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Proudly Presents

Inspired Writings Of
Vickie Garland



I didn't think I could live without you,
but life proved me wrong.
One day you were here by my side,
the next, you were gone.

Now I miss your smile
and the sound of your voice
more than I could have ever known.
But when my heart begins to break,
I am not alone!

There are angels all around me-
you must have sent them to show me the way
to pick myself up and gather the strength
to face another day.

Whenever I feel alone,
I just close my eyes and I can see
a little bit of heaven right here on earth
in the angels all around me!

You told me when I was just a child
that at times, life could be tough.
But with you there, holding my hand,
it didn't seem so rough.

But now that I can't hold that hand,
I see that you didn't lie.
And although you never promised it,
that must be the reason why

There are angels all around me!
You must have sent them to show me the way
to get past the pain and learn to live again-
to face another day.

Whenever I feel alone,
I just close my eyes and I can see
a little bit of heaven right here on earth
in the angels all around me.

I didn't believe you'd ever really go,
but now I see you didn't leave me alone!

There are angels all around me,
you must have sent them to show me the way
to pick myself up and gather the strength
to face another day.

Whenever I feel alone,
I just close my eyes and I can see
a little bit of heaven right here on earth
in the angels all around me!

by Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1998.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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Candlelight and mistletoe,
lights that twinkle and shine,
stories of the blessed virgin and a baby divine.
Stockings hung by a glowing fire,
gifts of every shape and size,
but the greatest gift of all
lies right before our eyes.

What if this were our last Christmas together
and not just one of many more?
What if this were our last Christmas together?
The truth is, we never know for sure-
only love endures.

Carols ringing through the night
spreading holiday cheer,
and all I want for Christmas
is to just have you here.
You can't put that in a box
or tie it with a bow,
but it tops "My Wish List" every year
just in case you don't know!

What if this were our last Christmas together
and not just one of many more?
What if this were our last Christmas together?
The truth is, we never know for sure-
only love endures.

So I'm going to mark your place in my heart
for all of eternity.
Right here, right now, I'm making a memory
of all that you mean to me.
And it's sure to be my favorite gift
as the holiday season ends,
since we never know how long it may be
til we spend Christmas together again.
We never know how long it may be
til we spend Christmas together again.

Written in Memory of
Mozelle and Jody Garland
by Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1998.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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Not that it isn't hard every day
now that you're gone,
but sometimes it hurts more than others
not having you around.

Not seeing that look from across the room,
not being able to reach for your hand,
not hearing that wonderful burst of laughter,
is sometimes more than I can stand.

I miss you-especially today.
For a hundred reasons, in a million ways.
I've almost learned how to hide the heartbreak,
but I miss you-especially today.

I can finally eat and sleep again,
although often I just sit and stare
across the room at the emptiness,
trying to picture you there.

And granted, there are also times
when-just for a moment-I forget
the painful truth of the matter
is that you're not coming back.

And I miss you-especially today.
For a hundred reasons, in a million ways.
I've almost learned how to hide the heartbreak.
But I miss you...
I miss you...
I miss you,
especially today.

By Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1998.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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You never thought you had much talent,
Though the rest of us could all clearly see
that the wonder of the story of your life
had its very own melody.

It started out a little slow,
with words very clearly your own.
But you stepped into the spotlight,
then all at once, you were gone.

But don't worry,
your song will not go unsung.
I will sing it for you,
sing it loud and strong.
I know it won't be quite the same,
but your music will go on,
because I will finish
your song!

Every life, you see, is just a story
set to its own music-
the lyrics written by our time here
and how we choose to use it.

You had just begun to find your voice
when it ended all too soon,
but the music of your life is not over-
I will sing it for you!

I hope you see
your song will not go unsung.
I will sing it for you,
sing it loud and strong.
And though it won't be quite the same,
your music will go on,
because I will finish
your song!

by Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1998.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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(First Voice)
Once upon a time, not so long ago,
life was but a dream.
We laughed, we cried, we fought, we forgave-
our love was everything.
Then, without warning, you were gone,
my worst fear coming true.
And though I've tried, I'm not so sure
I can go on without you.

We didn't get to say goodbye-
we ran out of time.
All at once you were gone,
and I was left to carry on
as everyone asked "Why?"
I hope one day we'll meet again.
Until then I will try
to get over the fact that you're not coming back
and we didn't get to say goodbye.

Day after day, I think about you.
Do you still think of me?
Will I ever find a way to get over this pain
that haunts me so endlessly?
I can't see much reason to go on,
so help me if you can!
Find some way to give me a sign,
something I can understand.

We didn't get to say goodbye-
we ran out of time.
All at once you were gone,
and I was left to carry on,
while everyone asked "Why?"
I hope one day we'll meet again.
Until then I will fight
to get over the fact that you're not coming back
and we didn't get to say goodbye.

(A Voice From Heaven)

(First Voice Again)
So we didn't NEED to say goodbye!
Love knows no time!
Your body may be gone,
but our love still lives on and that's the reason why
I can be sure we'll meet again,
and til then I'll survive,
so it doesn't matter
that we didn't get to say goodbye!

by Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1998.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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What if the angels
that deliver us into this world
also come
to deliver us from it?

Beloved, awaken!

We are here
to carry you home!

Rise and come with us.


Let go of the burden
of that body and join us.

You only have to think it to make it so.

You do not believe?

Forget your five senses.
From now on, they serve you no more.

Think back-
remember the process of creation.
That process is eternal,
and goes on and on!

The time is nigh
for you to meet Your Maker-
the beginning, the end,
the Alpha, the Omega.

Your life,
your breath,
your soul,
your very depth.

It is time to return
to the light from which you were born,
and where you will now live

Soon the peace that passes all understanding
will be yours.
join our jubuliant throng.

Awaken from what
you thought was life.
There is more life waiting
than you could ever have known!

All those you love
and have missed so much
are waiting, too-
in a place of wonder untold.

We are here to escort you
to that joyous reunion.
Come along now, my friend-
it's time to go home.

Forget what you were,
for none of that matters any more.
Now you are part
of both the sun and the moon.

Now you are the wind,
the sea, the stars.
Eternity is your reward.
You have nothing left to prove.

So celebrate the oneness
that we all are a part of.
Embrace forever
with your soul.

Transcend the physical,
for that is all that passes away.
All you truly are,
forever lives on!

That's it! That's it!
See, this is just the beginning
of a while new world-
a world without end.

And now you've begun
the final part of your journey.
Now at last,
you are beginning to ascend!

The Creator awaits
to be reunited
with the life He sculpted
that you came to call your own.

And when you stand at last
in His glorious presence,
you will weep tears of joy
in a peace you've never known.

So prepare to understand
amazing grace,
and a love that doesn't
exist on earth.

Prepare to know the answer
to every single question
that you have asked
since the moment of your birth.

We see you are now eager!
Incredible, isn't it,
how quickly you can let go
of all that once mattered so much?

Fine-let's begin!
The moment is waiting.
Just open your heart,
and breathe in the trust.

We're almost there!
No more need for words-
the separateness that once necessitated them
exists no more.

But you already know this,
just as you've always known
that once sweet day
we'd come to lead you home.

A Recitation by Vickie Garland

The works of Vickie Garland
are copyright© 1999.
All Rights Reserved

Used with permission

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