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Star Trek Voyager Season 6

Equinox (Part 2) Obviously, the first episode is going to be part two of our cliffhanger from last year, in which Voyager encountered another Starfleet crew led by Capt. Ransom, played by John Savage. The Voyager EMH will NOT be lost. In fact, Voyager's EMH will delete the Equinox EMH while on the Equinox Bridge.

Survival Instinct - Survival Instinct basically involves 3 ex-borg (2, 3 and 4 of 9) from Seven's original unimatrix who come to Seven to try to find out why they have been telepathically linked together in sort of a 'mini-collective'. The show has lots of flashbacks to Seven as a Borg. The reason they are linked is a bit surprising, and leaves Seven with a very difficult choice to make regarding the ex-drones' futures. Its not a bad show, but not a great one either

Barge of the Dead - We're going to Klingon hell in the third episode. Torres will have a spiritual experience in which she ends up on something called 'the Barge of the Dead,' which is filled with dishonored Klingons on a river Styx on their way to Klingon hell. That's going to be a very ambitious, sort of bizarre episode.

Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy - The Doctor's experiments with a program that allows his mind to experience daydreams place him in the epicenter of a crisis when hostile aliens eavesdrop on his fantasies.

Alice - This episode involves Paris purchasing a ship that has a neural interface, that lets the pilot fly with mere thought. Unfortunately, the ship turns out to be evil, and makes Paris do all kinds of stuff. The ending seems odd. It just sort of - ended. There were things left hanging with no explanation. Some revisions may be coming, so maybe they will tune it up a bit.

Riddles - A Tuvok/Neelix episode. This episode is about a race of aliens that have spent their entire existance is a state of being cloaked and collect info about other races. Tuvok gets hit by one of the alien's weapons which erases his memory. He becomes a child who cannot even speak, and he forgets what it is like to be Vulcan. Neelix helps him to cope and they become very close. In fact, Tuvok doesnt want to become 'Vulcan' again because he wont be able to 'have fun' with Neelix.

Dragons Teeth - Voyager stumbles across a race of aliens who have put themselves into suspended animation due to a great war. They planned to be in stasis for only 5 years, but wound up being there for 900. Seven (wishing to help a species after destoying so many) thaws them out, only to find that they are not all they claim to be. Is said to be a very busy show with LOTS of ship battles. This was to have been this year's two-hour movie but has apparently been turned into a single episode. (It's not know whether there'll be another two-hour movie).

One Small Step - A Chakotay story, with heavy support from Tuvok, that's all about his roots and what drove him as a young man. One Small Step is an homage to the space program and the Mars mission. It tells the story of one of the first manned missions to Mars and how the U.S.S. Voyager encounters evidence of this lost mission. The crew builds a Mars command module for this episode, making it as detailed and accurate as possible based on NASA's projections of what manned Mars missions might involve.

Voyager Conspiracy - The Caretaker is still ALIVE! This is a shocker. Executive producer Brannon Braga: "We have a story in development in which Seven of Nine unravels a Delta Quadrant-wide conspiracy with Voyager right in the center of it: that maybe Voyager's arrival here wasn't an accident, and maybe, just maybe, there is a conspiracy that extends from the Federation all the way to the Borg homeworld."

Pathfinder - Assigned to the Pathfinder Project, former Enterprise engineer Reginald Barclay recruits Counselor Deanna Troi and secretly creates a simulated hologram of the Voyager and its lifelike crew which he believes will aid his quest to send a one-way message to the actual ship 60,000 light years away. However, his unorthodox manner and single-minded passion for the project angers his commanding officers, forcing Barclay to risk everything, disobey orders and generate his transmission through other means.

Fair Haven - Captain Janeway and her crew enjoy some hard-earned leisure time in the holographic setting of a charming Irish village where she can't help falling for a ruggedly handsome townsman - but their holiday is darkened by an approaching wave of deadl neutron radiation.

Blink Of An Eye - When Voyager becomes ensnared in the orbit of a strange, primitive planet, it's energized core enables it to rapidly develop into a society with warp technology. So Janeway briefly transports The Doctor to the alien world, only to learn that the presence of Voyager has inspired invention among the society, which without warning, aims its own weapons at Voyager.

Virtuoso - The Doctor's ego soars when Voyager engages an advanced but arrogant race which is entranced by the medical officer's passable singing talent, granting him instant rock-star status. Janeway and the crew are perplexed by the effect that The Doctor's voice and variety of song selections have on such a superior alien culture as the Qomar. Millions of them mob his concerts, countless "fan mail" messages arrive and groupies abound, but one particular female Qomar catches the good Doctor's eye, and he ponders resigning his commission to stay behind.

