Empty your mind and then fill it again!

For More...


Where are we today?
Where were we yesterday?
Tomorrow's not here except in our own minds.
Our time is too short here in this world.
That's O.K. - it's not that great - but I can make the most of my life.

My life has been everywhere - I follow my spirit & soul.
It's the idiots out here - all selfish & cruel that turn my blood cold.
I feel the fire and I'm warm, I see the flame and I hear.
Myself. It's my own.
To let me know where my spirit is and to show me I'm not alone.

It's mesmerizing, comforting, scary & unpredictable.
Aren't we all this way?
We can't change each other - don't want to change oursleves.
Light a fire - What does it have to say?

Look deep inside the flame that's alive.
See the movement it makes.
Listen to your own soul and heart.

And see what inside YOU awakes!
