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undefined Becky's Heart-shaped finishing Instructions

I have had so many e-mail over the past week asking for finishing help. I have put together this tutorial for a needlebook or pinkeep that is heart shaped to assist you.
Please note that this is only a guideline as I kind of do my own thing when it comes to finishing.
This in NO way refelects how others may finish the same item.
You will need:
Your stitched piece
Finishing fabric of your choice (unless you are using a stitched piece for the back as well)
ribbon to match
Cording to match
Cardboard or matboard
Press anything that needs pressing
Cut around your heart design leave about a 5/8 inch seam allowance. Do the same for the backing fabric. (note: if you are making a needlebook you will need your stitched piece and 3 other pieces of fabric for the inside and back) Determine the size you need your heart cut-out to be and cut 4 hearts from cardboard or whatever you are using for mounting. It is important that you cut all the heart shaped pieces to the exact size.
If using cardboard you will need to add batting to the cardboard.
FOR NEEDLEBOOK: add batting to the front and the back of the cardboard. The inside pieces do not neccesarily need batting.
FOR PINKEEP: Glue the batting to both sides of the cardboard, adding a second piece of batting to the "insides" of the cardboard (this is the part the pins will stick into-gives it plenty of cushion)
You are ready to add your stitched piece to the cardboard mounts. I use a gathering stitch (long running stitch) around the heart designs as well as all the finishing fabrics. I pull the gathering stitch to form the fabrics around the cardboard and then I lace each piece. You can ease out any puckers that may occur. I also snip the "V" of the heart enough to make it smooth. Be careful doing this part.
Do the same for the finishing fabric, or the other stitched pieces you are using for the back of pinkeep and/or the back and insides of the needlebook.
For Needlebook: cut 2 pieces of ribbon for hinges each 3 inches long. Lay ribbons at the top in the curves that form the top of the hearts between the front/inside front and the back/inside back, with at least 5/8 of ribbon inside the heart edges. Lightly glue the ribbons in place, making sure the ribbon is perpendicular to the heart.
Whipstitch the front/insidefront together as well as the back and inside/back.
Add your felt for your needles to the inside if you are making a needlebook. You can also add cording around the outside edges of the heart.
If you are making a heart shaped ornament, you will need to remember to add your hanger (and tassel if you wish) before whipstitching the front and back pieces together. Then you can add cording around the heart if you wish.
FOR PINKEEP: When you have both pieces front and back laced-you can now stitch them together with a blind stitch or whipstitch.
Add a piece of ribbon or cording around the pinkeep.
Tie a bow at the top.
Add your pins around the pinkeep and you are finished.
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