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In 1994, WCW used to hire paid models and actors to sit in the audience to cheer and boo their wrestlers because the audience was usually dead for their shows.

When WCW did the WorldWide show, they used to have a monitor to tell the audience who to cheer and who to boo. One one occasion when Rick Rude and the Equalizer (the "heels") the audience accidentally cheered for them and WCW had to reshoot their entrance over again.

On May 11, 1987, Kevin Von Erich collapsed in the middle of the ring during an eight-man bout pitting him, The Fantastics, and Bruiser Brody against Brian Adias, Black Bart, Al Madril, and Al Perez. Fantastic Tommy Rogers, seeing Von Erich turning blue, administers cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

On May 26, 1987, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and the Iron Sheik were arrested by NJ State police. Duggan was charged with possession of marijuana and drinking alcohol while driving. Sheik was charged with possession of marijana and cocaine. Duggan received a conditional discharge and Sheik received one year probation.

On July 4, 1989, Davey Boy Smith, Jason the Terrible, and Chris Benoit were injured in a head-on automobile accident in Jasper, Alberta. Smith suffered a cracked vertebrae in his back and needed 100 stitches in his head after being thrown through the windshield of the car. Jason suffers 2 fractures in his left leg. Benoit suffers and injured right knee.

The WWF says that the Dynamite Kid left the WWF and retired because of an injury. Actually, the Kid still wrestles in England and the real reason he left was because of a locker room fight with him and Jacques Rougeau. The Bulldog opted to keep contact with the WWF and because of that and other reasons, the Bulldog and the Dynamite Kid haven't spoken in years.

In 1991, Ric Flair was fired/quit WCW. He showed up in the WWF soon thereafter holding the WCW title and claimed to be the "Real World's champion." The reason he was able to leave the company with the title is because he owned that title. WCW later bought it back from Flair for reportedly $75,000.

Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth Hewlitte were supposedly "married" in August 1991. Actually, that was an angle to get a better buy rate for the pay-per-view. Savage and Liz were married in December 1984.

On March 6, 1992, Paul Roma made his pro boxing debut which resulted in a 4-round loss when his manager threw in the towel. Roma won his first fight on April 1 with a 47-second TKO over Norman Fortini in Randolph, MA.

On April 4, TitanSports debuted WBF BodyStars on USA Network.

On October 1, 1992, Kerry Von Erich was senteced to 6 felony counts of prescription forgery. He received a 10-year suspended sentence, 10 years of supervised probation, and a $6,000 fine. On February 18, 1993, Von Erich committed suicide by gunshot with a .44-caliber handgun, one day after being indicted on a cocaine possession charge. It was also later revealed that he had an artificial foot because of a car accident he was involved in in 1984.

When Shawn Michaels was attacked outside of a nightclub by approximately 10 "thugs" (actually it was by a marine group), Shawn was accompanied by Davey Boy Smith and Sean Waltman (123 Kid). Shawn tried to be the brave one and he ended up suffering for it.

Ted Dibiase attends church at First Assembly of God in Concord, North Carolina.

Former 4-horsemen member Tully Blanchard is now a preacher in North Carolina.

Retired wrestler Nikita Kolav also attends church at First Assembly of God in Concord, North Carolina.

The Ultimate Warrior left the WWF in 1991 because he and Vince McMahon did not come to terms on his future role...Warrior wanted to be in the title situation but the WWF saw 1992, the Warrior disappeared again because he did not want to get involved in a second-rate feud with Nailz.

Ultimate warrior was the original Slim Jim spokesman

Bastion Booger is now a bouncer somewhere in North Carolina

Bradshaw played his last two college games with a broken leg

Tony Schiavone was an announcer with the WWF in the late 80's

The Million Dollar Belt is actually worth 140,000 and is locked in a safe at Titan towers

Earl Hebner has a twin brother, Dave, who used to be a referee

Bill Goldberg, Raven, DDP and Dean Malenko are jewish

The theme song for IYH: Badd Blood, is now Steve Blackman's entance music

Kevin Nash played University basketball, but was kicked off the team for numerous altercations with the coach

Raven was an announcer and manager of The Quebecers in the WWF in 1993/94. Going by the name Johnny Polo

DDP and Raven were trained by Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Jerry Lawler was 23 time USWA Champion

Paul Bearer, before getting into the wrestling business, actually worked at a morgue

Sunny is engaged to ECW star Chris Candido

Hulk Hogan has never defeated Jerry Lawer in a wrestling

the godfather was papa shango

Ryan Shamrock(Alesha) once worked at a Strip Club as a Stripper in Houston, TX.

The Rock played college football for the Miami Hurricanes.

The Rock's father is Rocky Johnson.

Honky Tonk Man and Jerry Lawler are cousins.

Ahmed Johnson played in the NFL for the Dallas Cowboys.

Roadogg fought in Desert Storm.

-Part of Mankind's right ear was torn off by Vader on a tour of Germany when his head was caught between the ropes.

Steve Austin is an antique collecter.

Shawn Michaels was trained by Jose Lothario, and Shawn is the only winner of every major WWF title.

Legion of Doom is the only tag team in wrestling history to hold the AWA, NWA, and WWF tag titles.

Raven was a manager in the WWF that went by the name Johnny Polo. Under this name he managed the Quebecers and Adam Bomb.

De Lo Brown is a Certified Accountant.

Mankind debuted in WWF by defeating Bob Sparkplugg Holly.

Gangrel and Luna are married.

Marlena aka Terri Runnels used to be a hair stylist for "Larry King Live".

