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Monte Carlo of the Month


***THIS PAGE IS UNDER is being worked on.***
Last update: 25 Jan 2000
This is the eighth Monte of the month!
Well as some of you have noticed its been awhile since the page has been updated. Due to some family problems and an up caming move this page will not be updated untill "at least" the first ofthe year. I am very sorry. Thanks
This is NOT my car.
Ok all, after a breakup and losing my Monte to the X, I am going to try and start the Monte of the Month agian I am very sorry for this delay but its been a very ROUGH year and half

I just added a new section to the page "Past Montes of the Month" just follow the link below and see the past winners. Thanks.
If you would like your Monte to have a chance to be the next "Monte of the Month" just E-mail a photo and your info. I can also scan your Monte pics for free.

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