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A Little Interactive Athletic Training Quiz

Hi folks! I'm Robby Right and my friend over there to the right is Ollie Oops. We're here to test your athletic training knowledge with a little 10 question quiz.

Before we do that though, let me tell you how this thing is going to work. As I said, the quiz has 10 questions. They are all multiple choice. When you are ready to begin, click on the link below and you will be taken to the first question. After you have read the question, choose the BEST answer from the four choices you are given and then click on it with your mouse.

If you have chosen the correct answer then you will see me (Robby Right)appear on your screen along with the next question on the quiz. Simply follow the same procedure for the next question.

If you don't choose the right answer, though, my friend Ollie will pop up on your screen telling you to try again. If you see Ollie, simply use the "back" button on your browser to go back to the previous screen and try to answer the question again. Try to get through the entire 10 question quiz without seeing Ollie Oops.

When you make it to the end, please sign our guest book and tell us how you did and, if you like, offer us a question (with 4 possible answers, along with which one is the right answer) and maybe we'll use it on our next quiz.

Ollie and I hope you enjoy the quiz. Now, if you are ready to get started, click on the link below and go for a "Perfect 10!"

Go to Question #1

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