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April 25, 2001

November Class of 1999

Company of Pride

       Welcome to The Citadel's November Company Class of 1999 website. I am happy to report that all MEMBERS are doing well across the world. Below you will find the latest and greatest news of our classmates. Please forward any new information and addresses to Brian Schiltz so it can be publicized. Please send me some pictures and other info!! Webmaster        

The Picture POST  

The Picture POST Part 2  

Please sign into the Guestbook below!

Classmate News

* Lt. Mike Garry is back in the south stationed in Ft. Bragg. He is accompanied by his wife Sarah who is teaching school.

* Nick Gigis has finished his intern at Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX and is in his final semester at Georgia Tech recieving his masters in E.E. Congratulations Nick!

* Lt. Matt Gregory has now graduated from RANGER school. Congratulations from all of us Matt.His new address and phone are below. Hooah!

* Lt. Marcus Wright has returned from Egypt and is currently stationed at Ft. Bragg.

* Lt. Mike Reinke is stationed in Hawaii. He is joined there with his bride, Lisa. Mike hopes to return to Charleston to be married in the May/June.

* Lt. Rory Moeller has graduated from flight school and will be stationed in Alabama.

* Kris Windmueller is living in James Island, SC and is the branch manager for Cover Pools of South Carolina.

* Brian Schiltz is now living in California. He is working for Wherehouse Entertainment where he currently has been promoted to regional project manager for construction and development.

* Mark Stading is working at Bank of America Investments in Charlotte, NC and is living at home.

* Al Hughes is living in Greenville, SC.

* Will Friar has graduated from flight school and will be stationed in Charleston.

* Phil Rabon is teaching school and coaching wrestling at the Alice Birney Middle school.

* Best and Burnell are currently living in North Carlolina.

* Serge Polyachenko is living is Charleston and had completed his secondary education.

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The Member List

Name Address Work Parent's Address
Allesandro, Dee 


Ashby, Mason

Senior Cadet

Best, Cornelious
? ?  
Burnell, Jwadiah

Cameron & Barkley

Friar, Will 
(Meat Gazer)
1111 S. Oakwood Rd.
Enid, OK 73703
(580) 237-2104


1102 Ousleydale Rd.
Hartsville, SC 29550
Garry, Mike 
Ft. Bragg, NC

(910) 848-5770

U.S. Army

3 Trotters Ridge Ct.
Baltimore, MD 21228
(410) 788-8919
Gigis, Nick 
328467 Georgia Tech Station
Atlanta, GA 30332-1220

G.A. Tech

754 Larkwood Rd.
Charleston, SC 29412
(843) 795-4764
Gregory, Matt
(931) 906-7991

U.S. Army

412 Sardis Lane
Charlotte, NC 28270
(704) 366-4934
Hughes, Al
(Zig Zag - Al f%&*ing Hughes)
Geenville, SC

501 Laurel Tree Lane
Simpsonville, SC 29681
(864) 297-8950
Miehe, Eric


2088 Forestlakes Blv.
Charleston, SC 29414
(843) 763-0925
Moeller, Rory 
1111 S. Oakwood Rd.
Enid, OK 73703
(580) 237-2104


1341 Lurecliff Place
Fort Mill, SC 29715
(803) 548-2283
Polyachenko, Serge 
1842 Kempton Ave.
Charleston, SC 29412
(843) 795-5770

Graduate School

Congress - man!
Rabon, Phil 
  Alice Birney Middle School
(Charleston, SC)
2501 Taylor Rd.
Cayce, SC 29033
(803) 794-9102
Reinke, Mike 
46-063 Emepela Place S-100
Kaneohe, HI 96744
(808) 277-0629


4121 Savage Station Cr.
New Port Richey, FL 34653
(727) 375-8852
Schiltz, Brian 
(The Bull, Shits)
205 Loma Vista St.
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 704-8435

Wherehouse Entertainment

P.O. Box 10605
Big Canoe, GA 30143
(706) 579-2356
Stading, Mark 
(The Goon)
7406 Oakwood Lane
Charlotte, NC 28215
Home: (704) 532-2470
Work: (704) 965-9554

7406 Oakwood Lane
Charlotte, NC 28215
(704) 568-6971
Walker, Everett 


Wilcox, Daren (Pou) 
Dallas, TX
(214) 696-2720
Windmueller, Kris
1259 Oakcrest Dr.
Charleston, SC 29412
Home (843) 795-1772
Work(843) 819-7360


5382 Lanford Springs Ct.
Lilburn Ga. 30047
(770) 381-5400
Wright, Marcus 
(Mighty Mouse)
6340 Carver Oaks Dr.
apt 1515, Fayetteville, NC 28311
(910) 822 1500
Work(843) 819-7360

U.S. Army



November 1999 does not promote, endorse, or sponsor any of the companies and/or organizations listed above.  


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