His grace. Sister Julie Norman, OK

Ezekiel Wong

A good effort that, if taking the New Jerusalem as the ultimate goal, will produce materials that will withstand the test of fire.Grace be with you.

Brian Lee
Song Tapes

Nice Webpage =)

Lesley L.
Song tape catalog

What a good idea! The Lord's recovery is to recover the enjoyment of Christ! May we sing to the Lord as long as we live! And may the whole earth hear our praises!! Praise Him!! p.s. if you can change the font of the letters in your cover page to make the words clearer, it would be good.


Good Idea. I will use it soon!

Steve Kline, Russellville Arkansas.
this site

Thank you for doing this site. I do not have time now to look much at it, but I hope to be able to use it to get more song tapes. Grace be with you. may He be rich to you for the building up of His body to fulfill His purpose.

Larry & Caroline DeCoux
Song Tape Web Page

Thanks for putting this together. It's great!!

Tim Niu
Moscow, Russia

Wonderful idea! May we all sing with grace in our hearts to God all over the world!

Ian D. Brinksman
David Beach
the website

I am really glad you have endevored to produce this website; this information has been eluding some of the local saints for years! Thank you very much for the time and effort, and for your share of the allotted portion! Rejoice in the Lord always!

Francisco Cardenas Jr. (PACO)

Hey Juan, this is Great. Congratulations.


its pretty nice.u dunno know me though.but n e ways its a really nice to u soon i guess.

Dennis Cooley

Glad you are online. May the Lord gain the Glory!

Juan A. Cupeles
The church in San German

We will preach the Gospel in all possible ways!!!

Edmarie Marchany

hallelujah!!!! praise the Lord

Evelyn Debelak

A septuagenarian sister with a youthful heart for the Lord.

Gary & Jill Klimeck
Song Tapes
David C Y Wong

I like the idea! Thanks for making this available to all the saints who love to praise God in hymns and spiritual songs!

Emily Chung

Just got the email regarding this and had to check it out! A great project you have here. Much grace to you!

Eric Ch'ng

Dear brother, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you in your endeavour.

Bethanie Pope and Christine Ziller ,

Thank you for your labor of love. We will definitely put it to good use, singing and psalming with our hearts to the Lord.

Louise Irving
Thanks for providing a way to obtain more tapes

Praise the Lord Brother .... what a great idea, for so long I have wanted to get more song tapes.... this is truly a blessing to all the saints.... keep up the hard work... your art work is very creative.... Grace to you...... Sister Louise Irving, Tustin, CA

Noni parker
music tapes

How about the Long Beach tapes produced in the 80s? Howard Higashi in Long Beach would be the one to contact. I don't know if we are producing these anymore...

Ray Wiseman
your web-site

Praise the Lord, Bro. Juan. Your labor of love is not in vain in the Lord. Grace to you!

Peggy Hill, Church in Greensboro, NC
Many thanks for the song tape project
Daniela Dias
Noah Salvione

Amen Bro. Juan! Very nice and handy.

Billy Lin
Your website...of course

I was wondering if anyone will take up the burden(it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it). I would have to say that this website is very thoughtful. GOD WORK!!! (Go brother Go brother Go brother Go)

Barbara English
your website

Thank you so much for this service to the saints! I'm sure we will put it to use!

Pamela Poland and Emily Tilsch
Your cool website! ,

Praise the Lord brother!! We are so impressed with your endeavor.                              2/08/98

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Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 Juan Carlos Ledezma