Memorial - When Chakotay, Paris and other crewmen arrive back from a two-week planetary exploration, they each succumb to horrid flashbacks depicting the wartime extermination of Nakan colonists, an occurrence in which they are involved. When Janeway and other crew members begin to fall victim to the same malaise, she retraces the team's shuttle route in search of answers - while hoping that her worst fears of the crew's involvement in war crimes are not proven.

Tsunkatse - While on shore leave on an alien planet, the Voyager crew enjoys the popular bloodsport known as Tsunkatse, unaware that Tuvok and Seven of Nine have been kidnapped by a diabolical promoter who sees box-office appeal in coercing a Borg to battle. When he threatens to harm the wounded Tuvok, Seven is forced into using her Borg skills in a death match with a formidable warrior.

The Collective - When a shuttle carrying Chakotay and other crew members is captured by a hostile Borg ship, Janeway offers a trade for the hostages but soon discovers that her rival ship is manned by a handful of unpredictable but deadly Borg youths intent upon assimilation. Janeway is not serious about agreeing to exchange Voyager's navigational deflectors for her missing crew, but to stall for time, she dispatches Seven of Nine to the alien craft to assess the situation. While the Captain prepares a devastating virus to use against the immature Borg if necessary, Seven of Nine experiences compassion for the pitiful youths who would gladly give their lives for the Borg Collective.

Spirit Folk - Captain Janeway re-visits idyllic Fair Haven, a charming holographic Irish town created by Paris as a fantasy diversion for the crew, but after Paris and Kim inadvertently use their technology in front of some wide-eyed villagers, the superstitious townsfolk suspect them of being from the 'otherworld" and imprison them. When Janeway cannot transport her crewmates back aboard, she dispatches The Doctor to pose as a priest with a plan to get them out.

Ashes To Ashes - To the shock and disbelief of the crew, their colleague, Ensign Lyndsay Ballard, returns to the Starship after having been killed on a mission long ago. Pursued by her alien Kobali abductors, whose reproductive system is centered on reanimation of the dead, she rekindles her former relationships with Janeway and the crew of the Voyager, hoping to reverse the effects of the alien genes implanted in her system. Her old friendship with Lieutenant Harry Kim ignites and deepens until the moment in his quarters when she realizes the horror and extent of her Kobali genes. Harry's support and affection complicates Ballard's final decision as to whether she will remain human or return to the Kobali homeland with the alien family that loves her.

Childs Play - Seven of Nine reveals her protective instincts for one of the children on board Voyager when his parents reclaim him and secretly place the child on a suicide mission against their Borg enemies.

Good Shephard - Janeway shepherds three troubled crew members on a short mission away from Voyager to help them adjust to the demands of their jobs and recognize the constraints of their personalities. But an unexpected attack threatens their lives, demanding that all four work in full interaction and complete unity in order to survive.

Live Fast And Proster - A band of Delta Quadrant con artists have stumbled across the greatest scam of their careers: Impersonating Captain Janeway and her senior officers. Using their new identities, they move from system to system engaging in a series of lucrative deceptions. Eventually, the real Captain Janeway and her crew are blamed for these deceptions when the con artists do not deliver the goods as promised. Ultimately, the Voyager crew must either bring the imposters to justice, or pay for their crimes.

Muse - B'Elanna Torres takes center stage, literally, when an alien poet finds her alone and unconscious following a crash landing of the Delta Flyer. This writer/director of plays has a life and death need to sway his warlord king through theatre work, wherein Torres' life aboard Voyager becomes an ideal plot line for his pacifist cause.

Fury - Seeking revenge against Captain Janeway, an angry crew member, Kes, returns to Voyager in an aged form of herself, with powers to cripple the vessel and everyone in it, delivering it up to the Vidiians, a life form whose future existence depends upon assuming the internal organs of the living.

Life Lines - Voyager's Doctor travels 30 thousand light years to apply an otherwise unknown medical technique to his dying creator, a very reluctant and contentious Dr. Zimmerman. But saving Zimmerman's life almost costs him his own holographic existence.

The Haunting Of Deck Twelve - An electromagnetic life form takes possession of the ship, shutting down all life support systems, while trying to communicate to Janeway its need to return to the nebula from which it came. Area by area is cordoned off by an invisible force field, and injected with poisonous gas, while the captain sets up an emergency command post in the Engineering Room.

Unimatrix Zero - Unimatrix Zero is a place within the Borg Collective where a small percentage of drones go during their regeneration cycle. Within this virtual reality, they are able to act and think like individuals. However, once their regeneration cycle is complete the drones have no awareness of the dream-like Unimatrix Zero. After Seven of Nine is brought back to Unimatrix Zero by an old friend to help keep the Borg Queen from discovering this enclave, Captain Janeway sees the situation as a perfect opportunity to try and incite a Borg uprising from within the Collective.