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Chaos is come again
with the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds - Addison

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Starcraft News for Feb. 10th

Bye Guys
I hate to do it, but I won't be updating the site anymore :( I just don't have the free time to maintain the site in the way I'd like to. Thanks to everyone for hitting the site and mailing me over the last year, it's been fun, and I loved the feedback. A special thanks to Aries, Talon Claw, Kill Razor, Nukefest, Phreekbird, T'kron, The Helper, Xenophanes, Lan and King Arthur for your long support and friendships. And a very special thanks to Wargasm, because without him this site would never have happened.

Take care ya'll,
Tender Fury

WaterCraft Site Opens !!
I'm happy to announce that Xenophanes has gotten so much great feedback for his SC WaterCraft Units Project that he's opened his own site, Aqueous Rift. News, files, unit pics, info and more! Check it out!

Resurrection Campaign
Cerberus at The Realm of Scums wanted me to let ya'll know he'll be releasing the Resurrection Campaign soon. New unit sounds, new heroes and three episodes! Get more info at the site.

Final Fantasy Sample Movie
Tomb Raider and Wing Commander aren't the only games hitting the big screen. Square Soft's Final Fantasy is going to be a full length animated adventure! Although not slated for release until 2001, Daily Sci-fi has gotten hold of some early test footage. The Mpeg file shows motion tests for the old man model and the leading lady. Download the 10 MB file and view some still shots here.

System Shock 2
IGN has a preview up on System Shock 2, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic System Shock. There is also an interview with SS2 Producer Josh Randall that's a pretty good read and fills you in on where that at in the project. System Shock 2 is a sci-fi RPG that will use Looking Glass' proprietary Dark Engine, (Thief: the Dark Project) and although I never played the original I have to admit the games peaking my interest. Definitely worth a look for the sci-fi or RPG lover.

B5 Space Combat Sim
B5 Interactive Entertainment has updated the site with 9 new screens suitable for wallpapers, exclusive shots of the game model, game trailers and designer close-ups. Check it out at the site here.

New Diablo II Screens
Courtesy of Gamestar, has put up some brand spanking new screens for your enjoyment. Shots include a look at the new trading interface, the Necromancer in full bone plate, the Meteor spell and more! Check them out at the site.

John Romero Interview
PC Gamer has an interview up with legend John Romero. He discusses the much anticipated Daikatana, and the recent Dallas Observer article that gave ION Storm so much grief.

3 New Half-Life Levels
PC Gamer's Level Paradise has added 3 new deathmatch levels for Half-Life. They are Dr. Zeuss World, Malice and The Brothers Disgruntled Arena. Read the reviews and download them here.

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Recipient of SCLegacy's Starcraft Site Awards-Best Site Run by an Individual

This site created 12/27/97.