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The Rubline

articles by
John Coit

This months featured articles

North Meets South

Bright lights and big cities doesn't have to mean a wasted trip for the hunting types. Check out this article full of gobbling tales that took place 2 hours from the ticker tape of Wall Street.

Farm Pond Spring Bassin Lizard Style

The Salamander is involved in a love hate relationship with our old friend the Largemouth Bass. Springtime brings these natural enemies close and connected, sometime to the end of your fishing pole!

All About Snakes

Springtime is right around the corner. Warmer temps are sure to bring the snakes out and about. Read this in depth article that is currently featured in the in house Rocky boots magazine, on how to deal with your next venomous reptile encounter afield.

Coming next month

Turkey Calls, Custom or Over the Counter???
Time to take a look at just what should be in your turkey vest's call bag this season.

The Art of Swap Hunting
Want to take a bull Elk? Maybe a trophy Moose? How about a simple vacation? Swap hunting can provide a great door to your dreams abroad. Read about swap hunting etiquite, tips, and where you might meet friends to trade adventures with.

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