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" please hand me the bottle, I think I'm lonely now - and please give me direction, I think the hurt set in..."

                     dearjoan ' s

matchbox twenty

s    i    t     e

frames | no frames

: 09 May 2001
See dearjoan's Guess What! page for update info!
PLEASE maximise your screen to maximise your viewin'!

Need your daily dose of matchbox twenty? Well, you're in luck! THIS is a matchbox t w e n t y page. Greetings, matchstickateers!

If you've been living under a rock in fear of Big Shoe Spiders...

matchbox t w e n t y is:

  • ROB THOMAS - songwriter, lead vocals, guitar, piano
  • KYLE COOK - lead guitar, BG vocals,
  • ADAM GAYNOR - rhythm guitar, BG vocals
  • BRIAN YALE - THE bass player
  • PAUL DOUCETTE - drums, accoustic guitar

Now that THAT's squared away...Can we say new format?

You'll have NO idea what I'm talking about, if this is your first time to this site, (or if it's not, and you forgot the other forty trips).

Once upon a time, not too long ago, an image map lived on the left-hand side of this page. Now, this image map was a fairly UGLY image map. The villiage people, (mind you, not THE Villiage People), would visit this page and run the other way, screaming with their arms flailing over their heads. One day, dearjoan, (that's me), slew the vicious beast, and the villiage people cheered. dearjoan worked to bring order to this neck of the Internet woods, thus introducing a frames system. Some of the villiage people, however, fear frame sets like Pookie fears the letter Y. dearjoan, being the kind soul that she is, decided to give the villiage people the freedom to choose, frames or no frames. Granted, she liked the frameset a WHOLE lot better, (and HIGHLY recommends that y'all use it), but she will NOT slay any of the villiage people who do not use it. She'll just point and laugh in their presense, and mock them behind their backs. Just kidding.

If you want to get all nostaligic and read the old intro, go ahead.

As stated in the original intro, I do NOT own any pictures on this site, beside the one in the Little Blue Box of Matchstick Magic and the PICTURES OF ME MEETING PAUL DOUCETTE!!! (No, I'm NOT still estatic over that!). Pictures NOT from these two places came from sites listed on the contact page.

My site is a tribute to one band, THE band. Other sites will do much better justice to expressing how matchbox twenty has affected the lives of the millions on a macrocosmic level. I'm over here, taking up a slice of the microcosmic. This is how matchbox twenty has touched me.

Has matchbox twenty affected you profoundly? (Well that's a rhetorical question! I mean, does Pookie shuffle?) Please send your matchbox twenty-related creativities to dearjoan, i.e. me, and you'll be sure to see your submission added here before Paul's next hair colour change.

see what matchsticks fans wrote to dearjoan dearjoan's Guestbook
free guestbook, anyone?
give dearjoan a piece of your mind(but only if you can afford it)

matchbox twenty: the balm for what ales you and your ultimate high

Hey, kids! Like the banner? Oh yeah? Well same to you! Just kidding! Listen, if you're wanting to set this page up as a side-show for all your web site guests, (tell them they don't even have to pay the usual nickel to see this freak), just copy the code below! This code opens a new browser window so that your guests can run and hide out at your site after I scare them.

<!----- Matchbox Potion #20 Code ----->
<a href=""
onmouseover="window.status='matchbox twenty rocks!' ;
return true" target=new>
<img src="" border=0
alt="matchbox twenty: the balm for what ales you and your ultimate high"></a>
<!----- End Matchbox Potion #20 Code ----->

Mad Season Banner Exchange
Mad Season Banner Exchange {Start}

This site was created on 30 January 2001. It was last updated on 09 May 2001.
Wanna know what was updated? Check out mbpotion20's Guess What! page.

Promote Traffic To Your Site, Not Tooth Decay

Morty the Death's Head
© 2001 Matchbox Potion #20 by Kellyanne Lynch, in association with DREAM with your eyes wide open and Den of the She-Wolv. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable law... yeah, and I just pulled this off the Yourself or Someone Like You CD. Made in the U.S.A., baby!
Listed since 2001