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Language and the Human mind

Selected reading list

Calvin, William (1996). The Cerebral Code. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Calvin, William (1997). How Brains Think: evolving intelligence, then and now. New York: Basic Books.

Deacon, Terrence (1997). The Symbolic Species: The co-evolution of language and the human brain London: Penguin Books Limited.

Dennet, Daniel C. (1991). Consciousness Explained. Boston: Little, Brown.

Dennet, Daniel C. (1995). Darwin's Dangerous Idea. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Edelman, Gerald M. (1987). Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. New York: Basic Books.

Edelman, Gerald M. (1989). The Remembered Present: A Biological Theory of Consciousness. New York: Basic Books.

Edelman, Gerald M. (1992). Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of the Mind. New York: Basic Books.

Edelman, Gerald M. and Giulio Tononi. (2000). Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination London: The Penguin Press.

Searle, John R. (1992). The Rediscovery of the Mind. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Searle, John R. (1997). The Mystery of Consciousness. London: Granta Books.


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Last modified: 27 November 2000