Mark Henry has set several world weight-lifting records and competed in 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

"Butterbean" was born Brian Esch.

Hulk Hogan agreed to drop the world title to the Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI because he was planning on retiring and wanted to pass the torch on to his babyface successor so he wouldn't have to come back and get "revenge" on a heel for his fans.*Hogan forced McMahon to give him the strap at the end of WMIX by threatening to no-show his tag < earlier on the show with Brutus Beefcake against IRS & Ted Dibiase.

WrestleMania VII was moved from the Rose Bowl to the Sports Arena in Los Angeles because Vince McMahon feared a sniper might try and take out lead heel Sgt. Slaughter, playing the role of a Iraqi sympathizer during the Gulf War.

Apparently feeling he had nothing to lose, Sid Justice doublecrossed Vince McMahon by kicking out of Hogan's legdrop at WMVIII. Sid had been caught cheating on a drug test a few weeks earlier and was going to be suspended. Sid's manager, Harvey Whippleman (who is said to have supplied Sid with the false urine sample that WWF official Dave Hebner found Sid carrying in a vile reacted quickly, jumping into the ring and getting his man disqualified before all hell broke loose.

McMahon wanted a Flair-Hogan main event for WMVIII, but before Flair surprisingly was unable to re-up on a contract with WCW, McMahon signed Sid with the promise he would wrestle Hogan at the next WM. So, McMahon went with a double main event of Hogan-Sid and Flair-Savage.

Prior to WMX, McMahon had Lex Luger come out with the world belt for a television taping, scheduled to air after the pay-per-view. Either < planning a swerve all along or changing his mind after word got out, McMahon had Bret Hart win the three-way tournament between Hart, Luger and Yokozuna. <

Rocky Maivia's first WrestleMania was two years ago, when he defeated The Sultan to retain the Intercontinental championship.

No heel has left one of the first 14 WrestleManias as WWF world champion.

The Shawn Michaels-Bret Hart "Ironman Match" at WMXII lasted 61:52.

Sable debuted at WMXII as Hunter Hearst Helmsley's valet. Helmsley was scheduled to lose to the returning Ultimate Warrior in 10 minutes. However, the Warrior insisted the match be a squash and threatened not to appear if McMahon said otherwise. McMahon, believing Helmsley had a bright future ahead of him, didn't relent until Hunter said he didn't mind doing the squash. The match lasted 1:38. Incidentally, that was also Steve Austin's first WM. Managed by Dibiase and known as "The Ringmaster", Austin pinned Savio Vega.

Prior to WMIV, USA Today got a copy of the post-WM WWF Magazine which listed Randy Savage as champion before the tournament (where Savage beat Dibiase in the finals) took place. McMahon publicly referred to it as a coincidence.

Andre the Giant's last WrestleMania match was at No. 6, where he teamed with Haku ( WCW's Meng) to lose the WWF tag titles to Demolition. Andre turned babyface after the match, attacking manager Bobby Heenan.

The Undertaker has a 7-0 record at WrestleMania entering the 15th show.

Bam Bam Bigelow was chosen as the opponent for Lawrence Taylor at WMXI because he was the WWF's best big man worker. Bigelow says that as payment for doing the job he was promised a big babyface push down the road. That didn't happen as The Cliq (not fans of Bam Bam) began gaining political power, and Bigelow wasn't with the company very much longer.

Owen Hart wrestled as The Blue Blazer against Curt Hennig at WMV, losing by pinfall.

Owen Hart has either entered or left WrestleMania as a world tag team champion with three different partners: Yokozuna, Davey Boy Smith and now, Jeff Jarrett.

King Kong Bundy appeared in the first two WrestleManias (beating S.D. Jones and losing to Hogan in a cage), but didn't return again until WMXIX (losing to The Undertaker).

Nash was on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 as the Super Shredder.

Undertaker was in Suburban Commando with Hogan.

In 1991, Ric Flair was fired/quit WCW. He showed up in the WWF soon thereafter holding the WCW title and claimed to be the "Real World's champion." The reason he was able to leave the company with the title is because he owned that title. WCW later bought it back from Flair for reportedly $75,000.

Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth Hewlitte were supposedly "married" in August 1991. Actually, that was an angle to get a better buy rate for the pay-per-view. Savage and Liz were married in December 1984.

On March 6, 1992, Paul Roma made his pro boxing debut which resulted in a 4-round loss when his manager threw in the towel. Roma won his first fight on April 1 with a 47-second TKO over Norman Fortini in Randolph,

On October 1, 1992, Kerry Von Erich was senteced to 6 felony counts of prescription forgery. He received a 10-year suspended sentence, 10 years of supervised probation, and a $6,000 fine. On February 18, 1993, Von Erich committed suicide by gunshot with a .44-caliber handgun, one day after being indicted on a cocaine possession charge. It was also later revealed that he had an artificial foot because of a car accident he was involved in in 1984.

The Ultimate Warrior left the WWF in 1991 because he and Vince McMahon did not come to terms on his future role...Warrior wanted to be in the title situation but the WWF saw differently

Bradshaw played his last two college games with a broken leg

Tony Schiavone was an announcer with the WWF in the late 80's

The theme song for IYH: Badd Blood, is now Steve Blackman's entance music

Kevin Nash played University basketball, but was kicked off the team for numerous altercations with the coach

Raven was an announcer and manager of The Quebecers in the WWF in 1993/94. Going by the name Johnny Polo

DDP and Raven were trained by Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Jerry Lawler was 23 time USWA Champion